Mencampakkan (to throw) conjugation

3 examples

Conjugation of mencampakkan

Present tense
I throw
Past tense
sudah mencampakkan
I threw
Present perfect tense
sudah mencampakkan
I have thrown
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mencampakkan
I will have thrown
Future recent tense
mencampakkan nanti
I will throw
Future distant tense
mencampakkan kelak
I am going to throw
Present continuous tense
sedang mencampakkan
I throw
Past distant tense
dulu mencampakkan
I (a long time ago) threw
Past recent tense
mencampakkan tadi
I (recently) threw
Past very recent tense
baru saja mencampakkan
I (just now) threw

Examples of mencampakkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia mencoba mencampakkan aku di Natal lalu.He tried to throw me off the force last Christmas.
Dia punya pekerjaan, kekasih yang cantik, catatan pelayanan yang baik, dia mencampakkan semua itu.He's got a job, pretty girlfriend, good service record-- He's throwing it all away.
Kau tidak punya keberanian mencampakkan Ki Joon dan aku tak punya keberanian untuk mempertahankanmu.You won't have the courage to throw away Cha Ki Joon. And I don't have the courage to hold onto you.

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