Lanzar (to throw) conjugation

107 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: in baseball, to pitch, to launch, pitch, launch

Conjugation of lanzar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I throw
you throw
he/she/it throws
we throw
you all throw
they throw
Present perfect tense
he lanzado
I have thrown
has lanzado
you have thrown
ha lanzado
he/she/it has thrown
hemos lanzado
we have thrown
habéis lanzado
you all have thrown
han lanzado
they have thrown
Past preterite tense
I threw
you threw
he/she/it threw
we threw
you all threw
they threw
Future tense
I will throw
you will throw
he/she/it will throw
we will throw
you all will throw
they will throw
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would throw
you would throw
he/she/it would throw
we would throw
you all would throw
they would throw
Past imperfect tense
I used to throw
you used to throw
he/she/it used to throw
we used to throw
you all used to throw
they used to throw
Past perfect tense
había lanzado
I had thrown
habías lanzado
you had thrown
había lanzado
he/she/it had thrown
habíamos lanzado
we had thrown
habíais lanzado
you all had thrown
habían lanzado
they had thrown
Future perfect tense
habré lanzado
I will have thrown
habrás lanzado
you will have thrown
habrá lanzado
he/she/it will have thrown
habremos lanzado
we will have thrown
habréis lanzado
you all will have thrown
habrán lanzado
they will have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I throw
(if/so that) you throw
(if/so that) he/she/it throw
(if/so that) we throw
(if/so that) you all throw
(if/so that) they throw
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya lanzado
I have thrown
hayas lanzado
you have thrown
haya lanzado
he/she/it has thrown
hayamos lanzado
we have thrown
hayáis lanzado
you all have thrown
hayan lanzado
they have thrown
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have thrown
(if/so that) you have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it have thrown
(if/so that) we have thrown
(if/so that) you all have thrown
(if/so that) they have thrown
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have thrown
(if/so that) you have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it have thrown
(if/so that) we have thrown
(if/so that) you all have thrown
(if/so that) they have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera lanzado
I had thrown
hubieras lanzado
you had thrown
hubiera lanzado
he/she/it had thrown
hubiéramos lanzado
we had thrown
hubierais lanzado
you all had thrown
hubieran lanzado
they had thrown
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese lanzado
I had thrown
hubieses lanzado
you had thrown
hubiese lanzado
he/she/it had thrown
hubiésemos lanzado
we had thrown
hubieseis lanzado
you all had thrown
hubiesen lanzado
they had thrown
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have thrown
(if/so that) you will have thrown
(if/so that) he/she/it will have thrown
(if/so that) we will have thrown
(if/so that) you all will have thrown
(if/so that) they will have thrown
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere lanzado
I will have thrown
hubieres lanzado
you will have thrown
hubiere lanzado
he/she/it will have thrown
hubiéremos lanzado
we will have thrown
hubiereis lanzado
you all will have thrown
hubieren lanzado
they will have thrown
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's throw!
Imperative negative mood
no lances
do not throw!
no lance
let him/her/it throw!
no lancemos
let us not throw!
no lancéis
do not throw!
no lancen
do not throw!

Examples of lanzar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Luego me enseñarás a lanzar un bola curva.- Teach me how to throw that curve later. - Yeah, you know it.
- No quería lanzar la pelota.- He didn't want to throw the ball.
- Para mostrarles como lanzar el disco.To show them how to throw the discus.
- Porque la cosa es, Usted está no va a ser capaz a lanzar un golpe, En o fuera del ring, hasta que yo te diga.- 'Cause the thing is, you're not gonna be able to throw a punch, in or out of the ring, until I tell you to.
- Porque nunca debes salar a un lanzador cuando tiene una oportunidad de lanzar un juego perfecto.- Cos you should never jinx a pitcher when he has a chance to throw a perfect game.
*A veces lanzo los platos*♪ Sometimes I'm throwing dinner plates ♪
*Así que levanto mis puños* *lanzo un puñetazo al aire* *y aceptar la verdad de que a veces la vida no es justa*♪ So I throw up my fists, ♪ ♪ throw a punch in the air ♪ ♪ and accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair. ♪
- 20,000 lanzo ahora. - No, puedes hacerlo.- 20,000 thrown away.
- Diez. - Ocho y me lanzo a una cachimba delfín.- Eight and I'll throw in a dolphin bong.
- Ella lanzo bien.- She throw pretty good.
"Experto tirador de lanzas."Expert stick thrower."
- A ver dónde la lanzas.- Careful with that throw.
- Así es como lanzas tú.- That's who you throw like.
- Las lanzas al mar.- ~ You throw 'em in the air ~
- Oh, me lanzas la pulla y luego te vas al almacén.- Oh, just throw a barb at me and then go to the stockroom.
"Ella baila en un anillo de fuego y lanza un desafío, encogiéndose de hombros".She dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug."
"Ella lanza una risa." "Una sola sílaba.""She throws out a laugh." Ha! " A single syllable."
"¡Cuan lejos esa pequeña vela lanza sus rayos!"How far that little candle throws its beams!
'Pero a veces simplemente la salsa te lanza a dar una vuelta. ''But sometimes salsa just throws you out for a spin.'
(Locutor) En la cena, usted no creerá que Chef Ramsay lanza.(Announcer) At dinner, you won't believe who Chef Ramsay throws out.
- Le lanzamos el petardo.- Then throw the banger.
-Pues si comen maní les lanzamos maní y se irán.-Well if they eat peanuts we can just throw a peanut and they'll go away.
? lanzamos señales payasas de amor ?♪ we throwin' up clown love signs ♪
A los niños lo adoran, y estamos en el ayuntamiento y les lanzamos pan.The children adore it, and we get to stand on the town Hall and throw bread.
Ahora reunimos sospechosos y los lanzamos a campos de detención... afirmando que no son prisioneros de guerra... para poder torturarlos en violación de la Convención de Ginebra.We now round up suspects and throw them in detention camps, claiming they're not prisoners of war so that we may torture them in violation of the Geneva convention.
Ahora al menos estáis vivo, pero si os lanzáis a esta guerra puede que no sólo perdáis vuestro reino, sino vuestra vida.At present you are at least alive, Dauphin, but if you throw yourself into this war you may lose not only your kingdom, but your life.
Mientras lanzáis el gancho, tenéis que rotar la cintura hasta que el talón derecho despegue del suelo.So as you throw the hook, you're gonna rotate your body until your right heel comes off the ground.
lanzáis?Do they throw them down?
¿Y entráis aquí y lanzáis acusaciones?And you come in here and you throw accusations?
"Las aguas se lanzan al mar...A river throws itself into the sea, like a man who dies in a woman.
, ¿Bien? - ¿Se lanzan cosas?They throw things at each other?
- Los simios lanzan heces, asistente.Apes throw feces, Dubbie.
- Sua mirones lanzan rayos por todas partes.- His peepers throw beams far and wide.
- Sí, he notado cómo ellos te lanzan al basural cuando has servido a sus propósitos.–Yes, I've noticed how they throw you on the scrap heap when you've served their purpose.
"Querido Alan: Hoy lancé orina a un guardia de la prisión."Dear Alan, I threw urine on prison guard today."
- Bateaste todo lo que lancé.- Yeah, everything I threw.
- Le lancé una roca.- I threw a rock at him.
- Lo lancé hacia fuera.I threw it over the side.
- Me lancé a trabajar en UCLA...- Uh, threw myself into work at UCLA...
- Ay, me lanzaste una manzana.- Aw, you threw me an apple.
- La lanzaste a las garras de Víctor.- You threw victor at her from the start.
- No, me lanzaste debajo del autobús y te has salvado tu culo.- No, you threw me under the bus and you saved your own ass.
- Tú lanzaste el desafío hacia mí.You threw the challenge down at me.
- ¿Así que lo lanzaste hacía la pared?- So you threw him into a wall?
"Babajide lanzó las primeras granadas dentro de la iglesia,"Babajide threw the first grenades into the church,
"El Señor Magnífico" se me lanzó encima desde las cuerdas... y aterrizó en mi hombro. Me partió la clavícula a la mitad.Mr. Magnificent threw me over the top ropes, landed on my shoulder, cracked my clavicle way in half.
"Entonces Bruno, la tortuga grande y malvada lanzó a Harvey del acantilado y dijo veamos si sabes volar."Then bruno, the big, bad turtle, "took harvey up on the cliff and threw him over, "and he proclaimed,
"Qué lanzó la lámina en la charca.""He threw the blade into the pond."
"que lanzó a todos a la cubierta y parecía amenazar"which threw everyone to the deck and seemed to threaten
"Abraham, Martin, y John," 1968, y luego lanzaron a Bobby, Bobby Kennedy."Abraham, martin, and john," 1968, and then they threw in bobby... bobby kennedy.
"Y lanzaron un hechizo sobre Martin el Escritor arrojando agua contra su puerta.""And they cast a spell on Martin the Writer with the water they threw against his door."
"¡Primero me arrancaron los brazos y los lanzaron por allí!""Well, first they tore my arms off "and they threw them over there!
"¡Y los lanzaron por allí!""and they threw them over there!
(Ryan) me gustaria Decir a la RESTANTES siete concursantes, TIENES suerte lanzaron Otro reto cocción a mi.(Ryan) I'd like to say to the remaining seven contestants, you're lucky they threw another baking challenge at me.
Habrá una discusión, lanzaré mi bebida... lo empujaré, si le parece bien.An argument will ensue, I will throw my drink I will shove you, if that's okay with you?
Si se ha caído algo te lo lanzaré y te pegaré con ello.If anything has fallen I will throw it and hit you.
Y te lanzaré cuchillos.I will tie you to a wheel... and I will throw knives at you.
- Entonces alguien lanzará una piedra.Then someone will throw a rock.
Ahora, frustrado y sintiendo la necesidad de mostrar su fortaleza la criatura se lanzará contra la transparencia.Next... frustrated into a need to display physical prowess, the creature will throw himself against the transparency.
Cada concursante lanzará dos aviones.Each contestant will throw two aeroplanes.
Casey se lo lanzará a Dan durante 45 segundos, y él nos llevará a la publicidad.Casey will throw it to Dan f or 45 seconds, and he'll take us to commercial.
Cuidate de maldecir al mundo ahora le lanzará un beso a su chico.Now? Caring a damn about the world, she will throw a flying kiss at the boy.
Así es cómo funciona. Dos miembros de cada tribu lanzarán una bola que rodará por un muro y se balanceará cambiando de direcciones durante el recorrido.Two members of each tribe will throw a ball that will roll down a wall and bounce and change direction along the way.
Dentro de un par de semanas los rusos te lanzarán al mar... junto con tus verdugos.In a few weeks, the Russians will throw you in the sea, along with your executioners.
Y lanzarán voleas, tratando de romper las vasijas de sus contrincantes. Mientras bloquean los tiros de sus contrarios con varas de bambú.you will throw meteor hammers, attempting to smash the other tribe's vases while blocking your opponent's throws with a bamboo pole.
Y me lanzarán fuera a través del frío, y fino aire y caeré a el hielo.And will throw me out into the cold, thin air... ..and I will fall to the ice.
# Lo que aquellos que violan la ley merecen: # # Los golpes que les lanzaría #Those who broke the law Deserved the punches he would throw
A quien lanzaría mi lazo.At whom I would throw my rope at.
Cualquiera de ellos me lanzaría debajo de un autobús por una paleta helada.Either one of them would throw me under a bus for an Eskimo Pie.
Cualquiera de estos estados lanzaría al presidente a la cima.Any one of those states would throw the president over the top.
Cuthbert sería al que lanzaría mi lazo.Cuthbert is the one I would throw my rope at.
Vosotros la lanzaríais a la carretera mal equipada... ¿Y que pasaría entonces?You people would throw her out on the road ill-equipped...
Obviamente, no pensé que lanzarían cosas.Obviously, l didn't think they would throw things.
*Solo deja que mi amor te lance un destello*♪ just let my love throw a spark ♪
- Ahora, es un lance de cadera.- Now, it's a hip throw.
- Llevo diez minutos esperando que me lance una camisa. - ¿Por qué no subes tú?l've waiting for her to throw me down a shirt for ten minutes. -Why don't you go up?
- lo arrancara y lo lance por la habitación como una salchicha?- like, rips it off and throws it across the room like a hot dog?
- ¡Buen lance!- Good throw!
- No lances al flat!- Don't throw the flat!
- No lances fuerte-Do not throw hard.
- No lances la silla!- Don't throw that chair!
- No lo lances.- Don't throw that.
- No me lances cosas.- Don't throw things at me.
Cualquier ataque que le lancemos lo redirigirá con su mente.Any attack we throw at him, he'll redirect with his mind.
Da igual, lancemos un poco de cariño extra hacia Carla.Anyway, let's throw a little extra love Carla's way.
Disparémosle en la cabeza y lancemos su cuerpo a las calles.Let's shoot him in the head and throw his body in the streets.
No la lancemos a los lobos.Not throw her to the wolves and hope they decide to raise her.
No lo sé, lancemos un par de ideas.I don't know, let's just throw around a few ideas.
No lancéis...Don't throw...
¡No es para que os la lancéis!It's not to be thrown at each other!
- El puente, lancen la marca.- Fantail, throw over a dye marker.
-¿Que te lancen guirnaldas a los pies?- Garlands thrown at your feet?
A nadie le importan, pero si va a hacer que los jefes... lancen hacia abajo suficientes monedas para hacer trabajo policial...No one cares, but if it's gonna get the bosses to throw down enough coin to do police work--
A primer tiro de fusil, lancen cebos.After the gun shot, you can throw in your bait.
Acuñaremos monedas para celebrar sus logros victoriosos nuestros logros victoriosos. Y lancen esas monedas a la población.Coins shall be struck... to celebrate his victorious deeds... our victorious deeds... and thrown into the crowds!
Así qué despues de que tú lo lanzaras debajo del autobús y yo lo salvara, ¿él debería lanzarse debajo del autobús?So after you threw him under the bus and I saved him, he should have thrown himself back under the bus?
Decid "so" y lanzad esto al árbol más cercano.Say "whoa" and throw this against the nearest tree.
"Infiel" fue el epíteto, un insulto que fue lanzado contra mí una y otra vez por la familia y ex amigos musulmanes.'Infidel' was the epithet, an insult that was thrown at me over and over again by family and former Muslim friends.
"Nos hemos lanzado juntos, nosotros cuatro.'We'd been thrown together, the four of us.
"Que se sepan que durante 30 días quien ore a cualquier dios u hombre aparte de Darío, el rey, será lanzado al foso de los leones el mismo día del descubrimiento de la ofensa."Let it be known that for the next 30 days "anyone who prays to any god or man other than Darius the king "shall be thrown into the lions' den
- Cállate, Drew. Matt, tú fuiste lanzado tan violentamente del ATV que el cable de emergencia atado a tu muñeca te dejó una quemadura como a Vlad y el pie, el pie-- se seccionó en medio del accidente.Matt, you were thrown so violently from the ATV that the emergency switch tethered to your wrist left a burn, just like Vlad, and the foot...
- Eso está a dos manzanaz de donde James fue lanzado al río.That's like two blocks From where he was thrown in the river.
"Cosas". ¿Como tú lanzando a un hombre por una ventana?- Mmm. "Stuff." Like you throwing a guy out of a window?
"Matthew Santos le está lanzando una tonelada de números esperando distraerle del hecho de que su plan de educación es tanto poco práctico como in financiable."Matthew Santos is throwing a ton of numbers at you hoping you'll be so confused as to miss the fact that his education plan is both impractical and unaffordable.
"Por qué han lanzando Esas granadas, idiotas!""Why've you been throwing those grenades, you idiots!"
'Y Foreman estaba lanzando esos golpes prodigiosos 'y Ali se columpiaba como una jarcia.''And Foreman was throwing these prodigious punches 'and Ali swung like a man in the rigging.'
, no podemos comenzar lanzando en torno a la palabra "pandemia."Come on, we can't start throwing around the word "pandemic."

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