Conectar (to connect) conjugation

106 examples

Conjugation of conectar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I connect
you connect
he/she/it connects
we connect
you all connect
they connect
Present perfect tense
he conectado
I have connected
has conectado
you have connected
ha conectado
he/she/it has connected
hemos conectado
we have connected
habéis conectado
you all have connected
han conectado
they have connected
Past preterite tense
I connected
you connected
he/she/it connected
we connected
you all connected
they connected
Future tense
I will connect
you will connect
he/she/it will connect
we will connect
you all will connect
they will connect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would connect
you would connect
he/she/it would connect
we would connect
you all would connect
they would connect
Past imperfect tense
I used to connect
you used to connect
he/she/it used to connect
we used to connect
you all used to connect
they used to connect
Past perfect tense
había conectado
I had connected
habías conectado
you had connected
había conectado
he/she/it had connected
habíamos conectado
we had connected
habíais conectado
you all had connected
habían conectado
they had connected
Future perfect tense
habré conectado
I will have connected
habrás conectado
you will have connected
habrá conectado
he/she/it will have connected
habremos conectado
we will have connected
habréis conectado
you all will have connected
habrán conectado
they will have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I connect
(if/so that) you connect
(if/so that) he/she/it connect
(if/so that) we connect
(if/so that) you all connect
(if/so that) they connect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conectado
I have connected
hayas conectado
you have connected
haya conectado
he/she/it has connected
hayamos conectado
we have connected
hayáis conectado
you all have connected
hayan conectado
they have connected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have connected
(if/so that) you have connected
(if/so that) he/she/it have connected
(if/so that) we have connected
(if/so that) you all have connected
(if/so that) they have connected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have connected
(if/so that) you have connected
(if/so that) he/she/it have connected
(if/so that) we have connected
(if/so that) you all have connected
(if/so that) they have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conectado
I had connected
hubieras conectado
you had connected
hubiera conectado
he/she/it had connected
hubiéramos conectado
we had connected
hubierais conectado
you all had connected
hubieran conectado
they had connected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conectado
I had connected
hubieses conectado
you had connected
hubiese conectado
he/she/it had connected
hubiésemos conectado
we had connected
hubieseis conectado
you all had connected
hubiesen conectado
they had connected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have connected
(if/so that) you will have connected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have connected
(if/so that) we will have connected
(if/so that) you all will have connected
(if/so that) they will have connected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conectado
I will have connected
hubieres conectado
you will have connected
hubiere conectado
he/she/it will have connected
hubiéremos conectado
we will have connected
hubiereis conectado
you all will have connected
hubieren conectado
they will have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's connect!
Imperative negative mood
no conectes
do not connect!
no conecte
let him/her/it connect!
no conectemos
let us not connect!
no conectéis
do not connect!
no conecten
do not connect!

Examples of conectar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es una oportunidad, no sólo para conectar... los perfumadores a los vehículos de la gente... sino para conectarlos con la vida".Not a challenge, it's an opportunity. Not just to connect air fresheners to a person's car or truck... - but to connect air fresheners...
"Esta es una oportunidad... de conectar los perfumadores a los vehículos... "This is an opportunity to connect air fresheners... to a person's car or truck.
"Para conectar los perfumadores a... "Not just to connect people's air fresheners...
"me estoy dando excusas para llamarte y para verte y para conectar contigo y para amarte"."I am giving myself excuses to call you "and to see you and to connect with you and to love you."
"quiero conectar con alguien que me haga mejor de lo que soy""I want to connect with someone who can make me more of who I am."
- La mano que te conecto por ahora.- on the one hand I connect you at the moment.
- ¿Adónde conecto su llamada?- How may I connect your call?
- ¿Le conecto el cable aquí? - Sí, por ahí, cariñ I have Here to connect kablówkê?
-Me conecto con la gente.- I connect with people.
Además, yo estuve en coma, y tal vez por eso conecto con Nuria.Besides, I was in a coma, and maybe that's why I connect with Nuria.
- Por favor, me conectas con el Ministro del Interior.Please connect me to the Minister of the interior.
- ¿Momentos... en los que te conectas con alguien y no hay duda de lo que sucede?- Moments when you connect with someone... and there's no mistaking what's going on?
- ¿Y qué conectas?-What do you connect?
-¿Cómo los conectas?- How does he connect them?
A veces cuando conectas con otra gente te piílla de sorpresa.[Narrating] Sometimes the connections you make with other people sneak up on you.
" conecta aun con desconocidos"it connects even with strangers,"
"Sí. Soy el ancla sobrenatural que conecta nuestros dos mundos, así que...".I'm the supernatural anchor that connects our two worlds together, so..."
"Tú eres el que se conecta mis sueños con la realidad "."You're the one that connects my dreams with reality."
"qué responde a comandos de voz, tiene conexión Wi-Fi gratis y se conecta a la nube""that responds to voice commands, has a built-in Wi-Fi and connects to the cloud."
- Bueno ¿no es justo donde el vidrio se conecta con la decoración por afuera?Well, isn't that just where the glass connects to the decoration on the outside?
"Cuando nos re-conectamos después de... " "... tanto tiempo, inmediatamente sentimos... "When we reconnected after such a long time, we instantly felt that nothing between us has changed with time.
"Oigan, aquí, construyan esto," en ciertos lugares en particular, y fue así por todo el mundo. En la actualidad, cuando dibujamos todos esos sitios en un globo terráqueo y los conectamos, forman un patrón perfecto que habría sido imposible hacer al azar."Hey, here create this" on that particular point and they did that all around the world and now when we connect all those places when we plot them on a globe they create this perfect pattern that would have been impossible by chance
*Pero nunca conectamos realmente*♪ But we never really had a connection ♪
- Ajá. - Quiero decir, nos conectamos.I mean, we really connected.
- De veras nos conectamos, ¿no?We really connected, didn't we?
Estoy notando una fuerte sensación de que tú y Even lo habéis intentado, pero simplemente ya no conectáis como antes.(Patrick) I'm getting a strong feeling that you and Evan have tried, but you just aren't connecting anymore.
Pero lo que no sabéis es que la primera vez que conectáis un teléfono al ordenador, registra su actividad.But what you don't know is that the first time you connect a phone with a computer, it logs that activity.
" Si dos corazones se conectan, emanan positividad ""When two hearts connect there spreads positivity around. "
"Fue libros que me enseñaron " que las cosas que me atormentaban más eran las mismas cosas que me conectan a todas las personas ""It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me to all people."
"Me encantan las esponjas porque conectan mi corazón con mi mano"."I love sponges because they connect my heart to my hand."
"Y estas palabras con las que yo te mando" te conectan, te emparejan y te unifican con la luz eterna bienaventurada."And these words with which I command thee" connect you, pair you and unify you with the blessed eternal light.
- Aquí se conectan los cables.- The wires connect here.
- Debería haberlo hecho en el momento en que las conecté con la secta.- I should have, the moment I connected them with the cabal.
Anoche, con Rudy, conecté con otro ser humano.Last night with Rudy, l connected to another human being. l want more of that.
Así que... me conecté con su mente para distraerlo.So I connected with your mind to distract you.
Bueno, conecté las dos piezas de la leyenda del mapa.Well, I connected the two pieces of the map legend.
Busqué en la galaxia durante meses entonces detecté su Salta Charcos y me conecté con él.I searched the galaxy for months, then I detected your Puddle Jumper and connected with it.
- Y previamente, conectaste mi llamada de conferencia a un restaurante chino.- And before that, you connected my conference call to a Chinese restaurant.
Al fin te conectaste con tu ser espiritual.You have finally connected with your spiritual self.
Bueno, entonces tu te re-conectaste con Harley Soon... y estaba conectado con Carla Peretti.All right,so you reconnected with Harley Soon and you're connected with Carla Peretti
Dios mío, Darrell, te conectaste.Oh, my God. DarreII, you connected.
Pero creo que en retrospectiva puedo observar como conectaste esos puntos en particular.But I guess in retrospect I can see how you connected those particular dots.
- Esto se conectó a la vía principal.This has been connected to the mains.
- Jake ya conectó todo. ¿Listo?- Jake's all connected. You ready?
- No. Se sintió aliviado cuando la conectó a ella con los otros cuerpos.But he was relieved when you connected her with the rest of the bodies.
- Parker conectó los puntos.- Parker connected the dots.
- ¿Ya los conectó con Rios? - No.She connected them to rios yet?
- Pero no nos conectaron.But we connected.
Ahora que se conectaron con mi visión, podríamos reconsiderar lo de las flores.Now that you guys have connected to my vision here, perhaps we can revisit the flowers?
Bien. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted y el concejal se conectaron?Okay, when was the last time that you and Councilman Horn "connected"?
Como si se conectaron las dos cosas.As if those two things were connected.
Apenas pueda te conectaré con él, ¿de acuerdo?As soon as you can, I will connect you.
Si me lo permite, conectaré con su mente y revelaré información adicional.If you will permit me. I will connect with your mind and reveal any additional information.
... el tren que sale del andén 14 se conectará con el expreso transcontinental a lvretto, vía Praga,'... leave platform 14 'will connect with the transcontinental express for... '...travelling via Prague, Budapest and Belgrade.'
Acabaremos encontrando el ordenador con el que transfirió el dinero del Sr. Summers, lo que le conectará con el banco en las Caimán.We will eventually find the computer used to transfer the money which will connect you to the bank in the Caymans.
El New York-San Francisco se conectará en Golden City en 3 meses.The New York-San Francisco line will connect in Golden City in 3 months.
El dispositivo te conectará al puenteThe beacon will connect you to the bridge.
En otras noticias, un transbordador conectará a Inchon y Shanghái...ln other news, car ferries will connect lncheon and Shanghai...
Bueno, es decir, técnicamente sigue cancelada, pero todo el día de mañana vamos a trabajar en espacios cerrados, bajo circunstancias extremas, y conectaremos otra vez.Well, I mean, technically it's still off, but all tomorrow, we will be working in close quarters, under extreme conditions, and we will connect again.
Después abriré su pecho y pondré un bypass, punto en el que conectaremos la aurícula izquierdaThen I'llopen your chest and put you on bypass, at which point we will connect the left atrium
"Nuestros corazones se conectarán en todos los aspectos.""Our hearts will connect in every single aspect"
Estos mandamientos te conectarán a ella.These commandments will connect you to it.
Eventualmente, la conectarán con esta conspiración.Eventually they will connect you to this conspiracy.
La matríz atmosférica comprimida que resulte de esto... atravezará el mecanismo tubular de transporte... que ustedes, caballeros, conectarán a los flotadores averiados.The resulting compressed atmospheric matrix will transverse the tubular transport mechanisms, which you gentlemen will connect to the deflated pontoon.
Fui allí a destruir la única prueba que me conectaría con Grange.I went there to destroy the only bit of evidence which would connect me with Grange.
Para comprobar su teoría, Dunn creó una bisagra de puerta que conectaría a un modelo a escala pequeño de bloques en "H".To test his theory, Dunn created a door hinge that would connect to a small-scale model H-block.
Porque eso conectaría esos dos.'Cause that would connect those two.
Un agujero de gusano conectaría una parte del espacio-tiempo con otra que se sitúa antes en el tiempo, como una suerte de sistema subterráneo a través del tiempo.A wormhole would connect one part in spacetime to another part in spacetime which is at an earlier time, like a sort of subway system through time.
Y estoy seguro de que estaría de acuerdo conmigo con que con una avidencia como esa se le conectaría con los restos de Melissa de forma muy significativa.And I'm sure you'd agree with evidence like that, it would connect you to Melissa's remains in a very significant way.
El primer día que nos vimos, supe que conectaríamos.The first day we met, I knew we would connect.
De acuerdo con la tradición maya, los reyes chamanes como 18 Conejo se conectarían con seres de otros mundos a través de un proceso conocido como sangría.NARRATOR: According to Maya tradition, shaman kings like 18 Rabbit would connect with otherworldly beings through a process known as bloodletting.
Esto es vergonzoso siempre creí que con el hombre indicado nuestras almas se conectarían aun antes de decir una palabra.I've always believed when I met the right man that our souls would connect, even before a single word was spoken.
- Algo, ¿cualquier cosa material que conecte a Lori con este extraño alto, moreno?I was... - Something, anything material that connects Lori to this tall, dark stranger?
- Hola, conecte con Balbir Singh, habitación Nº4.Hello, connect to Balbir Singh in room No. 4.
- Nada que nos conecte.Ah, don't worry. Nothing to connect us.
- Pero no he encontrado nada que le conecte con vosotros.- But what connects him to you?
- Y que si logramos que lo racional se conecte con su inconsciente sobre cosas que le son familiares... ¿Qué?and so if we bypass that rational, connect with him unconsciously about things he's familiar with, like a normal life, he's much more likely to stay calm and biddable.
- Se va a sentir genial cuando conectes.Going over your plans... it's gonna feel great when you connect.
Aún así, necesito que te conectes con tus pacientes, ¿de acuerdo?Still, I need you to connect with your patients, okay?
Aún te necesito para que conectes los nervios.I still need you to connect the nerves.
Bueno... necesito que conectes con ellas tal y como he estado intentando enseñarte, si es que quieres que salgamos con vida.Well, I'm gonna need you to connect with them... Like I was trying to teach you before-- if we're gonna survive this.
Cualquiera dos ciudades que conectes con un túnel recto le toma a la gravedad exactamente cuarenta y dos minutos llevarte ahí.Whichever two cities you connect with a straight-line tunnel... it takes gravity exactly forty-two minutes to get you there.
Apuesto a que alguno tiene antecedentes y no quiere que conectemos el ADN.I bet one of these guys has a record and he doesn't want us connecting the DNA.
Cuando la conectemos con esto, estará vinculada con la muerte de Trudy Perez.When we connect you to this, you'll be on the hook for Trudy Perez's death.
El cerebro se va a deteriorar a menos que lo conectemos pronto.The brain will deteriorate unless it's connected again soon.
Entonces, una vez que conectemos...Then, once we connect...
Es sólo cuestión de tiempo que le conectemos con Modesto.It's only a matter of time before we connect him to Modesto.
Sabes, a pesar de lo que hice enviando lejos a Zach, quiero que conectéis.You know, despite what i did... sending zach away, i want you two to connect. I hope you know that. I do.
"En nombre de todo lo santo, no conecten el cable rojo con el cable azul""In the name of all that is holy, don't connect the red wire to the blue wire"?
"¿Seguro que quieres que te conecten?"" Surely that you want that they connect to you? "
'Cuando todos estos cables se conecten correctamente...' '... la máquina funcionará.''As soon as these wires are connected correctly. # '... the machine will start working!
'Por favor, los pasajeros que lleguen de Londres y que conecten con Thistle y Ninian Fields facturen para el helicóptero en la Puerta 4.'British Caledonian. Would passengers arrived from London and connecting with Thistle and Ninian fields please proceed now to the helicopter check-in desk at gate four.
- No tenemos pruebas que los conecten con las víctimas.- We don't have any evidence to connect them to the victims.
Bien, conectad en paralelo.Well, Molex connectors in parallel.
" Amateur, tal vez, pero sentimentalmente conectado."Amateur, perhaps, but sentimentally connected.
""conectado"", ""vivo"", " "capitán, ""jefe""."connected guy to wise guy... to skipper to boss.
"Antes que pudiesen impedírmelo, tomé la carga de nitroglicerina... y corrí a tirarla por el orificio conectado a la chimenea"."Before they could stop me, I took the load of nitroglycerin ... and I ran to throw the hole connected to the chimney. "
"Asì es como funciona, no està conectado fisicamente".'That's how the loop works, it's not connected physically.'
"El hueso de la pierna está conectado al hueso de la rodilla.""The leg bone's connected to the knee bone."
- Creí que estábamos conectando.- I thought we were connecting.
- De que estábamos conectando.That we were connecting.
- Enlace visual conectando- Visual link connecting.
- Estamos conectando a través de RSPCA.- We're connecting through RSPCA.
- Estamos conectando las válvulas de ignición.- We're connecting the ignition valves.
Nadie te conectá a ti con tu padre todavía. entonces, tal vez, no sabías que estaba pasando. Pero cuando te miro, todo lo que veo es culpa.No one's connected you to your father yet, so maybe you didn't know what was going on, but when I look at you, all I see is guilt.
Y podés salir completamente de tu mente, te conectás y y atesorás ese recuerdo.And you totally go out of your mind, you connect and you treasure that memory.

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