Conectarse (to connect) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of conectarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me conecto
I connect
te conectas
you connect
se conecta
he/she/it connects
nos conectamos
we connect
os conectáis
you all connect
se conectan
they connect
Present perfect tense
he conectado
I have connected
has conectado
you have connected
ha conectado
he/she/it has connected
hemos conectado
we have connected
habéis conectado
you all have connected
han conectado
they have connected
Past preterite tense
me conecté
I connected
te conectaste
you connected
se conectó
he/she/it connected
nos conectamos
we connected
os conectasteis
you all connected
se conectaron
they connected
Future tense
me conectaré
I will connect
te conectarás
you will connect
se conectará
he/she/it will connect
nos conectaremos
we will connect
os conectaréis
you all will connect
se conectarán
they will connect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me conectaría
I would connect
te conectarías
you would connect
se conectaría
he/she/it would connect
nos conectaríamos
we would connect
os conectaríais
you all would connect
se conectarían
they would connect
Past imperfect tense
me conectaba
I used to connect
te conectabas
you used to connect
se conectaba
he/she/it used to connect
nos conectábamos
we used to connect
os conectabais
you all used to connect
se conectaban
they used to connect
Past perfect tense
había conectado
I had connected
habías conectado
you had connected
había conectado
he/she/it had connected
habíamos conectado
we had connected
habíais conectado
you all had connected
habían conectado
they had connected
Future perfect tense
habré conectado
I will have connected
habrás conectado
you will have connected
habrá conectado
he/she/it will have connected
habremos conectado
we will have connected
habréis conectado
you all will have connected
habrán conectado
they will have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me conecte
(if/so that) I connect
te conectes
(if/so that) you connect
se conecte
(if/so that) he/she/it connect
nos conectemos
(if/so that) we connect
os conectéis
(if/so that) you all connect
se conecten
(if/so that) they connect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conectado
I have connected
hayas conectado
you have connected
haya conectado
he/she/it has connected
hayamos conectado
we have connected
hayáis conectado
you all have connected
hayan conectado
they have connected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me conectara
(if/so that) I have connected
te conectaras
(if/so that) you have connected
se conectara
(if/so that) he/she/it have connected
nos conectáramos
(if/so that) we have connected
os conectarais
(if/so that) you all have connected
se conectaran
(if/so that) they have connected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me conectase
(if/so that) I have connected
te conectases
(if/so that) you have connected
se conectase
(if/so that) he/she/it have connected
nos conectásemos
(if/so that) we have connected
os conectaseis
(if/so that) you all have connected
se conectasen
(if/so that) they have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conectado
I had connected
hubieras conectado
you had connected
hubiera conectado
he/she/it had connected
hubiéramos conectado
we had connected
hubierais conectado
you all had connected
hubieran conectado
they had connected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conectado
I had connected
hubieses conectado
you had connected
hubiese conectado
he/she/it had connected
hubiésemos conectado
we had connected
hubieseis conectado
you all had connected
hubiesen conectado
they had connected
Future subjunctive tense
me conectare
(if/so that) I will have connected
te conectares
(if/so that) you will have connected
se conectare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have connected
nos conectáremos
(if/so that) we will have connected
os conectareis
(if/so that) you all will have connected
se conectaren
(if/so that) they will have connected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conectado
I will have connected
hubieres conectado
you will have connected
hubiere conectado
he/she/it will have connected
hubiéremos conectado
we will have connected
hubiereis conectado
you all will have connected
hubieren conectado
they will have connected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's connect!
Imperative negative mood
no te conectes
do not connect!
no se conecte
let him/her/it connect!
no nos conectemos
let us not connect!
no os conectéis
do not connect!
no se conecten
do not connect!

Examples of conectarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Oprima uno para conectarse".Okay. "Press one to connect this call."
- Creo que permitía a la gente conectarse con el programa porque podían verse a ellos mismos, ver sus trabajos, ellos podían ver sus relaciones en el programa.- I think that's what allows people to connect to the show, because they can see themselves, they can see their jobs, they can see their relationships in this show.
A pesar de estar rodeada de mucha gente cada día, era incapaz de conectarse de forma significativa, y se encontró pasando por sus vidas y la suya, en un estado de total aislamiento.'Despite being surrounded by people most of every day, 'she was unable to connect to them in a way she considered meaningful 'and found herself passing through their lives, and her own, 'in a state of total isolation.
Abierto a conectarse.Open to connection.
Ahora, los microbios tienen un problema real, porque son... son muy pequeños, y para ellos ser capaces de conectarse a los nutrientes fundamentales que necesitan y ser capaces de tener una fuente de energía, tienen que trabajar en conjunto.Now, microbes have a real problem, because they're -- they're really tiny, and for them to be able to connect to elemental nutrients that they need and be able to have an energy source, they have to work together.
Ahora conéctate a mí entra en mi sistema, y dispondrás del protocolo.Just connect with me now, jump on my system, and you'll have protocol at your fingertips.
Conéctate, conéctate, conéctate.Connect, connect, connect.
Libérate de tus ataduras con quien crees ser, y conéctate con tu espíritu interior.Let go of your attachment to who you think you are, and connect with your inner spirit.
Llévalo y conéctateWear it and get connected
Quiero que busques dentro, concéntrate en tu ser espiritual, conéctate y siéntelo como un todo.l want you to search inside, focus on your spiritual self, connect and feel it as a whole.
Ahora, conéctense con su chi y vengan a miNow, connect to your chi and come at me.
" Amateur, tal vez, pero sentimentalmente conectado."Amateur, perhaps, but sentimentally connected.
""conectado"", ""vivo"", " "capitán, ""jefe""."connected guy to wise guy... to skipper to boss.
"Antes que pudiesen impedírmelo, tomé la carga de nitroglicerina... y corrí a tirarla por el orificio conectado a la chimenea"."Before they could stop me, I took the load of nitroglycerin ... and I ran to throw the hole connected to the chimney. "
"Asì es como funciona, no està conectado fisicamente".'That's how the loop works, it's not connected physically.'
"El hueso de la pierna está conectado al hueso de la rodilla.""The leg bone's connected to the knee bone."
Actualiza continuamente el tiempo hasta los nanosegundos conectándose directamente al reloj de cesio en Colorado a través de frecuencia ultrasónica.It continuously updates its time to the nanosecond by connecting directly to the cesium clock in Colorado via ultrasonic frequency.
Así que todo lo de las almas conectándose lo dije en el chat room.So all the stuff about souls connecting I'd said that in the chat room.
Está conectándose.- It's connecting now.
Están conectándose en base a similitudes muy relevantes.They're connecting on the basis of highly relevant similarities.
¡Tu miedo, debe estar conectándose a ellos!Your fear, it must be connecting to theirs!

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