Enfrentarse (to face) conjugation

42 examples

Conjugation of enfrentarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me enfrento
I face
te enfrentas
you face
se enfrenta
he/she/it faces
nos enfrentamos
we face
os enfrentáis
you all face
se enfrentan
they face
Present perfect tense
he enfrentado
I have faced
has enfrentado
you have faced
ha enfrentado
he/she/it has faced
hemos enfrentado
we have faced
habéis enfrentado
you all have faced
han enfrentado
they have faced
Past preterite tense
me enfrenté
I faced
te enfrentaste
you faced
se enfrentó
he/she/it faced
nos enfrentamos
we faced
os enfrentasteis
you all faced
se enfrentaron
they faced
Future tense
me enfrentaré
I will face
te enfrentarás
you will face
se enfrentará
he/she/it will face
nos enfrentaremos
we will face
os enfrentaréis
you all will face
se enfrentarán
they will face
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me enfrentaría
I would face
te enfrentarías
you would face
se enfrentaría
he/she/it would face
nos enfrentaríamos
we would face
os enfrentaríais
you all would face
se enfrentarían
they would face
Past imperfect tense
me enfrentaba
I used to face
te enfrentabas
you used to face
se enfrentaba
he/she/it used to face
nos enfrentábamos
we used to face
os enfrentabais
you all used to face
se enfrentaban
they used to face
Past perfect tense
había enfrentado
I had faced
habías enfrentado
you had faced
había enfrentado
he/she/it had faced
habíamos enfrentado
we had faced
habíais enfrentado
you all had faced
habían enfrentado
they had faced
Future perfect tense
habré enfrentado
I will have faced
habrás enfrentado
you will have faced
habrá enfrentado
he/she/it will have faced
habremos enfrentado
we will have faced
habréis enfrentado
you all will have faced
habrán enfrentado
they will have faced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me enfrente
(if/so that) I face
te enfrentes
(if/so that) you face
se enfrente
(if/so that) he/she/it face
nos enfrentemos
(if/so that) we face
os enfrentéis
(if/so that) you all face
se enfrenten
(if/so that) they face
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya enfrentado
I have faced
hayas enfrentado
you have faced
haya enfrentado
he/she/it has faced
hayamos enfrentado
we have faced
hayáis enfrentado
you all have faced
hayan enfrentado
they have faced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me enfrentara
(if/so that) I have faced
te enfrentaras
(if/so that) you have faced
se enfrentara
(if/so that) he/she/it have faced
nos enfrentáramos
(if/so that) we have faced
os enfrentarais
(if/so that) you all have faced
se enfrentaran
(if/so that) they have faced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me enfrentase
(if/so that) I have faced
te enfrentases
(if/so that) you have faced
se enfrentase
(if/so that) he/she/it have faced
nos enfrentásemos
(if/so that) we have faced
os enfrentaseis
(if/so that) you all have faced
se enfrentasen
(if/so that) they have faced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera enfrentado
I had faced
hubieras enfrentado
you had faced
hubiera enfrentado
he/she/it had faced
hubiéramos enfrentado
we had faced
hubierais enfrentado
you all had faced
hubieran enfrentado
they had faced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese enfrentado
I had faced
hubieses enfrentado
you had faced
hubiese enfrentado
he/she/it had faced
hubiésemos enfrentado
we had faced
hubieseis enfrentado
you all had faced
hubiesen enfrentado
they had faced
Future subjunctive tense
me enfrentare
(if/so that) I will have faced
te enfrentares
(if/so that) you will have faced
se enfrentare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have faced
nos enfrentáremos
(if/so that) we will have faced
os enfrentareis
(if/so that) you all will have faced
se enfrentaren
(if/so that) they will have faced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere enfrentado
I will have faced
hubieres enfrentado
you will have faced
hubiere enfrentado
he/she/it will have faced
hubiéremos enfrentado
we will have faced
hubiereis enfrentado
you all will have faced
hubieren enfrentado
they will have faced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's face!
Imperative negative mood
no te enfrentes
do not face!
no se enfrente
let him/her/it face!
no nos enfrentemos
let us not face!
no os enfrentéis
do not face!
no se enfrenten
do not face!

Examples of enfrentarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Voluntarios para enfrentarse a la muerte - o a algo peor - por la causa de la ciencia."Volunteers to face death - or worse - for the sake of science.
"deberá enfrentarse a mí en la industria discográfica"you're gonna have to face me in the record business
"los primeros en ofrecerse voluntarios, dispuestos a enfrentarse al enemigo, con nervios de acero bajo el fuego"."first to volunteer, willing to face down any enemy, with nerves of steel under fire."
*O saber cuándo enfrentarse a la verdad*# Or know when to face the truth #
- 160 libras de peso, 170 cms de altura... Un cuerpo completo y agallas para enfrentarse a un padre como tú. ¡Suegro, ella está con Raj!- 160 lbs weight, 170 cms height, six pack body and guts to face people like you, father-in-law, she's next to downtown Raj!
"Mata un demonio hoy, enfréntate al diablo mañana"."kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow,"
- Gírate, enfréntate al esfuerzo.- Turn and face the strain
Abre la puerta y enfréntate a la realidad por una vez.Open that door and face reality for once!
Ahora enfréntate al arma de tu padre.Now face your father's gun.
Amanda, sal aquí y enfréntate a mí.Amanda, come out here and face me!
Llámeme, o enfréntese a una citación.Call me back, or face a subpoena.
Vamos, Carter, enfréntese a ello.Oh, come on, Carter, face it.
Vuelva a Tailandia y enfréntese a la pena de muerte.Go back to Thailand and face the death penalty.
Vuelva y enfréntese a mí, Coronel o empezaré a matar a sus amigos.Come back and face me, colonel or l'Il start killing your friends.
¡Salga de ahí y enfréntese conmigo, viejo loco!Come out and face me like a man, you old goat!
Bueno, enfrentémonos a ello, desde que Ethan y tú rompistéis se te están agotando las excusas para quedarte.Well, let's face it, since you and Ethan are finally done, you're kind of running out of reasons to stay.
Miranda, enfrentémonos a los hechos.Miranda, let's face facts.
Pues enfrentémonos a ello juntos.Then let's face it together.
Y enfrentémonos, tiene la ventaja de las lesbianas.And let's face it, she's got the lesbian advantage.
Y enfrentémonos.And let's face it.
O enfrentaos a la muerte.Or face your death.
O enfrentaos a vuestros momentos finales.Or face your final moments.
Traidores, enfrentaos a la muerte.Traitor, come and face your death
¡Demonios, salid y enfrentaos a mí!You demons, come out and face me!
Bien, enfréntense.OK, face each other.
Cuando se cansen de esta vida, vayan a la Sala de Mjollnir... y enfréntense al Martillo.When you tire of this existence, go to the Hall of Mjolnir and face the hammer.
Damas y caballeros, dense la vuelta y enfréntense a su perdición.Ladies and gentlemen, turn around and face your trivia doom.
Párense aquí y ahora y enfréntense.Stand up here and now and face each other.
Únanse, y vivan en paz! o prosigan su curso y enfréntense a la destrucciónJoin us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration.
""Estarás enfrentado con una difícil decision el dia de hoy."""You're gonna be faced with a difficult decision today."
"Muchos antes que nosotros se han enfrentado a dificultades parecidas al tratar de interpretar sus asuntos íntimos..." "Justin Timberlake y Jessica Biel, todos los de Fleetwood Mac,"Many before us have faced similar difficulties in trying to interpret their intimate affairs..." Huh? "Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel,
"Valora una experiencia importante, logros, o dilema ético al que te hayas enfrentado.""Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, or ethical dilemma you've faced."
"se ha enfrentado hoy a las inminentes sombras con valor... ""faced the lengthening shadows today undaunted..."
# He enfrentado el árido desierto #I've faced the barren waste
# Gírate y enfrentate a tu destino # una eternidad así # ante tus ojos♪ Turn around and face your fate ♪ An eternity of this ♪ Before your eyes
Date la vuelta y enfrentate a mí como un hombre.Turn around and face me like a man!
Haz las cosas a mi manera o enfrentate a fuego y cenizas Por toda la eternidad.Do things my way or face the and brimstone forever.
"Como podría morir mejor un hombre que enfrentándose a terribles peligros.""For how should man die better Than facing fearful odds
2.000 soldados franceses para Escocia significa menos soldados enfrentándose a Inglaterra, menos en las fronteras con Navarra, Italia y Alemania, y esas son nuestras amenazas extranjeras.2,000 French soldiers to Scotland means fewer soldiers facing England, less on our borders with Navarre, the Italian and German territories, and those are just our foreign threats.
2.000 soldados franceses para Escocia significa menos soldados enfrentándose a Inglaterra, menos en las fronteras con Navarra, Italia y Alemania.2,000 French soldiers to Scotland means fewer soldiers facing England, less on our borders with Navarre, the Italian and German territories.
Allí éramos combatientes enfrentándose con otros combatientes armados, mientras que en el campo... no éramos siquiera humanos, ni siquiera infrahumanos. Ya no sabíamos qué éramos.Then we were fighters facing other armed fighters... whereas in the camp we weren't even human, not even subhuman we no longer knew what we were
Así que tengo a su hermano enfrentándose a la soga, tengo a su primo enfrentándose a cinco años por incendio provocado.So I have your brother facing the noose. I have your cousin facing five years for arson.

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