Menghadapi (to face) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghadapi

Present tense
I face
Past tense
sudah menghadapi
I faced
Present perfect tense
sudah menghadapi
I have faced
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghadapi
I will have faced
Future recent tense
menghadapi nanti
I will face
Future distant tense
menghadapi kelak
I am going to face
Present continuous tense
sedang menghadapi
I face
Past distant tense
dulu menghadapi
I (a long time ago) faced
Past recent tense
menghadapi tadi
I (recently) faced
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghadapi
I (just now) faced

Examples of menghadapi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Hari ini kita menghadapi saingan yang sangat kuat .Today we face an extremely strong rival.
Tapi jika Kansas City datang menembaki kalian..., ...kita akan menghadapi mereka.But if these Kansas City mooks come at you shootin', we'll cut the goddamn nose off their face.
Dia selalu berjuang untukmu dan menghadapi banyak bahaya.He always fought for you and faced many dangers.
Aku ingin kau menghadapi kematian AndaI want you to face your death
Dia menghadapi banyak masalah dalam episode terakhir karena gagal belajar jurus ChenHe faced many hardships in the last episode but failed to learn Chen-style kung fu

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