Menghadiri (to attend) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghadiri

Present tense
I attend
Past tense
sudah menghadiri
I attended
Present perfect tense
sudah menghadiri
I have attended
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghadiri
I will have attended
Future recent tense
menghadiri nanti
I will attend
Future distant tense
menghadiri kelak
I am going to attend
Present continuous tense
sedang menghadiri
I attend
Past distant tense
dulu menghadiri
I (a long time ago) attended
Past recent tense
menghadiri tadi
I (recently) attended
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghadiri
I (just now) attended

Examples of menghadiri

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia menghadiri pertemua jam 11.She's attending a function at 1 1.
Bukankah mereka akan merasa buruk jika Anda tidak menghadiri penerimaan mereka?Aren't they going to feel bad if you don't attend their reception?
Saya belum pernah sekali bahkan menghadiri demonstrasi.I've never once even attended the demonstration.
Kelompok ini mencoba mencegah para politikus yang akan menghadiri konfrensi Obat-Obatan Nasional.The group hopes to confront the politician who will be attending the National Pharmaceutical Conference.
Berhenti menghadiri pernikahan tersebut .Stop attending these weddings.

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