Esconderse (to hide) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of esconderse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me escondo
I hide
te escondes
you hide
se esconde
he/she/it hides
nos escondemos
we hide
os escondéis
you all hide
se esconden
they hide
Present perfect tense
he escondido
I have hidden
has escondido
you have hidden
ha escondido
he/she/it has hidden
hemos escondido
we have hidden
habéis escondido
you all have hidden
han escondido
they have hidden
Past preterite tense
me escondí
I hid
te escondiste
you hid
se escondió
he/she/it hid
nos escondimos
we hid
os escondisteis
you all hid
se escondieron
they hid
Future tense
me esconderé
I will hide
te esconderás
you will hide
se esconderá
he/she/it will hide
nos esconderemos
we will hide
os esconderéis
you all will hide
se esconderán
they will hide
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me escondería
I would hide
te esconderías
you would hide
se escondería
he/she/it would hide
nos esconderíamos
we would hide
os esconderíais
you all would hide
se esconderían
they would hide
Past imperfect tense
me escondía
I used to hide
te escondías
you used to hide
se escondía
he/she/it used to hide
nos escondíamos
we used to hide
os escondíais
you all used to hide
se escondían
they used to hide
Past perfect tense
había escondido
I had hidden
habías escondido
you had hidden
había escondido
he/she/it had hidden
habíamos escondido
we had hidden
habíais escondido
you all had hidden
habían escondido
they had hidden
Future perfect tense
habré escondido
I will have hidden
habrás escondido
you will have hidden
habrá escondido
he/she/it will have hidden
habremos escondido
we will have hidden
habréis escondido
you all will have hidden
habrán escondido
they will have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me esconda
(if/so that) I hide
te escondas
(if/so that) you hide
se esconda
(if/so that) he/she/it hide
nos escondamos
(if/so that) we hide
os escondáis
(if/so that) you all hide
se escondan
(if/so that) they hide
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya escondido
I have hidden
hayas escondido
you have hidden
haya escondido
he/she/it has hidden
hayamos escondido
we have hidden
hayáis escondido
you all have hidden
hayan escondido
they have hidden
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me escondiera
(if/so that) I have hidden
te escondieras
(if/so that) you have hidden
se escondiera
(if/so that) he/she/it have hidden
nos escondiéramos
(if/so that) we have hidden
os escondierais
(if/so that) you all have hidden
se escondieran
(if/so that) they have hidden
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me escondiese
(if/so that) I have hidden
te escondieses
(if/so that) you have hidden
se escondiese
(if/so that) he/she/it have hidden
nos escondiésemos
(if/so that) we have hidden
os escondieseis
(if/so that) you all have hidden
se escondiesen
(if/so that) they have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera escondido
I had hidden
hubieras escondido
you had hidden
hubiera escondido
he/she/it had hidden
hubiéramos escondido
we had hidden
hubierais escondido
you all had hidden
hubieran escondido
they had hidden
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese escondido
I had hidden
hubieses escondido
you had hidden
hubiese escondido
he/she/it had hidden
hubiésemos escondido
we had hidden
hubieseis escondido
you all had hidden
hubiesen escondido
they had hidden
Future subjunctive tense
me escondiere
(if/so that) I will have hidden
te escondieres
(if/so that) you will have hidden
se escondiere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have hidden
nos escondiéremos
(if/so that) we will have hidden
os escondiereis
(if/so that) you all will have hidden
se escondieren
(if/so that) they will have hidden
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere escondido
I will have hidden
hubieres escondido
you will have hidden
hubiere escondido
he/she/it will have hidden
hubiéremos escondido
we will have hidden
hubiereis escondido
you all will have hidden
hubieren escondido
they will have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's hide!
Imperative negative mood
no te escondas
do not hide!
no se esconda
let him/her/it hide!
no nos escondamos
let us not hide!
no os escondáis
do not hide!
no se escondan
do not hide!

Examples of esconderse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"No hay dónde esconderse""Ain't nowhere to hide"
"Quiero que esconderse de el mundo en mis ojos ""I want to hide you from the world in my eyes"
"Si lo echaran de Londres y debiera esconderse en Dover, junto al mar,""Supposing you were chased out of London ""and had to hide at Dover, by the sea.
"Y no hay donde esconderse""Nowhere to hide"
"¿Dónde Amy suele esconderse?"What? "Where does Amy usually like to hide?"
"Almendras amargas, huye y escóndete. Ese es el olor del cianuro."'Bitter almonds run and hide, that's the smell of cyanide.'
"Puente roto, escóndete debajo"."Bridge is broken, hide below"
"Puente roto, escóndete debajo""Bridge is broken, hide below"
# Masquerade Corre y escóndete♪ Masquerade Run and hide
* Si viene y llama, mejor escóndete*♪ If he comes a-calling, you'd better hide ♪
- Váyase, sólo escóndase.- Go, just hide.
-Giovanna, abróchese y escóndase.- Giovanna, button up, hide yourself.
Ahora escóndase ahí y el resto se lo dejan a Thomas O'Malley.Now, you just hide over there and you leave the rest to J. Thomas O'Malley.
Ahora, escóndase.Now, hide yourself.
Al anochecer vuelva,enganche el coche, cruce el puente y escóndase allí.When everything's dark, come back, hitch up the buckboard, take it across the bridge and hide it there.
Callada, escondámonos.Quiet, let's hide.
Dios mío, escondámonos en el número cuatro. Una casa con paredes y una puerta que deja fuera el caos...Oh God, let's hide inside the number four a house with walls and with a door that closes on gas
No hay que hacerlos enfadar, escondámonos en un barrio aparte. No nos tomemos de las manos, no nos besemos en la calle.Let's not upset them, let's hide in our little ghettos, let's not hold hands, let's not kiss in the street, no.
Rápido, escondámonos aquí.- Quick, let's hide in here.
Rápido, escondámonos en el armario.Quick, let's hide in the closet.
"¡Rápido, escondeos!"Quick, hide!
- ¡Rápido, escondeos!- Quick, hide!
- ¿Qué? Llévate a Gwen y escondeos.- You take Gwen, you go hide...
Ahora, escondeos todos y esperad a mi señal para decir "¡sorpresa!"Now, everybody hide and wait for my cue to say "surprise!"
Al bosque, separaos, escondeos.Into the woods, split up, hide.
"Abandonen el barco y escóndanse."Abandon ship and hide yourselves.
# y si pasan por mi lado # # no se queden, huya y escóndanse. ## And if I happen to let you slide # # Don't stand there run and hide #
- En serio chicas, escóndanse.- Seriously you guys have to hide.
- Escóndanse, escóndanse.- Hide, hide, hide.
- ¡Rápido, escóndanse!What's happening? - Quick, hide!
- Bueno, escondete. Debido a que los jueces realmente no quieren verte.- Well, hide you, because the judges, they don't really want to see you.
- Solo escondete allá afuera.- Just hide out here.
- ¡Huye y escondete!Run and hide!
- ¡Rápido, escondete!Red: Quick, hide!
1, 2, 3... aqui, kyle, escondete aqui.- One, two, three, four... - Here, Kyle. You hide in here.
" El valle verde amargo visto de arriba del vidrio escondido"The bitter green valley seen from above from the hidden glass
""Y ese es el secreto que llevo escondido desde hace años""And that's a secret that I've hidden for years
"Así que le sacudió con las manzanas de oro escondido ...""So we shook you up with the hidden gold apples..."
"Cuando se pierde el amor y me embarga la pérdida las reglas del amor se esconden y reina el caos y se pierde el orden y escondido entonces, mi corazón, del amor."If you took off the cuffs. "when love is lost and loss oe'rtakes me, "the rules of love then are hidden;
"De George Washington... que le había arrebatado a Nora y escondido en un cajón secreto.""From George Washington... I had taken forcibly from Nora and hidden in a secret drawer. "
"Eran sonámbulos, escondiéndose en disfraces humanos." They were sleepwalkers, hiding in human robes.
"Se mantenía cerca de las casas sobre la calle escondiéndose en lugares oscuros donde no llegaba la luz de la Luna."He was keeping very close to the houses across the street," "hiding in the shadowy places where there was no moonlight."
- ...escondiéndose de una paliza. - Llegó la hora, ¿sí?This is two best friends hiding from a terrible beating.
- Debe estar escondiéndose en alguna parte. - ¿Pero dónde?~ He has to be hiding out somewhere. ~ But where?
- En el techo, escondiéndose.- On the roof, hiding.

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