Bersembunyi (to hide) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of bersembunyi

Present tense
I hide
Past tense
sudah bersembunyi
I hid
Present perfect tense
sudah bersembunyi
I have hidden
Future perfect tense
akan sudah bersembunyi
I will have hidden
Future recent tense
bersembunyi nanti
I will hide
Future distant tense
bersembunyi kelak
I am going to hide
Present continuous tense
sedang bersembunyi
I hide
Past distant tense
dulu bersembunyi
I (a long time ago) hid
Past recent tense
bersembunyi tadi
I (recently) hid
Past very recent tense
baru saja bersembunyi
I (just now) hid

Examples of bersembunyi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku melakukan hal-hal itu, Anda tahu, Maksudku, aku bersembunyi dari orang-orang.I do things that, you know, I mean, I hide from people.
Jika kau perlu bersembunyi dulu, Aku akan mengatakan kau dalam masalah besar.If you need to hide first, I'd say you were in big trouble.
Kita harus bersembunyi di sana.We need to go hide over in there.
Aku tak datang ke sini untuk bersembunyi.I didn't come here to hide.
Wanita2 seperti kita memang seharusnya bersembunyi, tapi sebagai tentara bersembunyi di sini, tentara apaan tuh.Women like us need to hide here. But if he hides here, he's a coward.

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