Ocultarse (to hide) conjugation

32 examples

Conjugation of ocultarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me oculto
I hide
te ocultas
you hide
se oculta
he/she/it hides
nos ocultamos
we hide
os ocultáis
you all hide
se ocultan
they hide
Present perfect tense
me he ocultado
I have hidden
te has ocultado
you have hidden
se ha ocultado
he/she/it has hidden
nos hemos ocultado
we have hidden
os habéis ocultado
you all have hidden
se han ocultado
they have hidden
Past preterite tense
me oculté
I hid
te ocultaste
you hid
se ocultó
he/she/it hid
nos ocultamos
we hid
os ocultasteis
you all hid
se ocultaron
they hid
Future tense
me ocultaré
I will hide
te ocultarás
you will hide
se ocultará
he/she/it will hide
nos ocultaremos
we will hide
os ocultaréis
you all will hide
se ocultarán
they will hide
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me ocultaría
I would hide
te ocultarías
you would hide
se ocultaría
he/she/it would hide
nos ocultaríamos
we would hide
os ocultaríais
you all would hide
se ocultarían
they would hide
Past imperfect tense
me ocultaba
I used to hide
te ocultabas
you used to hide
se ocultaba
he/she/it used to hide
nos ocultábamos
we used to hide
os ocultabais
you all used to hide
se ocultaban
they used to hide
Past perfect tense
me había ocultado
I had hidden
te habías ocultado
you had hidden
se había ocultado
he/she/it had hidden
nos habíamos ocultado
we had hidden
os habíais ocultado
you all had hidden
se habían ocultado
they had hidden
Future perfect tense
me habré ocultado
I will have hidden
te habrás ocultado
you will have hidden
se habrá ocultado
he/she/it will have hidden
nos habremos ocultado
we will have hidden
os habréis ocultado
you all will have hidden
se habrán ocultado
they will have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me oculte
(if/so that) I hide
te ocultes
(if/so that) you hide
se oculte
(if/so that) he/she/it hide
nos ocultemos
(if/so that) we hide
os ocultéis
(if/so that) you all hide
se oculten
(if/so that) they hide
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya ocultado
I have hidden
te hayas ocultado
you have hidden
se haya ocultado
he/she/it has hidden
nos hayamos ocultado
we have hidden
os hayáis ocultado
you all have hidden
se hayan ocultado
they have hidden
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me ocultara
(if/so that) I have hidden
te ocultaras
(if/so that) you have hidden
se ocultara
(if/so that) he/she/it have hidden
nos ocultáramos
(if/so that) we have hidden
os ocultarais
(if/so that) you all have hidden
se ocultaran
(if/so that) they have hidden
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me ocultase
(if/so that) I have hidden
te ocultases
(if/so that) you have hidden
se ocultase
(if/so that) he/she/it have hidden
nos ocultásemos
(if/so that) we have hidden
os ocultaseis
(if/so that) you all have hidden
se ocultasen
(if/so that) they have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera ocultado
I had hidden
te hubieras ocultado
you had hidden
se hubiera ocultado
he/she/it had hidden
nos hubiéramos ocultado
we had hidden
os hubierais ocultado
you all had hidden
se hubieran ocultado
they had hidden
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese ocultado
I had hidden
te hubieses ocultado
you had hidden
se hubiese ocultado
he/she/it had hidden
nos hubiésemos ocultado
we had hidden
os hubieseis ocultado
you all had hidden
se hubiesen ocultado
they had hidden
Future subjunctive tense
me ocultare
(if/so that) I will have hidden
te ocultares
(if/so that) you will have hidden
se ocultare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have hidden
nos ocultáremos
(if/so that) we will have hidden
os ocultareis
(if/so that) you all will have hidden
se ocultaren
(if/so that) they will have hidden
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere ocultado
I will have hidden
te hubieres ocultado
you will have hidden
se hubiere ocultado
he/she/it will have hidden
nos hubiéremos ocultado
we will have hidden
os hubiereis ocultado
you all will have hidden
se hubieren ocultado
they will have hidden
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's hide!
Imperative negative mood
no te ocultes
do not hide!
no se oculte
let him/her/it hide!
no nos ocultemos
let us not hide!
no os ocultéis
do not hide!
no se oculten
do not hide!

Examples of ocultarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Kasim corrió a ocultarse, pero tropezó, enviando monedas en todas direcciones."Kasim ran to hide, but tripped, sending coins spilling in every direction.
- Aprendió a ocultarse.She learned to hide.
- Encontró dónde ocultarse.- She's found a place to hide.
- Entró para ocultarse, no para huir. Sí, maestro.- He went in there to hide, not to run.
- Intentando ocultarse tras - la gran muralla China, pero...Trying to hide behind the Great Firewall of China, but...
# Corre y ocúltate #Run and hide. Run and hide.
- Corre y ocúltate.- Run and hide. - What?
- Sólo ocúltate en el baño.- Just hide in the bathroom, OK?
Al igual que Brigitte, ocúltate en el fondo de una cafetería.Like Brigitte, hide yourself in the depth of a cafe.
Busca una celda y ocúltate en un rincón oscuro.Find a cell and hide in some dark corner.
- Ama, ocúltese.Misi, hide.
- Venga y ocúltese.- Come and hide.
Doctor, ocúltese en alguna parte, es mejor pasar desapercibido.Doctor, please hide somewhere, it's better to be unobtrusive.
Eso es, Damico, ocúltese tras una hoja.That's it, Damico, hide behind a leaf.
Muy bien, ocultémonos.All right, let's hide.
Soldados, ocultémonos.Soldiers, let's hide.
Y ocultaos, Wolsey.And hide, Wolsey.
Bien, ustedes ocúltense.Alright, you guys, hide as long as you can.
Ciérrenlas y ocúltense...Shut them and hide until I get...
Corran al interior y ocúltense para mami.Run inside and hide for mommy.
Corran y ocúltense.Run and hide.
El público quiere encontrarlos... desnudarlos y comerlos vivos, así que ocúltense.- Acting is about hiding. The audience wants to find you, strip you naked and eat you alive, so hide.
"Manteniendo esa luz consigo mismo, hasta mi luna se ha ocultado"."Keeping brightness in himself. my moon is hidden here only." - Shanaya.
# Y me has ocultado mis llaves #♪ And you'νe hidden my keys ♪
- Ella cree que Pablo ha ocultado a Ella.-She believes that Pablo has hidden Ella.
- Ella lo ha ocultado.- She has hidden it.
- La han ocultado en algún sitio.- They've got her hidden somewhere.
- Estaba ocultándose.- She was in hiding.
Al final, terminó ocultándose en el único lugar en dónde sabía que nadie iría a buscarlo.So he had nowhere else to go. He ended up hiding in the one place he knew no one would ever come looking for him.
Andan de puntillas susurrando y ocultándose tras las puertas.You guys are tip-toeing around and whispering and hiding behind doors.
Así que allí estábamos... dos tipos corrientes ocultándose en un autolavado de un helicóptero de ataque cobra.just two regular guys hiding out in a car wash from a cobra attack helicopter.
Atención, Enterprise pensaron que fueron astutos ocultándose en esta dimensión paralela, pero finalmente los hemos encontrado.Attention Enterprise, you thought you were clever hiding in this parallel dimension, but we have finally found you.

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