Exterminar (to exterminate) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of exterminar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I exterminate
you exterminate
he/she/it exterminates
we exterminate
you all exterminate
they exterminate
Present perfect tense
he exterminado
I have exterminated
has exterminado
you have exterminated
ha exterminado
he/she/it has exterminated
hemos exterminado
we have exterminated
habéis exterminado
you all have exterminated
han exterminado
they have exterminated
Past preterite tense
I exterminated
you exterminated
he/she/it exterminated
we exterminated
you all exterminated
they exterminated
Future tense
I will exterminate
you will exterminate
he/she/it will exterminate
we will exterminate
you all will exterminate
they will exterminate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would exterminate
you would exterminate
he/she/it would exterminate
we would exterminate
you all would exterminate
they would exterminate
Past imperfect tense
I used to exterminate
you used to exterminate
he/she/it used to exterminate
we used to exterminate
you all used to exterminate
they used to exterminate
Past perfect tense
había exterminado
I had exterminated
habías exterminado
you had exterminated
había exterminado
he/she/it had exterminated
habíamos exterminado
we had exterminated
habíais exterminado
you all had exterminated
habían exterminado
they had exterminated
Future perfect tense
habré exterminado
I will have exterminated
habrás exterminado
you will have exterminated
habrá exterminado
he/she/it will have exterminated
habremos exterminado
we will have exterminated
habréis exterminado
you all will have exterminated
habrán exterminado
they will have exterminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I exterminate
(if/so that) you exterminate
(if/so that) he/she/it exterminate
(if/so that) we exterminate
(if/so that) you all exterminate
(if/so that) they exterminate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya exterminado
I have exterminated
hayas exterminado
you have exterminated
haya exterminado
he/she/it has exterminated
hayamos exterminado
we have exterminated
hayáis exterminado
you all have exterminated
hayan exterminado
they have exterminated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have exterminated
(if/so that) you have exterminated
(if/so that) he/she/it have exterminated
(if/so that) we have exterminated
(if/so that) you all have exterminated
(if/so that) they have exterminated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have exterminated
(if/so that) you have exterminated
(if/so that) he/she/it have exterminated
(if/so that) we have exterminated
(if/so that) you all have exterminated
(if/so that) they have exterminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera exterminado
I had exterminated
hubieras exterminado
you had exterminated
hubiera exterminado
he/she/it had exterminated
hubiéramos exterminado
we had exterminated
hubierais exterminado
you all had exterminated
hubieran exterminado
they had exterminated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese exterminado
I had exterminated
hubieses exterminado
you had exterminated
hubiese exterminado
he/she/it had exterminated
hubiésemos exterminado
we had exterminated
hubieseis exterminado
you all had exterminated
hubiesen exterminado
they had exterminated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have exterminated
(if/so that) you will have exterminated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have exterminated
(if/so that) we will have exterminated
(if/so that) you all will have exterminated
(if/so that) they will have exterminated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere exterminado
I will have exterminated
hubieres exterminado
you will have exterminated
hubiere exterminado
he/she/it will have exterminated
hubiéremos exterminado
we will have exterminated
hubiereis exterminado
you all will have exterminated
hubieren exterminado
they will have exterminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's exterminate!
Imperative negative mood
no extermines
do not exterminate!
no extermine
let him/her/it exterminate!
no exterminemos
let us not exterminate!
no exterminéis
do not exterminate!
no exterminen
do not exterminate!

Examples of exterminar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Alemania tenía el sistema educativo público más avanzado del mundo, una impresionante producción industrial, y aún así intentó exterminar a una raza por completo.Germany had the most advanced public education system in the world, impressive industrial production, and yet they tried to exterminate an entire race of people.
Así que les lavamos el cerebro a niños que después enviamos a exterminar un montón de granjeros sobre explotadosSo we're brainwashing kids and then sending them in to exterminate a bunch of overtaxed farmers.
Aunque Teal'c hubiera tenido exito ese dia, Los Goa'uld hubieran enviado mas Jaffa para exterminar a todos - a la poblacion entera.Even if Teal'c had succeeded that day,... the Goa'uld would have sent more Jaffa to exterminate everyone - your entire population.
Cada centinela está equipado con una Bomba Nega, un dispositivo diseñado para exterminar especies problemática en cualquier planeta elegido como blanco.Each sentry is equipped with a Nega Bomb, a device designed to exterminate a troublesome species on any targeted planet.
Cada criatura en el universo nos quiere exterminar, y quieres contratar a un grupo musical.Every creature in the universe is out to exterminate us, and you wanna hire a vocal group.
De modo que ese hombre no vale más que las... bestezuelas que yo extermino a diario.He's worse than the vermin I exterminate!
Karna las extermina a todas.Karna exterminates them all!
The Restorianos dijeron que era suficientemente malo despojar a su propio planeta. pero los viajes espaciales alientan a las colonizaciones, Y la colonización daña a las culturas indígenas y extermina la ecología nativa.The Restorians say it's bad enough to despoil your own planet, but space travel encourages colonization, and colonization damages indigenous cultures and exterminates native ecology.
Y estamos atascados aquí mientras Atrocitus lleva el Interceptor a Oa y extermina a los Guardianes.And we're stuck here while Atrocitus flies the Interceptor to Oa and exterminates the Guardians.
- No exterminamos. a los pacientes cuando hay un brote.- We don't exterminate our patients when there's an outbreak.
Claro, en el camino, exterminamos culturas indígenas... y esclavizamos generaciones de africanos.Of course, along the way, we exterminated untold indigenous cultures... and enslaved generations of Africans.
Como respuesta, casi exterminamos una especie entera.In return, we nearly exterminated an entire species.
Nunca Los exterminamos a todos!We exterminate all of them!
Sebastian fue un proyecto de Muirfield que escapó cuando exterminamos Muirfield.Sebastian was a Muirfield project who escaped when we exterminated Muirfield.
Cambios repentinos de clima exterminan especies que no se adaptan rápidamente.Sudden changes in climate can exterminate species that cannot adapt quickly.
Mientras usted verifica, exterminan 10.000 judíos por día.While you check, 10000 Jews are exterminated each day.
Se exterminan familias enteras.They exterminate whole families.
Se exterminan judíos en los países ocupados por Alemania.The Jews are exterminated in countries occupied by Germany.
Así es cómo exterminé a los hombres del Mayor.That's the way l exterminated the Major's men.
Es más, yo misma exterminé el programa de artes en este institutoIn fact, I exterminated all the arts programs at this school.
Los exterminé.I had them exterminated.
A los demás los exterminó.The rest he exterminated.
El día que naciste... tu enemigo exterminó a los 300 miembros de tu familia.The day you were born... Your enemy exterminated 300 members of your family.
Este solía ser alguien... y Lola lo exterminó. Y lo redujo a una vil fiesta de drogas, alimentando humanos.This used to be someone, and lola exterminated him, reduced him down to a vial of party drugs,fed him to humans.
Hace 300 años, el Imperio de Manchuria exterminó.300 years ago, the Manchurian Empire exterminated patriotic Shaolin monks
Pero ahora estaban extintos formas de vida en realidad exterminó a fin de que camino para otros, tal vez más especies dóciles o deseable?But were now-extinct life-forms actually exterminated in order to make way for other, perhaps more docile or desirable species?
En Orkney y Shetland, se cree que exterminaron a los hombres Pictish.On Orkney and Shetland, it's believed they exterminated the Pictish men.
La Nación del Fuego sabía que el Avatar sería un nómada del aire así que exterminaron a los nómadas del aire.Aang, the Fire Nation knew the Avatar would be born into the Air Nomads so they exterminated all the Air Nomads.
Las máquinas se sublevaron, exterminaron a la humanidad.The machines rose, exterminated mankind.
Pero lo gracioso de la historia, es que los españoles exterminaron a los aztecas accidentalmente.So here's the funny part. The Spaniards actually exterminated the Aztecs by accident.
Se exterminaron. Los unos a los otros.They exterminated each other.
Ellos confían en que exterminaré a un chivato.They trust that I will exterminate a rat.
Hitler exterminará a todos los judíos.Hitler will exterminate all the Jews.
Los exterminará a todos ellos.It will exterminate all of them.
Mi gente está formando una poderosa flota espacial que exterminará la raza humana.Across the galaxy my people are completing a mighty space fleet... That will exterminate the human race!
Pero te exterminará.- But he will exterminate you!
Y entonces pasaremos a la fase dos de Aires, que exterminará todas las facciones disidentes a la señal del líder renacido.And we will then coordinate Aires Phase Two, which will exterminate all dissident factions on signal from our reborn leader.
Juntos, exterminaremos a esos salvajes...Together, we will exterminate the heathens...
Puede que lleve un siglo, dos siglos, tres siglos, pero os exterminaremos.It may take a century, two centuries, three centuries, but we will exterminate you.
Si fuera necesario, exterminaremos a la mitad de la villa.If necessary we will exterminate half of the village.
exterminaremos la enfermedad que ha infectado Alemania por los ultimos 20 añosWe will exterminate the illness that infected Germany for the last twenty years
Estos demonios de hombres exterminarán todos los animales.These evil men will exterminate all animals.
Usted exterminaría cualquier cosa que no entiende o no le gusta.You would exterminate anything you didn't like or understand.
Pero si fuese así y fallases en detenerlos, exterminarían toda la vida sentiente que pudiesen encontrar.But if were and you failed to stop them, they would exterminate ever sentient being they could find.
Cuando la familia Kakda venga a Koshampa y los extermine a todos.When Kakda family comes to Koshampa.. "And exterminates all of you.
Hombres buenos inventan métodos mejores y más eficientes para que la humanidad se extermine a sí misma, esperando que el mundo perderá su apetito por el horror.Good men invent bigger and more efficient methods for humankind to exterminate itself, hoping the world will lose its hunger for horror.
Que Dios extermine a esos bárbaros.May God exterminate those barbarians.
¿No importa a quién extermine?Doesn't matter who you "exterminate"?
Pero antes de que me extermines, dos cosas:But before you get all exterminate-y ... two things.
Quedaos a hacer guardia hasta que nos entreguen a los prisioneros y los exterminemos.Remain on guard until the prisoners have been handed over and exterminated.
¡Antes de que los exterminemos a todos!Before we exterminate the lot of you!
¡Cuidado, no te exterminemos a ti!Watch out, so we don't exterminate you!
Entrena a un grupo de maestros asesinos para que exterminen... a cualquier Señor de la Guerra que intente causar algún conflicto.Train a group of master assassins and have them exterminate every single warlord who intends to cause conflict.
No me quedaré sentado para que me exterminen.I mean, I'm not sitting around here to get exterminated.
Quiero que exterminen al sabiondo de Wichita.l want this Wichita brainchild exterminated.
Sondas, cacen y exterminen a esos coleccionables defectuosos.Probes, Hunt down and exterminate those defective collectibles.
"Todo aquel que beba sangre será exterminado de mi tierra, porque en ella está la esencia de la vida.""Each one who shall drink blood will be exterminated from my land, because the essence of life is in it".
- En general -dice Hitler-, sólo yo tengo derecho a decidir qué pueblo ha de vivir sobre la faz de la tierra, ... y cuál ha de ser exterminado."In general," Hitler announced, "I alone have the right to decide which nation will exist and which nation must be exterminated."
- Habéis exterminado su raza.- You exterminated his race.
- Serás exterminado.- You will be exterminated!
Al parecer, el personal de la fortificación ha sido exterminado.It seems that the crew of the fortress is fully exterminated.
Críticos teatrales armados exterminando cabras mutantes.Armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats.
Doce años desde la derrota del emperador Shaddam IV... y desde que los Fremen de Muad'dib se desplegaron en el universo... exterminando todo lo que quedaba de los viejos ejércitos imperiales... colonizando los planetas del universo conocido... uno por uno bajo su dominio... arrasando con todo... y con todos los que se resistieron.Twelve years since Emperor Shaddam the Fourth was defeated... and Paul Muad'dib's wild Fremen spread out across the universe... exterminating all that remained of the old imperial armies... colonizing the planets of the known universe... one by one under his rule... sweeping away anything... and anyone who resisted.
Estamos exterminando.We're exterminating.
Los aliens nos estaban exterminando.The aliens were exterminating us!
Mientras pierde el tiempo con su jueguecito, siguiendo el fantasma del loco furioso, el verdadero loco esta exterminando la Magistratura y haciendo saltar al país por los aires !While you waste your time on your little toy. chasing your phantom lunatic, the true killer is exterminating judges, leaving the country in a state of panic.

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