Limitar (to limit) conjugation

92 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to border, border

Conjugation of limitar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I limit
you limit
he/she/it limits
we limit
you all limit
they limit
Present perfect tense
he limitado
I have limited
has limitado
you have limited
ha limitado
he/she/it has limited
hemos limitado
we have limited
habéis limitado
you all have limited
han limitado
they have limited
Past preterite tense
I limited
you limited
he/she/it limited
we limited
you all limited
they limited
Future tense
I will limit
you will limit
he/she/it will limit
we will limit
you all will limit
they will limit
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would limit
you would limit
he/she/it would limit
we would limit
you all would limit
they would limit
Past imperfect tense
I used to limit
you used to limit
he/she/it used to limit
we used to limit
you all used to limit
they used to limit
Past perfect tense
había limitado
I had limited
habías limitado
you had limited
había limitado
he/she/it had limited
habíamos limitado
we had limited
habíais limitado
you all had limited
habían limitado
they had limited
Future perfect tense
habré limitado
I will have limited
habrás limitado
you will have limited
habrá limitado
he/she/it will have limited
habremos limitado
we will have limited
habréis limitado
you all will have limited
habrán limitado
they will have limited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I limit
(if/so that) you limit
(if/so that) he/she/it limit
(if/so that) we limit
(if/so that) you all limit
(if/so that) they limit
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya limitado
I have limited
hayas limitado
you have limited
haya limitado
he/she/it has limited
hayamos limitado
we have limited
hayáis limitado
you all have limited
hayan limitado
they have limited
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have limited
(if/so that) you have limited
(if/so that) he/she/it have limited
(if/so that) we have limited
(if/so that) you all have limited
(if/so that) they have limited
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have limited
(if/so that) you have limited
(if/so that) he/she/it have limited
(if/so that) we have limited
(if/so that) you all have limited
(if/so that) they have limited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera limitado
I had limited
hubieras limitado
you had limited
hubiera limitado
he/she/it had limited
hubiéramos limitado
we had limited
hubierais limitado
you all had limited
hubieran limitado
they had limited
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese limitado
I had limited
hubieses limitado
you had limited
hubiese limitado
he/she/it had limited
hubiésemos limitado
we had limited
hubieseis limitado
you all had limited
hubiesen limitado
they had limited
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have limited
(if/so that) you will have limited
(if/so that) he/she/it will have limited
(if/so that) we will have limited
(if/so that) you all will have limited
(if/so that) they will have limited
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere limitado
I will have limited
hubieres limitado
you will have limited
hubiere limitado
he/she/it will have limited
hubiéremos limitado
we will have limited
hubiereis limitado
you all will have limited
hubieren limitado
they will have limited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's limit!
Imperative negative mood
no limites
do not limit!
no limite
let him/her/it limit!
no limitemos
let us not limit!
no limitéis
do not limit!
no limiten
do not limit!

Examples of limitar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Su propósito sería limitar ia propagación"The purpose of this facility would be to limit... "the dissemination of such an unknown organism from outer space...
# ¿Quiero limitar el aborto?Do I want to limit access to abortion?
- Otros presidentes entraban y salían de los edificios públicos bajo un toldo. El servicio secreto quería limitar su visibilidad.-ln previous administrations the president entered and exited public buildings under a tent or canopy the Secret Service wanting to limit his visibility in open air.
A ella le gusta para limitar el acceso a Pedro Pero sólo le dices tú eres su madre, Y estoy seguro de que va a hacer una asignación.She likes to limit access to Peter, but just you tell her you're his mother, and I'm sure she'll make an allowance.
A tres de ellos, si Pakenham consiente en limitar la sentencia a 20 años más una baja deshonrosa.Three of them, yes, if Pakenham agrees to limit the sentence to 20 years and dishonorable discharge.
- Trabaje mano a mano con Mike Ross en librarnos de Tony Gianopolous, que vigile lo que hacen mientras, al mismo tiempo, limito su comprensión- My wish is for you-- - To work hand in glove with Mike Ross on getting rid of Tony Gianopolous, keep an eye on what they're doing while at the same time limit their understanding of what we're doing.
Ahora solo me limito a los videojuegos.I mean, now I just limit myself to video games.
En tal caso, aprobaría tu prohibición. Pero quizás no sepas que... me limito a obligar a pensar a los otros haciéndoles preguntas, y que el diálogo que de ahí surge no tiene otro objetivo que alumbrar la comprensión.then in this case, l approve your interdiction, but perhaps you do not know that l, l limit myself to making the other others think by asking them questions, and the ensuing dialogue is only intended to create understanding.
Las Matematicas pruban que Dios limito el numero de dimensiones a dos por una razon.Mathematics proves that God limited the number of dimensions to two for a reason.
Me limito a algunos pasajes para que expresen su opinión.I've limited it to certain passages and I await your opinion.
Creo que si le dices a la vida lo que debe ser, la limitas.I think if you tell life what it has to be, you limit it.
Los limitas a un punto en que son sólo una definición y no personas.You limit them to the point where they're just a definition and not people.
Me limitas el trabajo de campo.You're limiting my time out in the field.
No si introduces un aislante selectivo de potasio en el suero y limitas la duración de la pulsación a 30 milisegundos.Not if you introduce a potassium-selective insulator into the serum and limit pulse durations to about 30 milliseconds.
No, tu sólo limitas tus opciones.No, you just limit your choices.
- El traje limita mi poder, y sí hay algún problema puedes inmovilizarlo con esto.- The suit limits his power, and if there's any issue you can immobilize him with this.
- Eso les limita.It limits them.
- Eso limita su tamaño.That's what limits their size.
- Eso realmente limita lo que soy capaz de hacer, así qué tengo que ser creativo.- It just really limits what I'm capable of, so I have to be creative.
300 horas de servicio comunitario en 6 meses -- es un trabajo a tiempo completo por sí mismo, lo que limita mis opciones en cuanto al trabajo.300 hours of community service in 6 months... it's a full-time job in itself, which kind of limits my options as far as work.
- O lo dejamos alli y nos limitamos a tecnicas externas.- Or leave it in and we're limited to external techniques.
- Pero... - Nos limitamos a la MPF.We limit ourselves to MPF.
A pesar de que, limitamos a su mayordomo de...Even though, we limited your butler from...
Así que ¿por qué limitamos la ciencia forense a huellas dactilares?So why are we limiting forensics to fingerprinting?
Bien... limitamos las áreas donde los mineros pueden--Well... we limit the areas where the mining concerns can--
"Los nombres aceptables incluyen y se limitan a: Ebenezer..."- "acceptable names include and are limited to ebenezer..."
"Pero cada vez más escuelas y universidades de cine se limitan al modelo hollywoodiense o publicitario.But more and more film courses in schools and faculties limit their training to Hollywood or publicity film-making.
"¿Por qué todos mis deseos se limitan a ti?""Why are all my desires limited to you?"
"¿Un elemento de poca importancia cuyas actividades se limitan... a pasar recados entre los líderes terroristas?""A minor operative whose activities are limited "to running errands for the leaders"?
- Nos limitan.- They limit us.
- No te preocupes, limité la energía para no transmitir nuestra localización a los Espectros.- Don't worry. l limited the power. It won't transmit to the Wraith.
Entonces, limité a los forenses, no te hice a fondo el alcoholímetro.So, limited forensic, no in-depth, the breath test.
Me limité a ayudar a dos hombres valientes.I limited myself to helping two brave men.
Primero, la limité a una tostada.At first, I limited it to just toast.
Ya lo limité a "crímenes violentos".I already limited it to a history of violent crime.
Sí, bueno, limitaste tus opciones al dejar un bolso con drogas y tu identificación.Yeah, well, you kind of limited your choices when you left a bag of drugs lying around with your ID in it.
Aún así, tener hijos, me limitó.Even still, having kids, it's limited me.
Bueno, parece como que me limitó severamente mis opciones, Dr. Vose.Well, looks like you've severely limited my options, Dr. Vose.
Cuando Bush limitó la investigación a líneas celulares establecidas acabó con el trabajo de Graham.When Bush limited stem cell research to cell lines already established, he essentially shut down Graham's work.
El juez Slater limitó el contacto, censuró periódicos, sin televisión, iban y venían entre aquí y el hotel. Esa es la vida de un jurado.Judge Slater limited contact, censored newspapers, no television, shuttle between here and their hotel.
El mundo estaba deshabitado, así que el número de víctimas se limitó a los la instalación de investigación...The world was otherwise uninhabited, so the death toll was limited to those on the research facility...
Lamentablemente, ahora limitaron el acceso al corredor de la muerte.Unfortunately, they have now limited access to death row.
Lo limitaron a candidatos con un 20 por ciento en intención de voto.They limited it to candidates polling 20 percent.
Mientras se limitaron a pelear entre Uds. con sus primitivos tanques y aviones no nos interesó.While you were limited to fighting among yourselves with primitive tanks and aircraft, we were unconcerned.
Por tanto, limitaron el par a sólo 811, que es más o menos lo que se necesita para mover un portaaviones de tamaño a result they've now limited it to just 811 torques, which is about what you use to power a medium sized aircraft carrier
Dado que la música tiene tres voces me limitaré a hablar solo de tres amantes.Since the music has three voices, I will limit myself to talking about three lovers.
Te limitaré a una porción de la tarta de Nana.I will limit you to one piece of Nana's cake.
El personal limitará el uso de servicios no esenciales.The staff will limit its use of all nonessential electrical services.
No anulará completamente al sudes, pero con suerte, limitará sus posibles víctimas.It won't completely deter the unsub, but hopefully it will limit his available victim pool.
Obviamente, con el tiempo me limitará.It will limit my ability as time goes on...
Pero limitará sus posibilidades de contratar gente.It will limit their abilities to hire people.
Prepararé un programa informático que limitará sus acciones.I will prepare a computer program that will limit their actions.
Entonces, ¿crees que mis compañeros limitarán su decepción a ataque verbal, o me estoy enfrentando a una paliza?So do you think my teammates will limit their disappointment to just verbal beratement, or am I facing an actual beatdown here?
La longitud de sus cadenas, al igual que sus respectivas posiciones limitarán el área en que ellos pueden entrar en contacto.Now, the lengths of their chains, as well as their respective positions will limit the area that they can come into contact.
- No, se limitaría a defenderse.- No, he would limit himself to defense.
Creo que podemos conversar sobre algo que todos conozcamos. Pero eso nos limitaría a las últimas 9 Serie Mundial y a los nombres de lo siete enanos.Well, I suppose we could discuss something we all know about... but that would limit us to the last nine World Series... and the names of the Seven Dwarfs.
Orren Boyle promueve un proyecto de ley que limitaría la producción de metal Rearden.Orren Boyle is campaigning for a bill that would limit the production of Rearden Metal.
Sabíamos que la cerca limitaría su provisión de comida pero no creímos que fuera tan grave.We knew that putting up the fence would limit their food supply, but we didn't think it would get this bad.
Sincerarse limitaría los daños, en el peor de los casos.Coming clean would limit the damage at worst.
"Estoy de acuerdo, hay un limite hasta el que puedo ceder"I agree, there is a limit to which I can yield
"No puedes estar solo, necesitas a alguien que te limite""You can't be on your own, you need someone to limit you."
"Para asegurar que todos tengan algo para llevarse"" "Vamos a tener que poner un limite de 12 productos por persona"ln order to ensure there is enough remaining canned stock to go around, we're going to have to limit everyone to 12 items again.
"Quiero fijar un limite hasta el que pueda será amada por ti"."I want to set the limit to which I can be loved by you".
"Yo-Yo" es un toro muy conocido pues nadie lo ha montado hasta el tiempo limiteYo-Yo's a very famous bull. He's never been rode to the limit.
""Si intentas frenarme, cruzare los limites"""If you try to stop me," I shall cross all limits
""Ven, crucemos todos los limites hoy"""Come, let's cross all limits today"
""Ven..."" ""crucemos todos los limites hoy""Come... let's cross all limits today
"El amor y el respeto que te tengo no tiene limites.""The love and respect I have for you knows no limits."
"Exigimos la retirada inmediata de toda fuerza civil o militar americana, a los limites territoriales de los Estados Unidos..."" Demand is hereby made for the immediate withdrawl of all American forces and civilians on land, sea and air. to within the limits of continental United States.
- Por supuesto, y no quiero que nos limitemos.Of course, and we don't wanna limite ourselves.
Bien, entonces limitemos la asignación de límites de capacidades las veces que pudo moverse por esos recorridos a las tres últimas semanas.Someone she didn't tell anyone about. Okay, so we limit the assignment of edge capacities, the times that she could have moved along these paths to the last three weeks.
Caballero, es esencial que limitemos nuestra conversación a la paz.Gentlemen, it is imperative that we limit our conversation to peace.
De "no nos limitemos asumiendo que esto es un código".Of the "let's not limit ourselves to assuming it's a code" camp.
El médico nos ha aconsejado que limitemos sus movimientos.The physician has advised us to limit your movements.
No os limitéis por nada, excepto por vuestra imaginación.Don't be limited by anything except your own imagination.
- Un memorándum para el Secretario de Justicia diciendo que el Tribunal Supremo debe apoyar las leyes que limiten las contribuciones indirectas para las campañas.- A memo that I wrote for the solicitor general arguing the Supreme Court should uphold regulations that limit soft money to political campaigns.
A cambio, él espera que ustedes se limiten a sus tradicionales libertades y malas prácticas pero nada que afecte al mercado o la política.In return, he expects you will limit to yourself to your traditional liberties and malpractices-- nothing that will disrupt trade or politics.
Dile a todos que limiten la búsqueda a la zona de la pista.Tell everyone to limit their search to the track.
Hougton se limiten las alteraciónes permisibles a la propiedad intelectual.It limits permissible alterations to intellectual property.
No hay razón para que las caricias se limiten a las manos.(Man) There's no reason that touch should be limited to your hands.
Recomiendo que vosotros limitad se la realización de vuestras órdenes.I recommend you limit yourselves to carrying out your orders.
Se lo que este "Monte-Carlo SS" de edición limitad significa para tíI know what this limited edition Monte Carlo SS means to you.
! - Dijo "limitado".- She said "limited."
" incluyendo, pero no limitado a la enfermedad de un familiar ,"including but not limited to family illness,
"Desafortunadamente, debido al limitado espacio de la pared,"Unfortunately, due to limited wall space,
"Gewgaws, limitado.""Gewgaws, limited."
"Instando a realizar una declaración en contra de la Ley de Matrimonio limitado en el tiempo para las elecciones generales ""urging her to release a strong statement " against the limited marriage act in time for the general election."
"Amigo, estás limitando mi diversión bastante""dude, you're limiting my enjoyment by a lot."
- Lo que tú dices es que por no ajustarnos a ese formato estamos limitando nuestra capacidad de ser tan exitosos como esos grupos.So what you're saying is that by breaking from that format, we're actually limiting our ability to be as successful as those organizations.
Algo esta limitando su sensor metabólico.Something's limiting his sensor pathways.
Aún seguimos el rastro iónico pero interferencias electromagnéticas están limitando el rango de nuestros sensores.We're still following the ion trail, but electromagnetic interference is limiting our sensor range.
Bien, pero entonces te estas limitando tu mismoOkay, but then you're limiting yourself, right?

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