Limpiar (to clean) conjugation

131 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: wash, to wash

Conjugation of limpiar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I clean
you clean
he/she/it cleans
we clean
you all clean
they clean
Present perfect tense
he limpiado
I have cleaned
has limpiado
you have cleaned
ha limpiado
he/she/it has cleaned
hemos limpiado
we have cleaned
habéis limpiado
you all have cleaned
han limpiado
they have cleaned
Past preterite tense
I cleaned
you cleaned
he/she/it cleaned
we cleaned
you all cleaned
they cleaned
Future tense
I will clean
you will clean
he/she/it will clean
we will clean
you all will clean
they will clean
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would clean
you would clean
he/she/it would clean
we would clean
you all would clean
they would clean
Past imperfect tense
I used to clean
you used to clean
he/she/it used to clean
we used to clean
you all used to clean
they used to clean
Past perfect tense
había limpiado
I had cleaned
habías limpiado
you had cleaned
había limpiado
he/she/it had cleaned
habíamos limpiado
we had cleaned
habíais limpiado
you all had cleaned
habían limpiado
they had cleaned
Future perfect tense
habré limpiado
I will have cleaned
habrás limpiado
you will have cleaned
habrá limpiado
he/she/it will have cleaned
habremos limpiado
we will have cleaned
habréis limpiado
you all will have cleaned
habrán limpiado
they will have cleaned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I clean
(if/so that) you clean
(if/so that) he/she/it clean
(if/so that) we clean
(if/so that) you all clean
(if/so that) they clean
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya limpiado
I have cleaned
hayas limpiado
you have cleaned
haya limpiado
he/she/it has cleaned
hayamos limpiado
we have cleaned
hayáis limpiado
you all have cleaned
hayan limpiado
they have cleaned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have cleaned
(if/so that) you have cleaned
(if/so that) he/she/it have cleaned
(if/so that) we have cleaned
(if/so that) you all have cleaned
(if/so that) they have cleaned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have cleaned
(if/so that) you have cleaned
(if/so that) he/she/it have cleaned
(if/so that) we have cleaned
(if/so that) you all have cleaned
(if/so that) they have cleaned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera limpiado
I had cleaned
hubieras limpiado
you had cleaned
hubiera limpiado
he/she/it had cleaned
hubiéramos limpiado
we had cleaned
hubierais limpiado
you all had cleaned
hubieran limpiado
they had cleaned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese limpiado
I had cleaned
hubieses limpiado
you had cleaned
hubiese limpiado
he/she/it had cleaned
hubiésemos limpiado
we had cleaned
hubieseis limpiado
you all had cleaned
hubiesen limpiado
they had cleaned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have cleaned
(if/so that) you will have cleaned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have cleaned
(if/so that) we will have cleaned
(if/so that) you all will have cleaned
(if/so that) they will have cleaned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere limpiado
I will have cleaned
hubieres limpiado
you will have cleaned
hubiere limpiado
he/she/it will have cleaned
hubiéremos limpiado
we will have cleaned
hubiereis limpiado
you all will have cleaned
hubieren limpiado
they will have cleaned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's clean!
Imperative negative mood
no limpies
do not clean!
no limpie
let him/her/it clean!
no limpiemos
let us not clean!
no limpiéis
do not clean!
no limpien
do not clean!

Examples of limpiar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... para limpiar las calles... "" clean the streets ..."
"El tío sólo viene a limpiar la habitación.""Uncle only comes to clean the room."
"Nathalie tiene que limpiar ese otro cuarto".Nathalie has to clean that room."
"Nathalie tiene que limpiar este cuarto"."Nathalie has to clean this room.
"No quiero limpiar mi habitación.' (Ben) 'l don't want to clean my room.
""Jabón Brisa Oceánica, quedarás limpio"".""Ocean Breeze Soap will get you clean."
"...excelente, higiénico, limpio, puntual y alegre en todo momento.""...excellent, hygienic, cleanly, prompt and cheerful service at all times."
"Absolutamente limpio"."Squeaky clean."
"Acabo de limpiar este desorden, ¿podemos mantenerlo limpio por diez minutos?""I just cleaned up this mess. Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?"
"Análisis de sangre: pequeña cantidad de alcohol, lo demás, limpio.""Body blood: small amount of alcohol, otherwise clean."
"Las jóvenes damas deben tener las manos siempre limpias y cerrar los labios fuertemente cuando mastican su comida.""Young ladies must always have clean hands and press their lips tightly when they chew their food."
"Tony, mantén las heridas limpias"."Tony, try to keep it clean."
"Tú cocinas, limpias y le llevas martinis.""You cook and clean and bring him marcinis."
# Con sus calles anchas y sus aceras limpias #Streets so wide and sidewalks clean
# Nunca falten aguas limpias en sus fuentes # # y que a sus corrientes innumerables niños vengan a beber # # y marchen heridos de amor en su entraña # # de Dios y de España sangre y estrellas en su amanecer. ## May it never lack clean waters in its fountains, # # and may countless children come to drink of their flow, # # and march full of love deep in their soul, # # so to be God's and Spain's blood and stars in their bloom. #
"Entonces, Él perdona nuestros pecados y nos limpia de toda maldad"."So, he forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Las órdenes de Tucker corren por las venas de Westminster como el alcohol de quemar, al mismo tiempo limpia y corroe.""Tucker's writ runs through the lifeblood of Westminster "like raw alcohol, at once cleansing and corroding."
"Scurvient Total" limpia totalmente.Scurvient Total cleans totally.
"Si un jugador limpia la bola durante el juego fuera del sector de poteo, deberá ser sancionado"."If a player cleans his ball during play of a hole except on the putting green, he shall incur a penalty of one stroke."
"Y nos limpia... de toda maldad".and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
! - Escúchame, Roy... es arriesgado, pero si no limpiamos eso, esa infección va a contaminar el tejido de alrededor.- Listen to me, Roy... it's risky, but if we don't clean that, that infection's gonna eat the surrounding flesh.
! Uh, nosotros lo limpiamos.Uh, we were cleaning it.
"Gente de Tondc, con fuego limpiamos el dolor del pasado"."People of Tondc, in fire, we cleanse the pain of the past."
"Les limpiamos su plaza, se la embellecimos e hicimos todo lo que querían"."We cleaned up the Square for you. " "And beautified it for you" "And did all what you wanted. "
- ...y limpiamos la pierna.- got the leg all cleaned out.
Mientras limpiáis, controlad qué falta para el informe del seguro.As you clean up, keep track of what's missing for the insurance report.
Mientras limpiáis, yo iré a tomar unos tragos.Go on cleaning, I'll go have something to drink!
Si limpiáis el comedero como buenos cerditos, colgaremos vuestra foto en la pared.If you clean the trough like good little piggies, we put your picture up on the wall.
Vosotros limpiáis.You guys clean up.
¿Es que los chicos nunca limpiáis?Didn't you guys ever clean?
"A los milaneses amantes del orden que sustituyen a los barrenderos y que limpian moral y materialmente la ciudad, gracias.""From the Milan Lovers of Order to those substituting the street-sweepers..." "... who are on strike, giving the city a moral and material cleaning, thank you!"
"Donde las ventanas limpian a gente"."Where windows clean people".
- ...y limpian.- ... you clean up.
- 24 horas. Cierran una y limpian la otra.They close one room and I clean the other.
- Ahora lo limpian.-He'll clean it up.
- Ayer limpié tu maleta. Mi vida, lo único que encontré fueron cacahuates y revistas de música.I cleaned out your case last night, and, baby, all I found were peanut bags and music magazines.
- Cuando limpié su mesa anoche, encontré algo que me pareció muy extraño.- When I cleaned his table last night, I found what I thought was something pretty weird.
- Estoy hablando de la sangre en el dedo de la víctima que estoy segura limpié.- I'm talking about the blood on the victim's finger I am certain I cleaned.
- Gracias. Por lo menos me limpié aquí adentro.At least I got cleaned-up in here.
- La limpié.I cleaned it.
- Muy bien, cuando te limpiaste...- Alright, when you get cleaned up...
- Pensaba que dijiste que lo limpiaste.- I thought you said you cleaned it.
- Vi que limpiaste el cobertizo.- I saw you cleaned out the shed.
- y limpiaste la cocina.- And cleaned up the kitchen.
- ¡Pero tú limpiaste!But you cleaned up!
"Dios mío, limpió su coche."Oh, my God, he cleaned out the trash in his car.
"Judd limpió la mayoría y yo lo ayudé."Judd cleaned up most of it and I helped him.
- Entonces, ¿quién la limpió?- So, who cleaned it up?
- Ese laxante de fibra la limpió.- That fiber-loss cleaned her out.
- Fue él quién te limpió.- He cleaned you up.
Patrullabas en la 42 cuando no había más que prostitutas y traficantes... Poco a poco, tú y una docena de infatigables policías, la limpiasteis, haciéndola lo que es hoy día.You patrolled 42nd street when it was nothing but hookers and drug dealers and little by little you and a dozen other hardworking cops cleaned it up, made it what it is today.
- Dígame que no limpiaron la habitación.Tell me that room hasn't been cleaned yet.
- Ellos, limpiaron el banco Jane?- They cleaned out the bank, Jane? - Yeah, that's right.
- La limpiaron- It was cleaned up by the vodka.
- Lo limpiaron.- They cleaned it.
- Nos limpiaron.We got cleaned out.
"Yo te limpiaré y un nuevo espiritu"I will cleanse thee and a new spirit
Bueno, si consigues tú que Hetty responda a eso te limpiaré el apartamento.Well, if you can get Hetty to answer that, I actually will clean your apartment.
Entonces limpiaré tu cuerpo con una toalla.Then I will clean your body with a towel.
La cocina ya la limpiaré más tarde.I will clean the kitchen lather.
Lo limpiaré todo.I will clean it up.
Entonces tú limpiarás el desastre.Then you will clean up the mess.
Me servirás mis comidas, y limpiarás el castillo oscuro.You will serve me my meals, and you will clean The Dark Castle.
Para compensar por tu descuido y que aprendas lo que es la humildad limpiarás el piso esta noche.To atone for your carelessness and so you may learn the meaning of humility, you will clean the floor tonight.
"Todo dentro de mí, decía Rasputín, es luz pura la cual limpiará sus pecados."All within me, said Rasputin, is pure light which will cleanse your sins.
- Te das cuenta que si duplicamos el millón, el tipo nos limpiará cada centavo que tenemos.You do realise that if we double this guy up, a million will clean us out completely, it's every penny we've got.
- Ya saben, la verdad te limpiará y-- y elevará tu espíritu.The truth is... You know, the truth will cleanse you and...
A partir de mañana limpiará los coches fuera.From tomorrow he will clean the cars outside.
Ahora, limpiará todo lo malo. Dispérsate.Now, my charm will clean all evil Spread
- Lo limpiaremos mañana.- Yes, but they will clean that up tomorrow
- Puede dejar, limpiaremos.- It's Ok. We will clean it up.
- Ven, lo limpiaremos, vamos.- They come, we will clean it, we go.
Ahora limpiaremos tu espíritu cantando con la garganta como los esquimales.More, please. Now we will cleanse your spirit by the ancient Inuit art of throat singing.
Es un buen presagio para nosotros, que limpiaremos el escenario político.It's a good omen for us who will clean the political scene,
Me limpiaréis, bellaco.You will cleanse me, miscreant.
Despues, los cirujanos ortopédicos, de vuelta en el hospital, te limpiarán ¿eres candidato a una protesis?Then the orthopedic surgeons back at the hospital will clean you up, have you fitted for a prosthetic.
Encontrarás pocos hombres... y mujeres buenos... y juntos... juntos... limpiarán al mundo."You will find a few good men... and women... and together... together... you will cleanse the world."
Los nanogenes limpiarán el desastre y se desconectarán solos porque les dije que lo hicieran.The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, 'cause I just told them to.
Que limpiarán esta ciudad en sangre y fuego.Who will cleanse this city in blood and fire.
A ti te limpiaría como un gato a sus crías.You, I would clean like a cat does its young. Eww.
Créeme, si yo fuese, limpiaría.Oh, trust me, mate, if I was there, I would clean up.
Cuando ocupé el cargo dije... que limpiaría el Caribe.I told you when I took office... that I would clean the Caribbean.
Imaginó que Dominic limpiaría el rastro.You figured Dominic would clean up after you,too.
Pienso que la mayoría de la gente se unió a esa Cruzada porque honestamente creían que la campaña que se avecinaba limpiaría sus almas del pecado.I think most people joined this Crusade because they earnestly believed that the coming campaign would cleanse their souls of sin.
Del mismo modo que dijiste que limpiarías la casa, y todavía no ocurrió.You also said that you would clean the house. Also didn't happen.
Dijiste que lo limpiarías si yo lo arreglaba. ¡Y lo arreglé!You said that you would clean it if I fixed it. I fixed it!
Lo que acordamos es que tu limpiarías la casa, no jugar en ella.What we agreed to is that you would clean house, not play house.
Desearía poder llorar, las lagrimas limpiarían mi alma.I wish I could cry. Tears would cleanse my soul.
Las chicas me dijeron hace días que lo limpiarían.The girls told me they would clean it days ago.
Uno creería que las limpiarían. - Hola.You'd think someone would clean them.
"Deja que la sangre de muchos me limpie, preservando mi eterna belleza."so they shall harm me not. "Let the blood of many cleanse me,
"Esta casa es muy grande para que una persona la limpie. por que no lo dejas?"This house is too big for one person to clean. Why don't you leave?
"No dejes que limpie aquí.He says, "Don't let her clean in here.
"limpie mis dientes" tres o cuatro veces al día."cleans my teeth" three to four times a day.
- - Por favor, limpie aquí. -- Please clean up here.
"En vez de jurar sobre su tumba, más vale que la limpies."Swear on her grave all you want, but you'd do better just to clean the thing up."
- He dicho... que necesito... que me limpies... el disco duro.- I said, I need you... to clean up... my hard drive.
- Mamá dice que limpies la piscina.- Mom says to clean the pool.
- Mientras limpies las sábanas.- As long as you cleaned the sheets.
- No hace falta que limpies nada.- There's nothing to clean up.
- Ni bien limpiemos estas porquerías--- Soon as we get this rubbish cleaned up.
- Nos dijeron que las limpiemos.- We were told to clean them.
- Para que limpiemos y hagamos inventario.- then we clean up and do inventory.
- Que limpiemos y lo devolvamos.- We clean it and we put it back.
- ¿Harás que limpiemos esto?- Are you gonna make us clean it up? BATMAN:
- Tendréis vuestra asignación cuando limpiéis.You'll get your allowance after you clean up. - Deal?
Acabad con las literas, quiero que limpiéis los retretes, cagarrutas.Finish your bunks, then you two turds clean the head.
Ahora quiero que limpiéis todo esto, volváis a casa y hagáis los deberes.Now, I want you to clean this stuff up, Come inside, and do your homework.
Los grandes lores os han desafiado a que limpiéis vuestro caos.The high lords have challenged you to clean up your mess.
Necesitaré que limpiéis las salpicaduras de sangre de las paredes, las marcas de pisadas en el suelo, y taponar los agujeros de bala.Gonna need you to clean the blood splatter on the walls, evidence marks on the floor, and patch up the bullet holes.
"Curen a los enfermos, limpien a los leprosos."Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers... Annie!
"Curen a los enfermos, limpien a los leprosos..."Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
"Hola. ¿Quiere que le limpien la alfombra?""Hi. You want your carpet cleaned?"
"Ok, vayan a sus casas, y limpien sus armas para la próxima vez."Go to your homes clean your guns for their next use.
- Bien, limpien esto.-Okay, clean it up.
"Por favor, limpiad el horno después de usarlo.""Please clean the grill after using."
- Lip, tú e Ian limpiad la piscina.Lip, you and Ian clean out the pool.
Buck y tú limpiad la taberna.You and Buck go clean the saloon.
Chicos, limpiad este desastre.Kids, clean that mess up.
Chicos, ¡coged una escoba, limpiad esto!Guys, get a broom. Let's clean this up.
- Consigue una limpiado de nuevo en la mina.- Get cleaned up back at mine.
- Debe haberlo limpiado.- He must've cleaned it up.
- Debe ser limpiado.- It needs to be cleaned.
- Defender una ley de reforma de campaña que no ha limpiado las campañas.--defending a campaign-reform law that hasn 't cleaned up campaigns.
- El lugar fue limpiado.This place has been cleaned.
"El 1/12/77, limpiando en casa de 51,"On 1/12/77, while cleaning at 51's,
"El cuerpo de Isabelle Dubois, 17, fue descubierto cuando una familia estaba limpiando una casa vacía.""The body of Isabelle Dubois, 17, was discovered when a family was cleaning out a vacant home."
"El héroe de Verdun, limpiando la pizarra, está poniendo nuestra casa en orden de arriba abajo"."The hero of Verdun, cleaning the slate, "Is setting our house in order from top to bottom.
"Mi pobre hijo, la criada estaba limpiando los Óscar"."My poor son, the maid I was cleaning? scar ".
"Tengo a una nena en bikini limpiando mi pileta y no puedo atenderte ahora "."I got this babe in a bikini cleaning my pool, and I can't make it to the phone now."
Pero limpiá lo que ensucies.But make sure to clean up after yourself.

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