Limpar (to clean) conjugation

108 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to stop being cloudy or foggy, to remove all contents from a location or container, to clear up, remove, to eviscerate and descale an animal for consumption, stop, eviscerate

Conjugation of limpar

Present tense
I clean
you clean
he/she cleans
we clean
you all clean
they clean
Present perfect tense
tenho limpado
I have cleaned
tens limpado
you have cleaned
tem limpado
he/she has cleaned
temos limpado
we have cleaned
tendes limpado
you all have cleaned
têm limpado
they have cleaned
Past preterite tense
I cleaned
you cleaned
he/she cleaned
we cleaned
you all cleaned
they cleaned
Future tense
I will clean
you will clean
he/she will clean
we will clean
you all will clean
they will clean
Conditional mood
I would clean
you would clean
he/she would clean
we would clean
you all would clean
they would clean
Past imperfect tense
I used to clean
you used to clean
he/she used to clean
we used to clean
you all used to clean
they used to clean
Past perfect tense
tinha limpado
I had cleaned
tinhas limpado
you had cleaned
tinha limpado
he/she had cleaned
tínhamos limpado
we had cleaned
tínheis limpado
you all had cleaned
tinham limpado
they had cleaned
Future perfect tense
terei limpado
I will have cleaned
terás limpado
you will have cleaned
terá limpado
he/she will have cleaned
teremos limpado
we will have cleaned
tereis limpado
you all will have cleaned
terão limpado
they will have cleaned
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha limpado
I have cleaned
tenhas limpado
you have cleaned
tenha limpado
he/she has cleaned
tenhamos limpado
we have cleaned
tenhais limpado
you all have cleaned
tenham limpado
they have cleaned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have cleaned
(if/so that) you will have cleaned
(if/so that) he/she will have cleaned
(if/so that) we will have cleaned
(if/so that) you all will have cleaned
(if/so that) they will have cleaned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver limpado
I will have cleaned
tiveres limpado
you will have cleaned
tiver limpado
he/she will have cleaned
tivermos limpado
we will have cleaned
tiverdes limpado
you all will have cleaned
tiverem limpado
they will have cleaned
Imperative mood
let's clean!
Imperative negative mood
não limpes
do not clean!
não limpe
let him/her/it not clean!
não limpemos
let us not clean!
não limpeis
do not clean!
não limpem
do not clean!

Examples of limpar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"A Nathalie tem de limpar este quarto."Nathalie has to clean this room.
"Estava a pensar limpar a minha conduta do lixo "e meter-me num banho de espuma.I've already made plans to clean my garbage disposal and treat myself to a bubble bath.
"Gostarei o suficiente para ter que viver sem ter que o limpar uma e outra e outra vez?""Do I love it enough to have to live with having to clean it over and over and over?"
"Lutamos para limpar o mundo de males...We're fighting to cleanse the world of ancient evils.
"O Jimmy Carter declarou que se fosse eleito..." "... ele iria fazer tudo o possível para limpar o governo."Jimmy Carter declared that if elected he would do everything possible to clean up the government.
! O Bowen está limpo, Bill.Bowen is clean, Bill.
""Quero um trabalho cirúrgico em dois dias, mas tem de ser limpo!"I want you to pull off surgery in two days, but it has to be clean!
"A nossa tarefa é fazer jogo limpo.Our job is to make it clean.
"Banco super limpo" no seu bloquinho."bank extra clean" in your little notebook.
"E este maravilhoso peixe virá "e viverá contigo e vai ensinar-te a viver limpo."This beautiful fish will ', live in' with you and teach you 'to live cleanly. "
"Albert, as janelas precisam de ser limpas.""Albert, windows need cleaning."
"Cozinhas e limpas e trazes-Ihe martinis. ""You cook and clean and bring him marcinis."
"O que tem as mãos limpas e o coração puro,He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;
"Ouvi dizer que Amã é uma linda cidade, "com ruas limpas e bem cuidadas.I hear that Amman is a beautiful city, with clean, well-kept streets.
"Se as portas da percepção fossem limpas, "tudo apareceria ao homem como é: Infinito. ""If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is:
"Leticia limpa a sua arma.""Leticia cleans her gun."
- Bem, claro que não queres saber, - não és tu que o limpa.Well, of course you don't, you're not the one who cleans it.
- Diga lá, quem lhe limpa a casa?- Come on, man, who cleans up after you?
- Ela nunca limpa debaixo da mesa.Captain, she never cleans under the table.
- Ele limpa piscinas.- He cleans pools.
"A casa é pequena, mas agradável, agora que a limpamos."The house is small but cozy now that we have cleaned it up and made it our own.
- A casa está vazia. No fim limpamos tudo e pronto. Ninguém vai saber.Ricardo, we'll clean up afterwards and they won't find out.
- Depois limpamos isto.- We'll clean this up later.
- Na boa, nós limpamos tudo.We'll clean it up.
- Nós limpamos bairros.- We clean up neighbourhoods.
- Como se os drogados se tivessem limpado.- Like the fiends cleaned themselves up.
- Devia ter limpado os canos.- Should have cleaned the pipes.
- Ele deve tê-lo limpado.- He must've cleaned it up.
- Espero que o tenhas limpado.i hope you cleaned up.
- Espero que te tenhas limpado.- I hope you cleaned up.
Ai de vós! Escribas e fariseus! Pois limpais por fora o copo e o prato e por dentro... estais cheios de roubo e de intemperança!Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites that scour clean the outside of a cup and dish but inside they are full of greed and excess.
- 24 horas. Fecham uma sala e limpam a outra.They close one room and I clean the other.
- As cocheiras não se limpam sozinhas.Ah, those horse stalls aren't going to clean themselves.
- Está óptima. As pessoas que não limpam a porcaria que os seus animais fazem...People who don't clean up after their pets.
- Muitas mulheres limpam as suas casas.Lots of wives clean.
A Daisy e a Ivy limpam isso amanhã de manhã.Let Daisy and lvy clean it up in the morning.
! Cozinhei, limpei, enxuguei mijo...I've cooked, cleaned, mopped up her urine !
- Claro, eu limpei esta coisa.Yeah I cleaned this thing Thanks alot
- Eu limpei a casa.Hey, I cleaned up the place.
- Eu limpei uma vez. - Limpaste o quê? O sangue.I cleaned the whole thing up that very same night.
- Eu limpei-as.-I cleaned them.
- Bem, acho que limpaste o sitio.Well, I guess you cleaned it out.
- E tu limpaste? - Melhor ainda.- And you cleaned it up?
- Já limpaste a cozinha? - Sim?- Have you cleaned the kitchen?
- Já limpaste.'Cause you just got the place cleaned up.
Acho que nunca limpaste isto.I don't think you ever cleaned this.
"Alguém na 5-4 limpou o armário do Steve Tomlin sem autorização ou sabe quem o fez."Someone in the 5-4 cleaned out Steve Tomlin's locker "without authorization... "or knows who did.
"Leigh limpou a roulotte dele sexta-feira, depois do trabalho"Leigh cleaned out his trailer on Friday after work
"Oh, meu Deus, ele limpou o lixo do carro dele".Oh, my God, he cleaned out the trash in his car.
- A Sra. Stappord disse-me que ela se despediu, deixou a cidade, limpou o quarto.Mrs. Stappord told me that she quit, left town, cleaned out her room.
- Acha que ele limpou a casa?You think he cleaned up?
Nunca estivestes em Paris e limpastes uma retrete francesa?You've never been to Paris and cleaned a French toilet, huh?
- Parece que nunca o limparam.It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.
-Os miúdos limparam-no.- Kids must've cleaned him out.
A mulher diz que limparam o local um dia depois de viajarem.Wife says they had the place cleaned the day after they left.
Alguém nos passou à frente, limparam os arquivos.Somebody beat us to it, cleaned out his files.
Antes que eles ficaram andar comigo, eles limparam o meu arado muito bem.- Before they got to hangin' me, they cleaned my plow pretty good.
O que quero dizer é que a limparei a fundo.I mean, I will clean it.
Virei na próxima semana, e limparei tudo de novo.I will come back next week, etje will clean all.
Para penitenciar a tua negligência e possas aprender o significado da tua humildade, limparás o chão esta noite.To atone for your carelessness and so you may learn the meaning of humility, you will clean the floor tonight.
O Seu bastão está nas Suas mãos, e com ele, Ele limpará a eira.And with fire, his rod is in his hand and with it he will cleanse the freshing floor.
Tenho um trabalho melhor para si, limpará as botas de todo o batalhão.Tonight you will clean the boots of your entire troop.
Tudo em mim, disse Rasputin é pura luz que limpará os vossos pecados."All within me, said Rasputin, is pure light which will cleanse your sins.
Uma pessoa virá, a voz do mundo exterior, trazendo a Guerra Santa, a Jihad, que limpará o Universo e nos tirará das trevas.One will come. The voice from the outer world, bringing the holy war, the jihad, which will cleanse the universe... and bring us out of darkness.
Depois de teres empacotado a tua porcelana, limparemos as ruínas que deixaste para trás.After you've packed your porcelain, we will clean up the shambles you've left behind.
O Kramer e eu limparemos tudo.Kramer and I will clean this up.
Os nanogenes limparão isto e desligar-se-ão, porque assim os programei.The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, 'cause I just told them to.
"Limpe isso." Agora sou da limpeza."Clean this up." Now I'm a cleaning man.
- Agora, limpe a bagunça!- Now clean up this mess!
- Aqui diz "Não limpe o filtro".Mr. Monk, it says, "Do not clean the filter. " Where?
- Estou fora. - Vais ter de procurar outro que limpe as tuas merdas.You're going to have to find somebody Else to clean up your mess
- Limpe, limpe, limpe...- Gotta clean, clean, clean.
- Não limpes o vidro tão bem.When you clean the glass, don't clean it too well.
- Preciso que limpes essa imagem.- I need it to clean up that image.
- Preciso que limpes o meu disco rígido.I need you to clean up my hard drive.
- Quero que limpes o ginásio.Go clean out the gym!
-O David quer que limpes a...- David wants you to clean out the...
O Baker quer que limpemos a tenda logo que possível!Baker wants us to clean up the tent A.S.A.P.
O Billings quer que limpemos isto.Billings wants us to clean.
Querem que não sejamos batoteiros, limpemos nossos quartos, façamos tudo segundo as regras.They want you to play nice, clean your room, do it by the rules.
Todos gostamos do Nibbler, por isso, é justo que todos façamos um esforço e limpemos as bolas juntos.We all love Nibbler, so it's only fair that we all clean up together.
"Talvez só limpem carpetes".Maybe you just clean carpets."
- E deixar que limpem a área.- And it cleanses the area.
- E limpem essa cena.- And clean that stuff up.
- Mac, tu e o Buck limpem o bar.Mac! You and Buck go clean the saloon.
- Não limpem demais.- Don't clean too hard.
Curai os doentes, limpai os leprosos...Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers... Annie!
- Eu comprei-o. - E ela mostrará a sua gratidão... limpando a minha merda daqui até Marte.- And she'll show her gratitude... cleaning my crap from here to Mars.
- Só... limpando.Just, um... cleaning up.
-Apenas limpando.- Just cleaning up.
-Eles estão limpando.- They're... cleaning.
-Está lá dentro, limpando.-He's inside cleaning up.
- Claro, se lhe limparem a garagem.- Sure, if you clean his garage.
- Estão a tentar angariar dinheiro para limparem o bairro.-They're trying to raise money to clean up the neighborhood.
- Não se preocupem, deixar-vos-ei sair quando limparem este lugar e se livrarem dos ratos!Don't worry, I'll let you go when you've cleaned up this place and got rid of the rats!
-Não te disse para limparem isto?- Didn't I tell you to clean this up?
A Monsanto está a processar-me com o fundamento de que estou a encorajar os agricultores a violarem a lei de patentes ao limparem as suas sementes.Monsanto is suing me on the basis that I'm encouraging the farmer to break the patent law by cleaning their own seed.
- De nada. - Obrigada por me limpares carro.- Thank you for cleaning my car.
- E limpares o teu quarto.- and cleaning up your room.
- E que tal limpares-te?- What about cleaning yourself?
- Para limpares?- By giving a clean?
- Seth, a sério, fora de brincadeira, tens algo aqui, e acho que é melhor limpares.- Seth, seriously. All kidding aside you've got something there, and I think you're gonna wanna clean it up.
"Não devemos pensar nestes tornados como desastres mas antes como uma oportunidade de limparmos tudo e começar do zero.""We must not think of the tornadoes as disasters but rather a chance to clean our slate and start from scratch."
30 por cabeça, 50 se limparmos o local, e nos desfizermos dos corpos.30 a head. 50 if we clean the place up and get rid of the bodies.
Apanho-te mais tarde para limparmos o troço da via-rápida que adoptámos.I'll pick you up later so we can clean up that stretch of highway we adopted.
Até limparmos a confusão.Until we can clean up the mess it's made.
Creio que o Metal cumpre a tarefa de nos limparmos e de nos libertarmos de muita tensão.I think the metal has the task to cleanse and free of stress.
Talvez porque limpasse estes lugares e trouxesse mulheres para aqui.I don't know. Maybe because he was cleaning these places up and meeting other women?

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