Negociar (to negotiate) conjugation

99 examples

Conjugation of negociar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I negotiate
you negotiate
he/she/it negotiates
we negotiate
you all negotiate
they negotiate
Present perfect tense
he negociado
I have negotiated
has negociado
you have negotiated
ha negociado
he/she/it has negotiated
hemos negociado
we have negotiated
habéis negociado
you all have negotiated
han negociado
they have negotiated
Past preterite tense
I negotiated
you negotiated
he/she/it negotiated
we negotiated
you all negotiated
they negotiated
Future tense
I will negotiate
you will negotiate
he/she/it will negotiate
we will negotiate
you all will negotiate
they will negotiate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would negotiate
you would negotiate
he/she/it would negotiate
we would negotiate
you all would negotiate
they would negotiate
Past imperfect tense
I used to negotiate
you used to negotiate
he/she/it used to negotiate
we used to negotiate
you all used to negotiate
they used to negotiate
Past perfect tense
había negociado
I had negotiated
habías negociado
you had negotiated
había negociado
he/she/it had negotiated
habíamos negociado
we had negotiated
habíais negociado
you all had negotiated
habían negociado
they had negotiated
Future perfect tense
habré negociado
I will have negotiated
habrás negociado
you will have negotiated
habrá negociado
he/she/it will have negotiated
habremos negociado
we will have negotiated
habréis negociado
you all will have negotiated
habrán negociado
they will have negotiated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I negotiate
(if/so that) you negotiate
(if/so that) he/she/it negotiate
(if/so that) we negotiate
(if/so that) you all negotiate
(if/so that) they negotiate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya negociado
I have negotiated
hayas negociado
you have negotiated
haya negociado
he/she/it has negotiated
hayamos negociado
we have negotiated
hayáis negociado
you all have negotiated
hayan negociado
they have negotiated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have negotiated
(if/so that) you have negotiated
(if/so that) he/she/it have negotiated
(if/so that) we have negotiated
(if/so that) you all have negotiated
(if/so that) they have negotiated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have negotiated
(if/so that) you have negotiated
(if/so that) he/she/it have negotiated
(if/so that) we have negotiated
(if/so that) you all have negotiated
(if/so that) they have negotiated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera negociado
I had negotiated
hubieras negociado
you had negotiated
hubiera negociado
he/she/it had negotiated
hubiéramos negociado
we had negotiated
hubierais negociado
you all had negotiated
hubieran negociado
they had negotiated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese negociado
I had negotiated
hubieses negociado
you had negotiated
hubiese negociado
he/she/it had negotiated
hubiésemos negociado
we had negotiated
hubieseis negociado
you all had negotiated
hubiesen negociado
they had negotiated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have negotiated
(if/so that) you will have negotiated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have negotiated
(if/so that) we will have negotiated
(if/so that) you all will have negotiated
(if/so that) they will have negotiated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere negociado
I will have negotiated
hubieres negociado
you will have negotiated
hubiere negociado
he/she/it will have negotiated
hubiéremos negociado
we will have negotiated
hubiereis negociado
you all will have negotiated
hubieren negociado
they will have negotiated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's negotiate!
Imperative negative mood
no negocies
do not negotiate!
no negocie
let him/her/it negotiate!
no negociemos
let us not negotiate!
no negociéis
do not negotiate!
no negocien
do not negotiate!

Examples of negociar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Las Naciones Unidas sólo va a apoyar, si el gobierno se niega a negociar con los terroristas"."UN will only support you. If the government refuses to negotiate with the terrorists."
"Pasamos los siguientes dos años intentando negociar el envío de otro equipo bajo condiciones muy seguras".We spent the next two years trying to negotiate sending another crew under perfectly safe conditions.
"Pero no debemos temer a negociar.""but we must never fear to negotiate."
"Por muy tentador que sea hacer lo que sea necesario... para recuperar al niño, el negociar con los secuestradores... los incentiva."As tempting as it would be to do whatever" "to get the child back..." "to negotiate with these kidnappers"
"Rumania tal vez se vea forzada a negociar con Hitler.""Romania may be forced to negotiate with Hitler."
"Entonces yo negocio, vos enfrentalo"I ' II negotiate and you confront him"
- Lo siento, no negocio con idiotas.- Sorry. I don't negotiate with tossers.
- No negocio con terroristas de caridad.See, I just don't negotiate with charity terrorists.
- No negocio. Cuatro.I don't negotiate. 4...
- Pero no negocio con terroristas.-But I do not negotiate with terrorists.
...queibaanegociarporél . Le dijo a Sydney: ""Tú entras y negocias.And he said to Sydney "All right, Sydney, you go in, and you negotiate.
Ahora es cuando tu negocias, tu fianza, nos cuentas sobre tus cuentas en Suiza, las de las Islas Caimán.This is where you negotiate, you bargain, you tell us about your Swiss bank accounts, your Cayman Island numbers.
De acuerdo, Gary, tú no negocias.Ok, gary, you don't negotiate.
Entonces, ¿por qué no negocias una forma de salir de aquí ya?Then why don't you negotiate a way out of here already?
Hey, Lass, dile que no negocias con terroristas.Lass! Tell her you don't negotiate with terrorists.
- Nunca-- - ¿Quién negocia tu dote?- You would never-- - Who negotiates your dowry?
A desarmar las bombas mientras Obi-Wan negocia.To disarm the bombs while Obi-Wan negotiates.
Aparentemente, negocia sus contratos, recibe los honorarios, etcétera, etcétera.Apparently he negotiates her contracts, collects fees, etcetera, etcetera.
Czerniaków todavía negocia.Czerniakow still negotiates.
El IRB ahora es reconocido como un partido político que negocia con su gobierno.The IRB is now a recognised political party that negotiates with your government.
- A causa del tratado que negociamos.- Because of the deal we just negotiated.
- No negociamos con las presas.We don't negotiate with prisoners.
- No negociamos con terroristas.- We don't negotiate with terrorists.
- No negociamos su bienestar.- We don't negotiate the welfare of children.
- No, no negociamos con terroristas.No, we don't negotiate with terrorists.
Pero el tío Felix no va a estar de niñero mientras negociáis la custodia.But uncle Felix isn't going to be babysitting while you negotiate custody.
- Así es como negocian en el mundo bizarro.- This is how they negotiate in the Bizarro World.
- Los Estados Unidos de América no negocian con terroristas.The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists.
-Sí. -¿Desde cuándo negocian los EE.UU. con terroristas?- When did it become policy of the United States to negotiate with terrorists?
Además no negocian tan duro.They also don't negotiate as hard.
Ahora dan conferencias de prensa, negocian adelantos por sus memorias mientras el resto de nosotros limpiamos sus desastres.Now they hold press conferences, negotiate advances for their memoirs while the rest of us clean up their messes.
-No conozco a este impostor, ¡Pero le aseguro que éste no es el Giacomo con quién negocié en Europa!I know not this pretender, but I assure you he is not the Giacomo I met and negotiated with in Europe!
Así que esta mañana, negocié el trato para vivir el sueño en la NBA, con los Sacramento Kings.So this morning, I negotiated you a deal to live that dream... in the NBA... with the Sacramento Kings.
Como recordarás, negocié con éxito las políticas financieras con el FondoWell, if you recall, I successfully negotiated Financial policies with the IMF and world bank.
Después de que la cúpula se despejara, Hunter volvió a establecer contacto, y negocié con ellos y nos han enviado esto a través del lago.After the dome cleared, Hunter reestablished contact with them, and then I negotiated, and they, uh, sent this up to the lake.
Después que Sal logró el ascenso, negocié tener mi propio ayudante.After sal got bumped up, I negotiated getting my own assistant. Nice.
Antes dijiste que negociaste con tres.Now before you said you negotiated with three.
Bueno, negociaste perfectamente.Can you? Well, you negotiated beautifully.
Después del trato que negociaste, no creo que Helen eche a alguien de la cama esta noche.After the deal you just negotiated, I don't think Helen's throwing anybody out of bed tonight.
Gracias El modo como negociaste ciertos problemas de la escuela increíbleThe way you negotiated on some of those convoluted school issues.
Hace cuatro horas... contactaste con caza recompensas por e-mail y negociaste un precio para recuperar los bitcoins.Four hours ago... you contacted bounty hunters by e-mail and negotiated a price to recover the stolen bitcoins.
- Como enviado especial, negoció el asentamiento en Irlanda del Norte.- As a U.S. Special Envoy, he negotiated the settlement in Northern Ireland.
- Quien negoció eso.- Who negotiated this?
- ¿Qué demonios está pasando? - Adam quedó a mis espaldas y negoció la venta del Luncheonette.Adam met behind my back and negotiated to sell The Luncheonette to somebody.
Abraham negoció con Dios por Sodoma.Abraham negotiated with God for Sodom.
Aidan estaba dentro del autobús. y fue el que negoció con Laszlo.Aidan was inside that bus and he was the one that negotiated with Laszlo.
Ellos básicamente negociaron sus contratos, donde los hombres fueron los que hicieron la negociación, y eso es lo que debes hacer.They basically negotiated their contracts where the men were really doing the negotiating, and that's what you need to do.
Entonces Diane y Will negociaron de buena fe.So Diane and Will negotiated in good faith,
Hay una "petite histoire" que seguramente sea relevante, y es que lo negociaron más abogados que economistas.There is a "petite historie" that may be relevant, negotiated more by lawyers than economists.
Las partes negociaron los términos y EE.UU. sigue comprometido con el proceso de paz.The parties themselves negotiated the terms and the U.S. remains committed to the peace process.
Los EE. UU. negociaron el uso de la Isla Christmas con los británicos que habían usado la isla para sus propios tests termonucleares.É the United States negotiated the use Christmas Island with the British who used the island for their own thermonuclear tests.
Yo negociaré en su lugar.I will negotiate instead of him.
Luego, negociarás con la corte para revocar mi declaración de incompetencia.Then, you will negotiate with the court... to have my declaration of incompetence lifted.
Alguien negociará.Someone will negotiate.
De hecho, me temo que negociará con mi padre, deshaciendo todo lo que vos y yo hemos construido.In time, I fear he will negotiate with my father, unraveling all you and I have built.
El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Abdul-Aziz Bouteflika negociará la liberación de los rehenes.The Foreign Secretary, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, will negotiate the hostages' release.
Joseph negociará con su padre la entrega de los renegados que causaron el descarrilamiento.Joseph will negotiate with his father for the hand over of the renegades who caused the derailment...
La Casa Blanca negociará otro paquete de ayuda en un año.The White House will negotiate another aid package in a year.
Ahora negociaremos, de un italiano a otro.Now we will negotiate, one Italian to another.
Bueno, negociaremos, tú y yo.Well, we will negotiate, you and I.
Dile que si, que negociaremosTell them that yes, we will negotiate.
Nunca negociaremos con esos criminales.Never we will negotiate with these criminals.
Pero he oído el más extraordinario de los rumores... Estamos intentando interesar a los Nazis... aceptando un gigantesco préstamo, mediante el cual negociaremos por ellos en los mercados internacionales, por lo cual podrían tener de vuelta su industria armamentística de manera pacífica.I've heard the most extraordinary rumours that we are trying to interest the Nazis in accepting a gigantic secret loan, which we will negotiate for them on the international markets, so they might turn their armament industry back to peaceful means.
...negociarán las demandas que han estado pendientes durante años.They will negotiate pay raises that have been standing for years.
Los nobles negociarán.The nobles will negotiate.
¿Quién negociaría en nuestro nombre?Who would negotiate on our behalf?
Yamamoto pensó que los estadounidenses se desanimarían y que negociarían, que había que dar un golpe estrepitoso mientras los americanos iban a trabajar.[Ambrose] What Yamamoto thought would happen was the Americans would be disheartened, and they would negotiate. That all came crashing down as the American people went to work.
- Está bien. Se me ha pedido que negocie la devolución de esas cartas.I've been asked to negotiate the return of those letters.
- Propongo marchar sobre Londres ocupemos el Parlamento y haremos que ese rey negocie con nosotros.-I say, let us march on London let us take Parliament and then let the king try to negotiate with us!
- Que negocie un mejor precio.- Try to negotiate a better price.
- Que no negocie con tus sentimientos.-He can`t negotiate with your emotions.
- ¡Haz que Domiciano negocie con nosotros!- Get Domitian to negotiate with us !
Auggie, te vamos a enviar a Datatech... para que te reúnas con Natasha... y negocies un acuerdo de consultoría.Auggie, we're sending you to datatech To reunite with natasha And negotiate a consulting deal.
David, no negocies con Kovac, no estás en la misma liga.Do not negotiate with Kovac, you're not in the same league.
Lo que significa que la próxima vez que negocies un trato, te sugeriría que dejaras las cosas claras.Plus all this. Which means the next time you negotiate a deal, I would suggest to get your facts straight.
Necesito que negocies con Renly Baratheon.I need you to negotiate with Renly Baratheon.
Negocies con quien negocies... haz que arreglen el desagüe antes de dos días.Whatever else you negotiate, get the drain fixed within two days
A menos que seas más tonto de lo que creo, te sugiero que negociemos.Unless you're a far better shot than I think you are, I suggest we negotiate.
Ahora negociemos.So let's negotiate.
Amy ha sugerido que negociemos los términos, así que si tú accedes a darle tu consentimiento a mi padre, esto es lo que yo haré por ti.Amy suggested we negotiate terms, so if you agree to give my dad his blessing, here's what I'll do for you.
De acuerdo, negociemos con CrozierAll right, negotiate with Crozier.
Don Camilo, negociemos. ¿Qué quiere?Don Camillo, I am prepared to negotiate.
Con la condición de que negociéis exitosamente... la liberación de mi hermano Gloucester... del enemigo.On the condition that you successfully negotiate the release of our brother Gloucester from the enemy.
Al presidente le preocupa que Andy Wyatt y los congresistas negocien por su cuenta.President's concerned Andy Wyatt and these congressmen will negotiate on their own.
Aunque nuestros emisarios negocien la paz con la Federación, lucharemos por la preservación de nuestra raza.Even as our emissaries negotiate for peace with the Federation, we will act for the preservation of our race.
La resistencia es imposible, negocien un acuerdo.If incapable of resistance, negotiate for terms.
No negocien.Don't negotiate.
No ofrezco más que seis, así que no negocien conmigo.I'm not going above six, so don't negotiate with me. Aah!
- He negociado una tregua con Borgoña. - ¿Una tregua?I have just negotiated a truce with Burgundy.
- Sí, ahora hemos negociado un precio, tal como lo estamos haciendo ahora.Yeah, now we negotiated a price, just like we're doing now.
- ¿Lo has negociado?-You negotiated that? -Y eah.
-Vaya, debes tener al mejor agente, por haber negociado ese contrato.- You must have quite the agent, to have negotiated that deal.
... Una serie de insultos de gobiernos extranjeros, y la pérdida de un tesoro nacional, debemos rechazar el acuerdo de la deuda ay negociado en Bruselas.GEORGIOU: ...a series of insults from foreign governments, - and the loss of a national treasure, - (phone vibrating) we must reject the negotiated debt deal in Brussels.
"Fuentes fidedignas han informado al Times Herald de que una comunidad de retirados está negociando con el club de Charlestown el traspaso de los Chiefs".Listen to this. "Unidentified but reliable sources have informed the Times Herald that a St Petersburg, Florida retirement community is negotiating with the Charlestown Hockey Corporation for the purchase of the Chiefs."
"Hay alguien que son negociando en estos momentos "."There are somebody who are negotiating as we speak."
"Selwyn Proctor quiere comprar Chetwood House, estuve negociando con él"GARBLED AUDIO: Selwyn Proctor wants to buy Chetwood House I've been negotiating with him.
"que está negociando con los alemanes."and is negotiating with the Germans.
- "Con Lyman negociando..." Sí-"With Lyman negotiating..." Yeah.
Mientras vos negociás una paz con él prepara una segunda guerra civil.While you negotiate a settlement with him he is planning a second civil war.

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