Observar (to observe) conjugation

114 examples

Conjugation of observar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I observe
you observe
he/she/it observes
we observe
you all observe
they observe
Present perfect tense
he observado
I have observed
has observado
you have observed
ha observado
he/she/it has observed
hemos observado
we have observed
habéis observado
you all have observed
han observado
they have observed
Past preterite tense
I observed
you observed
he/she/it observed
we observed
you all observed
they observed
Future tense
I will observe
you will observe
he/she/it will observe
we will observe
you all will observe
they will observe
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would observe
you would observe
he/she/it would observe
we would observe
you all would observe
they would observe
Past imperfect tense
I used to observe
you used to observe
he/she/it used to observe
we used to observe
you all used to observe
they used to observe
Past perfect tense
había observado
I had observed
habías observado
you had observed
había observado
he/she/it had observed
habíamos observado
we had observed
habíais observado
you all had observed
habían observado
they had observed
Future perfect tense
habré observado
I will have observed
habrás observado
you will have observed
habrá observado
he/she/it will have observed
habremos observado
we will have observed
habréis observado
you all will have observed
habrán observado
they will have observed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I observe
(if/so that) you observe
(if/so that) he/she/it observe
(if/so that) we observe
(if/so that) you all observe
(if/so that) they observe
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya observado
I have observed
hayas observado
you have observed
haya observado
he/she/it has observed
hayamos observado
we have observed
hayáis observado
you all have observed
hayan observado
they have observed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have observed
(if/so that) you have observed
(if/so that) he/she/it have observed
(if/so that) we have observed
(if/so that) you all have observed
(if/so that) they have observed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have observed
(if/so that) you have observed
(if/so that) he/she/it have observed
(if/so that) we have observed
(if/so that) you all have observed
(if/so that) they have observed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera observado
I had observed
hubieras observado
you had observed
hubiera observado
he/she/it had observed
hubiéramos observado
we had observed
hubierais observado
you all had observed
hubieran observado
they had observed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese observado
I had observed
hubieses observado
you had observed
hubiese observado
he/she/it had observed
hubiésemos observado
we had observed
hubieseis observado
you all had observed
hubiesen observado
they had observed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have observed
(if/so that) you will have observed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have observed
(if/so that) we will have observed
(if/so that) you all will have observed
(if/so that) they will have observed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere observado
I will have observed
hubieres observado
you will have observed
hubiere observado
he/she/it will have observed
hubiéremos observado
we will have observed
hubiereis observado
you all will have observed
hubieren observado
they will have observed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's observe!
Imperative negative mood
no observes
do not observe!
no observe
let him/her/it observe!
no observemos
let us not observe!
no observéis
do not observe!
no observen
do not observe!

Examples of observar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...tengan que ocurrir a aquellos merecedores de mayor felicidad, 'se señala el 12 de septiembre... 'como día de luto en todo el país, 'a observar con fuegos artificiales y otras ceremonias..."must be arriving to those deserving of better happiness... 'the 12th of September is appointed... 'as day of mourning for entire country... 'to observe same with fireworks and other ceremony...
"Ella prometió observar todo lo que se ordenó para ella."She promised to observe all that was ordered for her.
"Id a enseñar a todas las naciones a enseñarles a observar todas las cosas que les he mandado el que crea y sea bautizado, se salvará"."Go ye, and teach all nations: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have planned for you. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
"M" te autoriza a observar a Onatopp, pero estipula que no debe haber contacto sin previa aprobación.M authorises you to observe Miss Onatopp, but stipulates no contact without prior approval.
"Se estaba desnudando para bañarse," "y el enamorado monje tuvo la oportunidad de observar las curvas voluptuosas..." "y la admirable simetría de su persona..."She was undressing to bathe herself and the amorous monk had full opportunity to observe the voluptuous contours and admirable symmetry of her person as she drew off her last garment.
"Si observo las cosas desapasionadamente, lo de Basini es un asunto trivial."When I observe things dispassionately, Basini's theft is a trivial transgression.
# Lentamente camino y observo,... # y me paro embelesado... # para ver cómo gira el mundo.# Slowly I walk and observe, # and I stop enthralled... # to see the world, # how it turns.
- Yo simplemente observo.- I merely observe.
- Yo solo informo de lo que observo.- I just report what I observe.
- Yo también, es por eso que observo detenidamente, antes de comenzar.- Me too, that's why I observe closely, before I begin.
"Ves, pero no observas."You see, but you do not observe.
- Te pedí que escribieras un ensayo y observas a una chica.No, sir. So I ask you to write an essay, and you observe a girl.
Ahora dime que observas.Now tell me what you observe.
Alguien a quien observas todos los días.Someone whom you observe every day.
Cuando concilias y observas las sensaciones internas, tu vitalidad interior, estás observando en realidad el cambio.When you meditate and observe sensations within, your inner aliveness, you are actually observing change.
"Él observa que mastica con un deleite menos conspicuo que el de antes."Chews, he observes, with less conspicuous relish than she used to.
Bueno, no me corresponde a mí pedir tal distinción pero como observa correctamente el inspector tenía los ingresos de un caballero así que empecé a vivir como un caballero.Well it is not for me to claim such a distinction but as the Inspector rightly observes I had a gentlemen's income so I proceeded to live like a gentleman.
Cada equipo observa a sus oponentes valora sus habilidades, sus tendencias.Each team observes their opponents, assesses their skills, theirtendencies.
Creo que observa todo lo que hacemos.I believe that he observes everything what we do.
Cuando estoy sentada posando para él y me observa con sus ojos puros de pintor, siento como si me sumergiera en un lago de agua limpia.You see, when I'm... sitting for him and he observes me with his pure painter's eyes... I feel like I'm immersed in a lake of clear water.
"Lo que observamos no es la naturaleza en sí misma sino la naturaleza expuesta a nuestro método de observación"."What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."
Antes de tocar, observamos y escuchamos.Before we touch we first listen and observe.
Antes del siglo. XX, Creía que el universo siempre ha existido o que había sido creado algún momento del pasado, más o menos como lo observamos hoy.Before the 20th century... it was thought that the universe had existed forever... or had been created at some time in the past... more or less as we observe it today.
Así que nos sentamos observamos los movimientos de Skynet y nos reportamos a intervalos regulares, y eso es todo.So we sit tight, we observe Skynet movement, - and we'll report back and that's it.
Cercanamente observamos lo que pasa.We closely observe what's going on.
Y os digo esto, si observáis lo que os he dicho, no es necesario tener miedo a vuestros enemigos.And I tell you this, if you observe what I have told you, you need have no fear of your enemies.
Como observan en esta imagen, su cerebro recibe primero un pato, luego un conejo y luego un pato de nuevo. Siempre regresa al pato. En realidad, la imagen no es ninguna de las dos.As you observe this image, your brain perceives first a duck, then a rabbit, then a duck again and always comes back to the duck.
Damas y caballeros. Si observan en la fotografía A-Ladies and gentlemen If you will observe in photograph A -
Desde un punto de vista tardío, si se observan los nombres puede dar la impresión de que no hay nada fuera de lo normal en este grupo.From a late point of view, if the names are observed as group or individually he/she can give the impression that there is not anything outside of the normal thing in this group.
Dios no cuida a aquellos que no observan el Torá... y, naturalmente tampoco a los que no son judíos con Providencia Personal.God doesn't watch over those who don't observe the Torah and, naturally, doesn't watch over those who aren'tJews with Personal Providence.
Ellos observan todo y sienten todo, pero pretenden no importarles.They observe everything and feel everything, but pretend not to care.
" A las 8:45 a.m. de esta mañana aproximadamente, observé que la Detective Ally Moore llevaba una camisa sin mangas.[ clears throat ] "at approximately 8:45 a.M. This morning, "I observed detective ally moore in a sleeveless shirt.
"AsícomoTinyTim observé...."So as Tiny Tim observed....
A parte de la anomalía que observé con la Detective Monroe la habilidad de tu equipo para seguir el protocolo excede los estándares establecidos.Aside from the anomaly I observed with Detective Monroe, your team's ability to follow protocol exceeds the established standards.
Además, observé sus manos;Plus, I observed his hands;
Al intercambiar frases con Gina observé los músculos de su cara, la posición de sus ojos su respiración.In trading words with Gina, I observed the muscles in her face. The position of her eyes. The rhythm of her breathing.
Bien. Ahora que recuerdas mejor, ¿puedes decir qué más observaste en aquel momento?Well, then, now that your memory seems to be clearing... can you tell us what else you observed?
Es este el objetivo que observaste con el sujeto "X"?Is this the target you observed with subject X?
O de lo que observaste en la Cámara de Descontaminación.Or what you observed in the Decon Chamber.
Probablemente solo observaste por un tiempo, luego entablaste una relación.Probably just observed for a while, then you struck up a relationship.
Sólo tendrías que testificar sobre lo que observaste con tus propios ojos.You'd only have to testify about what you observed with your own eyes.
"El acusador afirma que al momento del hecho observó a cuatro personas alrededor del carrito del acusado y luego observó a otra persona pagarle al acusado en moneda nacional.""Deponent states at the time and place of occurrence "he observed approximately four un-apprehended individuals "surrounding defendant and said cart
"El acusador afirma que al momento del hecho observó al acusado, Fabrizio Pisello montado sobre un cajón en la mitad de una acera pública y gritando.""deponent states that at the time and place of occurrence, he observed the defendant, Fabrizio Pisello, standing on a crate in the middle of a public sidewalk and shouting.
- Sin embargo, uno de los testigos observó la matrícula de su coche.- However, one of the witnesses observed the number of your machine.
Al abrigo de una cueva de la montaña, el arquero Ruth observó la hacienda de Magnus.found refuge in the cave on the mountain, Ruth observed farm Magnus!
Aquí hay alguien que vuelve de Europa y lo observó todo.And we have a man here who's just back from europe and observed conditions at firsthand.
Como ambos observasteis, el cicatrizado exterior indica un periodo prolongado de abusoAs you both observed, the external scarring indicates a prolonged period of abuse.
"Los trabajadores sociales miraron afuera y observaron"The social workers looked out and observed
"y el mismo día, ellos, observaron la nueva luna."and the same day, they observed the new moon.
Como el tumor creció, presionó las arterias, causando la hemorragia cerebral que observaron.As the tumor enlarged, it impacted the arteries, causing the cerebral hemorrhage that you observed.
Cuando los científicos observaron esta luz a través de un prisma, vieron algo que nunca habrían esperado.When scientists observed this light through a prism, they saw something they'd never expected.
Cuando observaron la conexión entre el movimiento de las estrellas y los ciclos estacionales de la vida en la Tierra concluyeron, naturalmente, que lo que ocurre arriba debe estar dirigido hacia nosotros aquí abajo.When they observed the connection between the motions of the stars and the seasonal cycles of life on Earth they concluded, naturally, that what happens up there must be directed at us down here.
Está bien. Te prometo que voy a ver como van las cosas y observaré pero tengo que trabajar en mi caso o me voy a tener que esconder de Horatio. Bien.All right, I promise you that I will check in on things and I will observe, but I have to work on my own case or Horatio's going to have my hide.
La observaré por un tiempo.I will observe her for a period.
Luego lo observaré más.I will observe him more then.
Necesito evaluar a qué me estoy enfrentando, así que pondré música Uds. bailarán y yo los observaré.Now, I have to gauge what I am dealing with... so I will play music, you will dance... and I will observe.
Como observará he conseguido controlar ese miedo tanto que ahora prefiero la oscuridad.As you will observe, I have disciplined myself against that fear that now I much prefer a dark room.
Edi observará su ataque.EDI will observe your attack.
La Cía. George observará.George Company will observe.
La corte observará un adecuado periodo de luto.The court will observe a proper period of mourning.
Señoría, observará en la tercera página una anotación que indica que Mr. Kaczmarek tiene alergia al marisco.Your Honor will observe on the third page a notation stating that mr. Kaczmarek suffers from shellfish allergies.
Ahora observaremos esta anatomía de remplazo durante 36 horas, para asegurarnos de que ningún dato corrupto a entrado en su... tu sistema.Now, we will observe this replacement anatomy for 36 hours, to ensure that no corrupt data has entered its your system.
El comité y yo te observaremos para ver cómo interactúas con los animales. ¡Genial!The committee and I will observe you... to see how you interact with the animals
Hoy observaremos los músculos faciales.Today we will observe the facial muscles.
Lo ataremos, Io observaremos.We will tie it and will observe it.
Mis hombres y yo observaremos, y no se permite la entrada ni la salida.My men and I will observe... and no one enters or leaves the premises.
Adjuntos, vosotros observaréis y permaneceréis en silencio.Attendings, you will observe and stay silent.
Ahora, cuando abro la pared abdominal, observarán que los órganos han pasado de un color rosa saludable a un verde repugnante.Now, as I open... the abdominal wall, you will observe... that the organs have gone from a nice healthy pink... to a disgusting green.
Ahora, damas y caballerros observarán que he desafortunadamente despeinado el cabello del caballero.Now ladies and gentlemen, you will observe that I have unfortunately disarrayed the young gentleman's hair.
Las autoridades locales y la policía de Kinaho observarán la operación.Local law enforcement and members of Kinaho PD will observe the operation.
Nuestros invitados observarán el modo de vida de los visitantes. Tendrán acceso completo a lo mejor de nuestra tecnología, actividades recreativas y cuidados médicos.Our guests will observe the Visitor way of life, have full access to the best of our technology, recreational activities and healing care.
Su compañero y usted observarán un experimento psicológico en curso.You and your partner will observe a psychological experiment in progress.
El ninja observaría a su objetivo durante semanas, aprendiendo sus hábitos diarios.The ninja would observe their target for weeks, in intimate knowledge of their daily habits.
Pero su padre era un buen amigo mío, y le prometí que observaría los progresos de Ud. en la vida.But your father he was a good friend and l promised to him that l would observe your progress through life.
"It's fascinatin' to observe what the mirror does but when I dine" "it's for the wall that I set a place."'It's fascinating' to observe what the mirror does but when I dine' 'it's for the wall that I set a place.'
- Creemos que da mala suerte... que una chica observe el ritual de su marido antes de su boda.- We consider it a bad omen... for a girl to observe the ritual for her husband before her marriage
- Está más adelante. Pero observe los blancos festones que brillan en las paredes de la caverna."It is farther on, but observe the white webwork... which gleams from these cavern walls."
A diferencia de lo que hemos traído, que debería atraparlas simplemente, y con suerte será una suite nupcial para que Mitch observe un macho y una hembra.Unlike like what we've brought, which should merely trap them, hopefully becoming a honeymoon suite for a male and female for Mitch to observe.
Además, quédese y observe al próximo fiscal.Furthermore, stay and observe the next attorney.
Creo que lo mejor llegados a este punto es que simplemente observes.I think it best from this point on that you simply observe.
El diablo está en los detalles de lo que sea que observes.Devil's in the details of whatever you observe.
Escúchame Extranjero, no está bien que me observes como si yo fuera una rata de laboratorio.Man, listen, Foreigner. What definitely isn't safe for us is for you to observe me like I'm some sort of a lab rat and to label me like that, too.
Espero que observes.I expect you to observe.
Examina la naturaleza de todo cuanto observes.Examine the nature of everything you observe.
- Silencio, observemos.Let's observe.
Como sea que observemos el mundo que nos rodea... eso es lo que vuelve a nosotros.Whatever way we observe the world around us... is what comes back to us.
Cualquiera sea el modo en que observemos el mundo que nos rodea...Whatever way we observe the world around us--
De cualquier manera, observemos a Jane y Rafael...Anyway, observe Jane and Rafael...
De modo que observemos lo que sucede.So let's observe what happens.
Esto evita, que os observéis a vosotros mismos.This prevents ye observed itself.
Quiero que esperéis y observéis.I want you to sit tight and observe.
Quiero que os observéis haciendo cosas normales, ordinarias.I want you to observe yourself doing ordinary, everyday things.
Sugiero que observéis desde la sala de control.I suggest you observe from the control room.
- No me gusta que me observen.I don't like to be observed.
- Pero observen, mes amis.But observe, mes amis.
- Por favor, observen. ¡Et la!- Please, do observe. Hélas!
Ahora acerquense y observen... que no hay forma de escapar.Now look closely and observe... there are no means of escape.
Ahora observen detenidamente.Now observe cIoseIy.
Pero puede que observara una sombra incierta con forma de labios.But I may have observed a vacillating penumbra in the shape of lips.
Así que, observad.So, observe.
Escuchad, observad y recordad.Listen, observe and remember.
Oíd su sabiduría, comprobad su ingenio observad su elocuente oratoria, inclinaos y escuchad.Hear the wisdom, witness the wit observe the oratorical eloquence, lend an ear.
Permaneced atentos y solo observad.Sit tight and observe only.
Pero observad.But observe.
" Durante algún tiempo, señales claras de locura se habían observado."For some time, clear signs of madness had been observed.
"A pesar de joven... he observado a estos tres fanfarrones."As young as I am... I have observed these three swashers.
"He seguido y observado a una criatura parecida a una cabra"I have followed and observed a goat-like creature
"Por eso que este árbol existirá mientras sea observado. Atentamente, Dios. "That's why this tree doth continue to be since observed by yours faithfully, God.
"Su rápido y extenso crecimiento fue incluso observado en muchas ciudades europeas desgarradas por la guerra."Their rapid and widespread growth was even observed in many of the war-torn cities of Europe."
"Así como las hormigas rojas hacían su trabajo, nosotros hacíamos el nuestro, observando y registrando las actividades de la colonia.""As the red ants set about their task, we set about ours, observing and recording the colony at work. "
"Pasé un par de meses deprimida," "observando las idas y venidas de Scott, su inútil, triste existencia."I spent a depressing couple of months observing the comings and goings of Scott's pointless, dreary existence.
"Yo Llevaba bastante tiempo observando Marte con telescopios de tierra y habíamos notado que ciertas regiones eran muy variables.'I had been observing Mars for quite some time' through ground-based telescopes, and had noticed certain regions that were very changeable.
- ...y estás observando, ¿de acuerdo?- and you're observing, okay?
- Bueno, el SG-14 estuvo varios días allí observando una operación minera Goa'uld.- Well, SG-14 spent several days there... ..observing a Goa'uld mining operation.

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