Ordenar (to order) conjugation

116 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to sort, to enjoin, enjoin, sort

Conjugation of ordenar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I order
you order
he/she/it orders
we order
you all order
they order
Present perfect tense
he ordenado
I have ordered
has ordenado
you have ordered
ha ordenado
he/she/it has ordered
hemos ordenado
we have ordered
habéis ordenado
you all have ordered
han ordenado
they have ordered
Past preterite tense
I ordered
you ordered
he/she/it ordered
we ordered
you all ordered
they ordered
Future tense
I will order
you will order
he/she/it will order
we will order
you all will order
they will order
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would order
you would order
he/she/it would order
we would order
you all would order
they would order
Past imperfect tense
I used to order
you used to order
he/she/it used to order
we used to order
you all used to order
they used to order
Past perfect tense
había ordenado
I had ordered
habías ordenado
you had ordered
había ordenado
he/she/it had ordered
habíamos ordenado
we had ordered
habíais ordenado
you all had ordered
habían ordenado
they had ordered
Future perfect tense
habré ordenado
I will have ordered
habrás ordenado
you will have ordered
habrá ordenado
he/she/it will have ordered
habremos ordenado
we will have ordered
habréis ordenado
you all will have ordered
habrán ordenado
they will have ordered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I order
(if/so that) you order
(if/so that) he/she/it order
(if/so that) we order
(if/so that) you all order
(if/so that) they order
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ordenado
I have ordered
hayas ordenado
you have ordered
haya ordenado
he/she/it has ordered
hayamos ordenado
we have ordered
hayáis ordenado
you all have ordered
hayan ordenado
they have ordered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have ordered
(if/so that) you have ordered
(if/so that) he/she/it have ordered
(if/so that) we have ordered
(if/so that) you all have ordered
(if/so that) they have ordered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have ordered
(if/so that) you have ordered
(if/so that) he/she/it have ordered
(if/so that) we have ordered
(if/so that) you all have ordered
(if/so that) they have ordered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ordenado
I had ordered
hubieras ordenado
you had ordered
hubiera ordenado
he/she/it had ordered
hubiéramos ordenado
we had ordered
hubierais ordenado
you all had ordered
hubieran ordenado
they had ordered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ordenado
I had ordered
hubieses ordenado
you had ordered
hubiese ordenado
he/she/it had ordered
hubiésemos ordenado
we had ordered
hubieseis ordenado
you all had ordered
hubiesen ordenado
they had ordered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have ordered
(if/so that) you will have ordered
(if/so that) he/she/it will have ordered
(if/so that) we will have ordered
(if/so that) you all will have ordered
(if/so that) they will have ordered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ordenado
I will have ordered
hubieres ordenado
you will have ordered
hubiere ordenado
he/she/it will have ordered
hubiéremos ordenado
we will have ordered
hubiereis ordenado
you all will have ordered
hubieren ordenado
they will have ordered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's order!
Imperative negative mood
no ordenes
do not order!
no ordene
let him/her/it order!
no ordenemos
let us not order!
no ordenéis
do not order!
no ordenen
do not order!

Examples of ordenar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es duro ordenar a los hombres que vayan a la muerte, ¿no?""It is a difficult thing to order men to their certain death, is it not?"
"P.D. Por favor diles en el hotel que no quise ordenar esa película."PS. Please tell the hotel. "I didn't mean to order that movie.
"Pero, lo siento, ¿qué clase de vino te gustaría ordenar?"But, sorry, what kind of wine would you like to order?"
"tratamos de ordenar una cheeseburger sin ketchup..."we tried to order a cheeseburger with no ketchup...
, quiero ordenar la cinta de Emma Peel.Yes, I'd like to order the new Emma Peel tape, please.
! Soy el Alcalde de Starling y le ordeno que la suelte.I am mayor of Starling City and I order you to let her go.
"Capitán Joab, te ordeno que envíes a Urías... dónde la lucha sea más violenta... y lo abandones ahí para que muera".[ David's Voice] Commander Joab, I order you to send Uriah... to where the fighting is fiercest... and abandon him there to die.
"Para el hogar imperial le ordeno que permita al general de brigada Bonner Fellers entrar al establecimiento imperial para reunirse inmediatamente con el vice-ministro Sekiya."To the Imperial Ηousehold, "as Supreme Commander of all Allied forces, "I order you to allow Brigadier General Bonner Fellers
"Por lo tanto te ordeno, como nuestro verdadero y leal súbdito, tal y como se nos acredita ahora, venir a la Corte en Navidad"."I therefore order you, as our true and faithful subject, "as we now repute you, to come to court for Christmastide.
"Sr. Favraux, le ordeno que repare sus pecados"Mr Favraux, I order you to atone for your sins...
"11 mi capitán, 11, si no, ¿por qué siempre ordenas eleven anclas?""Too many, Captain. Too many. Otherwise Why do you always order us to drop anchor?"
"Tú no me ordenas"He don't give me orders
- Así es como ordenas.- Oh, that's how you order.
- Cassandra, ¿por qué no ordenas?Cassandra, why don't you order? No.
- Si me lo ordenas.If you order me to.
! Se da a conocimiento, que su ilustrado seòor y amo, el conde Šándor ordena a sus súbditos que hoy día entregue cada uno 50 piezas!Hereby we announce that our venerable lord and owner Count Šándor orders his serfs to pay 5O pennies.
"Bueno, el tipo ordena su última comida..."Well, the chap orders the meal...
"¿Qué me ordena usted, hermosa hada?"'What are your orders, beautiful fairy? ' '
, Rayos, Nadie ordena eso.Geez. No one ever orders that.
- Al menos, eso lo ordena la doctora.- At least that's what this doctor orders.
"En el caso de Lauren Addario contra los Centros Superiores fallamos en favor de la demandante y le ordenamos al acusado pagar 1.7 millones de dólares por daños."In the matter of Lauren Addario vs Superior Correctional Centers, we the jury find in favor of the plaintiff, and order the defendant to pay damages in the amount of $1.7 million.
"Por la presente ordenamos que cualquiera que requise"We do hereby order that anyone found commandeering
"Y ordenamos al demandado pagar danos por la cantidad de $4.3 millones de dolares"."And we order the defendant to pay damages in the amount of $4.3 million."
- Disculpe, no ordenamos esto.- Excuse me, we didn't order these.
- Elbow, ordenamos comida china.- Hey how about we order some Chinese?
"Ciudadanos furiosos con agitadores rojos incendian campamentos y les ordenan a éstos que abandonen el condado"."Citizens angered at Red agitators... "burn another squatters' camp... and order agitators to leave the county."
"Si se lo ordenan, se los entregarán". "No escucharán más órdenes, el juego habrá terminado".Carrying out the command, they removed the earphones and, no longer hearing the orders, had quitted the awful game.
- Si me lo ordenan. - Cierto.- If I got the order, I would.
- Si no me lo ordenan, no actuaré.Without orders, I don't move.
- Sólo comen lo que les ordenan- Just eat what they order.
"Cuando ordené una copa de vino, no sólo la maleducada camarera blancucha se negó a servirla, pero procedió a decirme una palabra que no puedo escribir aquí"."When I ordered a glass of wine, not only did the surly white trash waitress refuse to make it, but she proceed to call me a word that I cannot print in this paper".
"Para que sepas, Ray, ordené el sofá aburrido sin soportes".Just so you know, Ray, I ordered the boring couch without the footrests.
- ... lo ordené.-...lorderedit.
- Bueno... no es el sushi que ordené.- Well, if it isn't the sushi I ordered.
- Dale los cien latigazos que ordené.Give him the hundred lashes I ordered.
"House drip", ordenaste el capuccino completamente seco.House drip? l ordered a bone-dry cappuccino.
- Aún no tenemos lo que ordenaste.- We ain't got in everything you ordered.
- Bueno, ... tú lo ordenaste ...- Well, you ordered it?
- Desde que ordenaste tarjetas de visita que dicen, "Shawn Spencer, investigador principal".- Since you ordered business cards that say, "Shawn Spencer, lead investigator."
- Fue lo que me ordenaste.Just like you ordered.
"...en ese punto el Comisario Elías Thompson... me ordenó falsificar... el registro de los votos"...At which point sheriff Elias Thompson ordered me to falsify voting records..."
"...junto con la copia de su evaluación psíquica, tal como lo ordenó el juez... "...en relación a nuestra batalla legal para obtener la custodia de su hijo"."along with a copy of your psych evaluation as ordered by the judge in connection with our battle to win custody of your son."
"A ella se le ordenó, como penitencia, ser golpeada 12 veces alrededor de la plaza del mercado y 12 veces alrededor de la iglesia, desnuda salvo por la camisa.""She is ordered, as a penance, "to be beaten 12 times around the market square "and 12 times around the church, naked except for her chemise.
"Charles Miller Manson ordenó la matanza de todos los del hogar igualmente como símbolo de protesta"."Charles Miller Manson ordered the slaughter of all in the home... anyway as a symbol of protest."
"Conocí al joven Hitchings como lo ordenó.She means, " Met young Hitchings, as ordered.
Brody sabe que Walden y tú ordenasteis un ataque de drones - contra una madraza llena de niños. - ¿Y?Brody knows that you and Walden ordered a drone strike against a madrassa full of kids.
Escuché vuestra voz cuando ordenasteis que viviera en el exilio...I still hear your voice, when you ordered I left in exile.
Hace cinco años, ordenasteis a una tropa de mosqueteros ir a Saboya, en un ejercicio de entrenamiento.Five years ago, you ordered a troop of Musketeers into Savoy, on a training exercise.
He registrado su camarote como ordenasteis.I searched his cabin as you ordered.
Lo único que hay en ellas son las misiones que ordenasteis.Only thing on them are missions you ordered.
'Ayer, nos ordenaron atacar 'en un bosque, 'pero el enemigo nos vio y abrió fuego.'Yesterday, we were ordered to attack the enemy flank 'in a forest of beeches, 'but the enemy gunner saw us first and opened fire.
(Locutor) Si el comensales les ordenaron o no.Whether the diners ordered them or not.
, no te lo ordenaron.You weren´t ordered.
- Eso me ordenaron, estoy nerviosa.I was ordered to, but I was much too excited to sleep.
- Hasta que se lo ordenaron.- Until the SECNAV ordered him to.
A menos que el Presidente Logan y el Presidente Suvarov hagan una declaración conjunta repudiando este acuerdo ordenaré su ejecución.Unless President Logan and President Suvarov make a joint statement repudiating this accord, I will order their execution.
A menos que el Presidente Logan y el Presidente Suvarov hagan una declaración que repudie este acuerdo ordenaré su ejecución.Unless President Logan and President Suvarov make a joint statement repudiating this accord, I will order their execution.
Bele yo soy el capitán de esta nave y seguirá el rumbo que yo establezca si no ordenaré su destrucción.Bele. I am captain of this ship, and it will follow whatever course I set for it or I will order its destruction.
Bien, entonces le ordenaré que abra la boca nada más que comer.I will order him to open his mouth just to eat.
Devuélvame sus trabajadores y ordenaré la construcción inmediata de un ramal reluciente hacia Salt Lake City.Give me back your laborers and I will order the immediate construction of a glistening spur line direct to Salt Lake City.
- ¡Déjalo ir! Les ordenarás que vengan conmigo a Pamorah inmediatamente...You will order both of these men to come with me to Pamorah right now,
Cada año, toda tu gente se pregunta cuándo ordenarás otro ataque al oeste.Every year, all your people wonder when you will order another raid West and every year you disappoint them.
Le ordenarás a Richard que sea mi consorte y él y yo iniciaremos una nueva raza a nuestra imagen un pueblo que siga mi voluntad y solamente mi voluntad.You will order Richard to be my consort, and he and I will start a new race in our image. A people that follow my will and my will alone.
Le ordenarás que me dé la Piedra de las Lágrimas.You will order him to give me the Stone of Tears.
- ¡Usted lo ordenará!- Make your own. You will order to dig it!
Cuando lo hagan, ordenará los ataques, seguidos por la invasión.When they do you will order the strikes followed by the invasion
El Consejo ordenará la cooperación con la gente X mandándoles a Godzilla y a Rodan como ellos piden.This council will order to cooperate with the X-people provided that Godzilla and Rodan are where they claim.
Gloria ordenará una redada.Gloria will order a raid.
Narcisse ordenará a Balfont ir en busca de Montgomery.Narcisse will order Balfont to fetch Montgomery.
Desafíanos y ordenaremos un ataque aéreo inmediato.Defy us and we will order an immediate air strike.
Está bien, lo ordenaremos.Okay, I will order.
Le ordenaréis que me deje ir.You will order her to let me go.
Mañana nos ordenarán abrir la entrada al túnel y al hacerlo, ¡más de nosotros morirán!Tomorrow they will order us to clear the entrance to the tunnel and when that is done, more of us will be sent in to die!
- Seguro... Sino por que lo ordenaría.- I never crossed it otherwise would order.
-Nadie ordenaría eso.- would order that.
De hecho, si yo fuera uno de tus clientes ordenaría una como tú con repuesto para cuando estuvieras en reparación.In fact, if I were one of your clients, I would order one of you with a spare for when you're in the shop.
El marqués ordenaría a la mitad de España a cazarnos.The marqués would order half of Spain to hunt us down.
Es imposible que creas que mi padre ordenaría algo así.You couldn't possibly believe My father would order such a thing.
Le ordenarían regresar a su casa y él obedecería.they would order him to come home,and he would listen.
Siempre pensé que la Flota Estelar era dirigida por burócratas estúpidos pero encuentro difícil de creer que aún ellos te ordenarían a ir a una misión suicida.l always thought that Starfleet was run by duty- crazed bureaucrats, but l find it hard to believe that even they would order a Captain to go on a suicide mission.
"No ordene el pez espada.""Don't-order-the-swordfish"
, hasta que se me ordene dejarlo, tengo que seguir adelante.Until I am ordered to leave, then I must proceed.
- Al menos ordene desconectar la energía.-At least order the power to be shut off.
- Como ordene.- How to order.
- El ejército hará lo que le ordene.- The army will do as I order them.
"Clara, busca el libro de ordenes""Clara, fetch the order book!"
"Oye, yo solo seguía ordenes". Patrañas."Hey, just following orders." Bull.
"Solo seguía ordenes""I was just following orders"
"Un robot militar que seguirá ordenes de cualquiera... y nunca cuestionará nada"."A jarhead drone who will follow anyone's orders and never question anything."
# Pon atención a las ordenes, y todos ustedes...# Pay attention to orders now you one and all... #
- Quizás sea mejor que ordenemos. - ¿Qué?Maybe we better order.
A menos que le ordenemos no hacerlo.Unless we order him not to.
Apurémonos y ordenemos.(Marco's voice) Let's hurry and order.
De acuerdo, sabes, tal vez.. Tal vez solo ordenemos un par de aperitivos.All right, you know, maybe, uh... maybe just order a couple apps though.
Entonces es mejor que ordenemos de nuevo porque nadie se irá hasta que encontremos algo que podamos usar.Then we better order in again, because nobody is leaving this room until we find something we can use.
Como ordenéis, majestad.As you order, your Majesty.
Cuando ordenéis, mi Mariscal.Waiting for orders, Sir.
No le ordenéis hacerlo, Padre.Don't order him to do it, Father. He'll torment me
¡Como ordenéis!As ordered!
- Esperaré a que ordenen los otros.- I'll wait to put your order in.
- La próxima vez haz que lo ordenen.Next time, have them fax them in order.
- Para donde me ordenen es para donde me voy! .Where is ordering me where I'm going!
A menos que me ordenen lo contrario, no permitiré que nadie entre ni salga hasta que podamos enviar esta maldita cosa al lugar de donde vino.Unless I am ordered otherwise, I'm not allowing anyone in or out of this facility... ..until we can send the damn thing back where it came from.
Ahora vamos a tomar un pequeño descanso técnico y queremos que todos se relajen y ordenen su bebida favorita.We're gonna take a short pause for the cause now and want everybody to relax and order up your favorite drink.
Mas, puesto que Ilegâis aquí en tan siniestra ocasión vos de la guerra de Polonia y vosotros desde Inglaterra ordenad que estos cuerpos se expongan ante el pueblo y dejad que relate al mundo que ignora cómo ocurrió todo.But since so jump upon this bloody question you from the Polack wars and you from England, are here arrived give order that these bodies high on a stage be placed to the view. HORATIO: And let me speak to th' yet unknowing world how these things came about.
"A causa de los últimos eventos, la TSA ha ordenado,...""Because of the latest events, the TSA ordered, ..."
"El presidente ha ordenado que continúe el programa Sky Hook bajo la dirección de Russell Marvin."The president has ordered Project Sky Hook rebuilt, and the space exploration program continued under the direction of Dr. Russell A. Marvin.
"En el nombre del Jefe de Policía de Forlì, que ha ordenado este castigo,In the name of the Police Chief of Forlì, who ordered this punishment,
"En respuesta, he ordenado que en nuestro lado se mantenga un alto al fuego unilateral para ayudar a prevenir el aumento de hostilidades".'In response, 'I have ordered that our side maintain a unilateral ceasefire 'to help prevent the escalation of hostilities.'
"He ordenado este nivel de cooperación por que considero que es necesario para obtener la imagen total""I've ordered this level of cooperation because I consider it necessary to gaining a complete picture."
"Jefe" esta ordenando a todos los Kroloteanos que salgan del planeta."Hefe"'s ordering all the Kroloteans to zeta off world.
"Sometió a persecución deliberada al soldado Ackerman ordenando el castigo de toda su compañía con el fin de disciplinarle"."That said officer willfully persecuted Private Noah Ackerman by ordering mass punishment of his entire company as a means of disciplining him."
- Buen momento, estamos ordenando.- Good timing. We're ordering.
- Estoy ordenando una punción lumbar.- I'm ordering a lumbar puncture.
- No estaba ordenando para ti.- I wasn't ordering for you.
Tengo ordenés de investigar ampliamente.Our orders are to investigate Harvest.

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