Commander (to order) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of commander

Present tense
je commande
I order
tu commandes
you order
il/elle/on commande
he/she/it orders
nous commandons
we order
vous commandez
you all order
ils/elles commandent
they order
Present perfect tense
j’ai commandé
I ordered
tu as commandé
you ordered
il/elle/on a commandé
he/she/it ordered
nous avons commandé
we ordered
vous avez commandé
you all ordered
ils/elles ont commandé
they ordered
Past impf. tense
je commandais
I was ordering
tu commandais
you were ordering
il/elle/on commandait
he/she/it was ordering
nous commandions
we were ordering
vous commandiez
you all were ordering
ils/elles commandaient
they were ordering
Future tense
je commanderai
I will order
tu commanderas
you will order
il/elle/on commandera
he/she/it will order
nous commanderons
we will order
vous commanderez
you all will order
ils/elles commanderont
they will order
Past perfect tense
j’avais commandé
I had ordered
tu avais commandé
you had ordered
il/elle/on avait commandé
he/she/it had ordered
nous avions commandé
we had ordered
vous aviez commandé
you all had ordered
ils/elles avaient commandé
they had ordered
Past preterite tense
je commandai
I ordered
tu commandas
you ordered
il/elle/on commanda
he/she/it ordered
nous commandâmes
we ordered
vous commandâtes
you all ordered
ils/elles commandèrent
they ordered
Past anterior tense
j’eus commandé
I had ordered
tu eus commandé
you had ordered
il/elle/on eut commandé
he/she/it had ordered
nous eûmes commandé
we had ordered
vous eûtes commandé
you all had ordered
ils/elles eurent commandé
they had ordered
Future perfect tense
j’aurai commandé
I will have ordered
tu auras commandé
you will have ordered
il/elle/on aura commandé
he/she/it will have ordered
nous aurons commandé
we will have ordered
vous aurez commandé
you all will have ordered
ils/elles auront commandé
they will have ordered
Present subjunctive tense
que je commande
that I order
que tu commandes
that you order
qu’il/elle/on commande
that he/she/it order
que nous commandions
that we order
que vous commandiez
that you all order
qu’ils/elles commandent
that they order
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie commandé
that I have ordered
que tu aies commandé
that you have ordered
qu’il/elle/on ait commandé
that he/she/it have ordered
que nous ayons commandé
that we have ordered
que vous ayez commandé
that you all have ordered
qu’ils/elles aient commandé
that they have ordered
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je commandasse
that I would order
que tu commandasses
that you would order
qu’il/elle/on commandât
that he/she/it would order
que nous commandassions
that we would order
que vous commandassiez
that you all would order
qu’ils/elles commandassent
that they would order
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse commandé
that I had ordered
que tu eusses commandé
that you had ordered
qu’il/elle/on eût commandé
that he/she/it had ordered
que nous eussions commandé
that we had ordered
que vous eussiez commandé
that you all had ordered
qu’ils/elles eussent commandé
that they had ordered
Conditional mood
je commanderais
I would order
tu commanderais
you would order
il/elle/on commanderait
he/she/it would order
nous commanderions
we would order
vous commanderiez
you all would order
ils/elles commanderaient
they would order
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais commandé
I would have ordered
tu aurais commandé
you would have ordered
il/elle/on aurait commandé
he/she/it would have ordered
nous aurions commandé
we would have ordered
vous auriez commandé
you all would have ordered
ils/elles auraient commandé
they would have ordered
Imperative mood
let's order!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie commandé
have ordered
ayons commandé
let's have ordered
ayez commandé
have ordered

Examples of commander

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Apprends quelques versets, et tu pourras commander les autres.""Learn a few verses and you can order people around."
"C'était comme commander une pizza", explique un jeune client de 17 ans.'It's like ordering a pizza', said a 17-year-old boy about his visit to a prostitute.
"Elle savait toujours combien il fallait commander.""She always knew how much to order."
"J'ai dû commander des frites avant de m'endormir sur le plancher.""leading me to believe that I ordered fries "before passing out on the floor."
"Je vais commander ce machin et m'entraîner."I'm gonna start working out with this thing." "I'm gonna order this thing."
"Aussi accepterais-je un service commandé ä bord d'un destroyer.""lt is therefore urgently requested... "...that l be ordered to combat duty, preferably aboard a destroyer."
"Crapaud est allé en ville par le train ce matin," "et il a commandé une très grande et très chère voiture.""Toad went up to town by an early train this morning, and he's ordered a very large and very expensive motor car."'
"Elle a commandé une cage Du bois le plus précieux.'She ordered a cage of precious wood.'
"Et si un des gars de la Cène avait commandé du vin blanc?""What would happen if you were at the Last Supper, and you ordered the white?"
"Excusez-moi, j'ai commandé le saumon fumé en entrée.-Yeah, well, " Excuse me. I ordered the smoked salmon appetizer, but I can't see it.
! Pourquoi vous avez pris ma commande alors?Then why did you take my order?
"Carabines et fusils sur commande"."Rifles and shotguns made to order."
"Cardinal Lord Chancelier Wolsey sur commande du roi."Cardinal Lord Chancellor Wolsey, on the King's orders.
"Cette commande est extrêmement urgente."This order is particularly urgent.
"En plus de la première commande, stop.Addition to initial order. Stop.
Allez, commandons quelque chose.Hey, let's order something.
Alors, commandons.So let's order.
Bon, commandons le dessert.Now let's order dessert.
Et alors, mes enfants... commandons une bouteille de champagne.And then, my children... let's order a bottle of champagne.
Hey, mec, commandons une pizza !Baxter: Hey, man, let's order a pizza!
"En outre, si vous commandez maintenant vous en avez 2"moreover, if you order now, you can get two.
"Ne commandez pas l'espadon !""Don't-order-the-swordfish"
"Pourquoi vous commandez à emporter?""Why are you ordering takeaway?"
- Dites, commandez un bol de nouilles.- Listen, order a bowl of noodles
- Il est offert si vous commandez.It is free if you order a meal.
C'est ce qu'Oland m'a demandé, enregistrer un client commandant le "spécial maison".See, that's what Oland wanted me for, to record a client ordering the house special.
Comme un groupe de femme commandant un dessert.Like a group of women ordering dessert.
En commandant beaucoup de prescriptions très dispendieuse que ses patients n'avaient pas besoin.By ordering lots of expensive prescriptions his patients didn't need.
En commandant, je l'aide.And by ordering, I'm helping.
J'ai pensé que vous aimeriez savoir... qu'en commandant ou en achetant un saumon d'élevage... vous contribuez peut-être à anéantir l'ensemble... des saumons sauvages, ou des vrais saumons. - Monsieur.I just thought you'd like to know... by ordering or buying farmed salmon... you may be helping to wipe out the wild or rather, real- salmon stocks.

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