Reproducir (to reproduce) conjugation

64 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: play, to play

Conjugation of reproducir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reproduce
you reproduce
he/she/it reproduces
we reproduce
you all reproduce
they reproduce
Present perfect tense
he reproducido
I have reproduced
has reproducido
you have reproduced
ha reproducido
he/she/it has reproduced
hemos reproducido
we have reproduced
habéis reproducido
you all have reproduced
han reproducido
they have reproduced
Past preterite tense
I reproduced
you reproduced
he/she/it reproduced
we reproduced
you all reproduced
they reproduced
Future tense
I will reproduce
you will reproduce
he/she/it will reproduce
we will reproduce
you all will reproduce
they will reproduce
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reproduce
you would reproduce
he/she/it would reproduce
we would reproduce
you all would reproduce
they would reproduce
Past imperfect tense
I used to reproduce
you used to reproduce
he/she/it used to reproduce
we used to reproduce
you all used to reproduce
they used to reproduce
Past perfect tense
había reproducido
I had reproduced
habías reproducido
you had reproduced
había reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
habíamos reproducido
we had reproduced
habíais reproducido
you all had reproduced
habían reproducido
they had reproduced
Future perfect tense
habré reproducido
I will have reproduced
habrás reproducido
you will have reproduced
habrá reproducido
he/she/it will have reproduced
habremos reproducido
we will have reproduced
habréis reproducido
you all will have reproduced
habrán reproducido
they will have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reproduce
(if/so that) you reproduce
(if/so that) he/she/it reproduce
(if/so that) we reproduce
(if/so that) you all reproduce
(if/so that) they reproduce
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reproducido
I have reproduced
hayas reproducido
you have reproduced
haya reproducido
he/she/it has reproduced
hayamos reproducido
we have reproduced
hayáis reproducido
you all have reproduced
hayan reproducido
they have reproduced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reproduced
(if/so that) you have reproduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have reproduced
(if/so that) we have reproduced
(if/so that) you all have reproduced
(if/so that) they have reproduced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reproduced
(if/so that) you have reproduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have reproduced
(if/so that) we have reproduced
(if/so that) you all have reproduced
(if/so that) they have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reproducido
I had reproduced
hubieras reproducido
you had reproduced
hubiera reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
hubiéramos reproducido
we had reproduced
hubierais reproducido
you all had reproduced
hubieran reproducido
they had reproduced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reproducido
I had reproduced
hubieses reproducido
you had reproduced
hubiese reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
hubiésemos reproducido
we had reproduced
hubieseis reproducido
you all had reproduced
hubiesen reproducido
they had reproduced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reproduced
(if/so that) you will have reproduced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reproduced
(if/so that) we will have reproduced
(if/so that) you all will have reproduced
(if/so that) they will have reproduced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reproducido
I will have reproduced
hubieres reproducido
you will have reproduced
hubiere reproducido
he/she/it will have reproduced
hubiéremos reproducido
we will have reproduced
hubiereis reproducido
you all will have reproduced
hubieren reproducido
they will have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reproduce!
Imperative negative mood
no reproduzcas
do not reproduce!
no reproduzca
let him/her/it reproduce!
no reproduzcamos
let us not reproduce!
no reproduzcáis
do not reproduce!
no reproduzcan
do not reproduce!

Examples of reproducir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Para verificar la experiencia de la muerte de estos modelos para reproducir los últimos momentos de la muerte , sus hermanas le proveían"To verify the death experience of these models to reproduce the very last moments of death, his sisters provided him
( Música de misterio ) narrador: En la actualidad los científicos saben que solo el 5% del ADN de nuestros genes se usa para reproducir seres humanos.Today, scientists know that only about five percent of the DNA contained in our genes is used to reproduce human beings.
- Tenemos el calendario. Con la habilidad de reproducir el arte, está disponible para las masas.With the ability to reproduce art, it is available to the masses.
ARPAnet daba la posibilidad a cada m quina de la red, de reproducir y reenviar la informaci n recibida de cualquier otra m quina.ARPAnet had to allow each machine on the network to reproduce and relay the information sent by any other.
Ahora. El quid del problema de medición es precisamente que... aunque la ecuación de Schródinger predice que bajo ciertas circunstancias... circunstancias que básicamente sabemos reproducir en el laboratorio... las pelotas deberian entrar en estados de esa manera... estados donde no existe ningún hecho comprensible... ni siquiera ninguna pregunta sensata acerca de dónde están.Now, um, the crux of the measurement problem is precisely that... although the Schrodinger equation predicts under certain circumstances- circumstances which we basically know how to reproduce in the laboratory- that basketballs should go into states like that-
En ella, reproduzco 50 famosas pinturas de Cristo ... y señalan que uno de ellos no muestra los dientes o las mandíbulas judío.In it, I reproduce 50 famous paintings of Christ... and point out that not one of them shows Jewish jaws or teeth.
Es el talento de Dios, yo sólo lo reproduzco.I only reproduce God's talent.
Esto es, la mirada de Toledo ha sido un ejercicio íntimo de mi memoria y es la primera vez que lo reproduzco.This is the first time I've recalled this in public. Remembering Toledo's look has been an internal exercise of mine. This is the first time I've reproduced this.
La exocístosis atlética que reproduzco, es más apretada.The athletic exocytosis I reproduce is more repressed.
No sé cómo me reproduzco, pero nosotros tendremos tiempo para deducirlo.I don't know how I reproduce, but we'll have a great time figuring it out.
Si solo reproduces lo anti humano - tus líneas carecerán de imaginación?If you only reproduce the anti-human, your lines will be unimaginative?
Si te unes a alguien y te reproduces, tus hijos pasarán aquí toda la vida.Mate and reproduce, your kids are here for the rest of THEIR lives.
Así la vida reproduce los genes y los transmite de una generación a otra.That's how life reproduces genes and transmits them from one generation to the next.
Cada vez que se reproduce sufre una metamorfosis y no deja de reproducirse.It goes through a metamorphosis every time it reproduces, and it reproduces like crazy.
Cualquier organismo que se reproduce esparciéndose por el mayor área posible, serías un tonto en pensar que solo porque lo pusiste en un cultivo se va a quedar ahí.Any organism that reproduces by spreading itself over the largest area possible, you'd be a fool to think that just 'cause you put it on one crop that's where it's gonna stay.
De pronto se encuentra en una situación en que la realidad misma reproduce la mágica experiencia cinematográfica.All of a sudden she finds herself in a situation where reality itself reproduces the magic cinematic experience.
El chorro gamma... los requisitos de energía en un cono alrededor del fotón se muestran abajo... una estructura que reproduce muy bien... y, entonces, recopilamos...The gamma jet and jet-jet background with one or both jet... requirement that the energy in a cone around the photon is below... a structure which reproduces very well the LHC bunch rate with three bunch, small gaps... so then, of course, we collect...
En la producción y el diseño de las ciudades trabajamos a 1/8 del sistema de la ciudad y luego lo reproducimos en lugar de tener arquitectos el diseño de cada edificio y cada estructura que es un tremendo desperdicio de energía y talento.In the production and design of the cities we work out 1 /8th of the city system and then we reproduce it instead of having architects design each building and each structure which is a tremendous waste of energy and talent.
Nos reproducimos por síntesis en laboratorio.We reproduce by synthesis in a petri dish.
Nos reproducimos.We reproduce.
Pero entonces me acordé que nosotros nos reproducimos con nubes de esporas.But then l remembered we reproduce with spore clouds.
Por cómo nos reproducimos, por nuestra resistencia...How we reproduce, our resilience...
- Por cómo se reproducen.- How they reproduce.
- Sólo se reproducen igual de rápido.- They just reproduce as fast.
- aquí se reproducen a sí mismas.Here they reproduce themselves.
-No se reproducen.- They don't reproduce.
Al estar en la misma jaula, los animales se reproducen.- Exactly. You know how they get animals to reproduce? They just put them in the same cage.
Así que lo reproduje y lo cultive.So I reproduced and cultured it.
Recordando todas esas mujeres, reproduje las partes de su cuerpo de memoria.Recalling all of the women, I reproduced their body parts from memory.
Oh Dios mio, al fin te reprodujisteMy God. You finally reproduced.
El reprodujo su disputado cuadro vermeer en la corte.He reproduced his counterfeit Vermeer paintings... in open court.
¿ Seguro que reprodujisteis el módulo exactamente?And you're sure you reproduced the module exactly.
Los conejos se reprodujeron tan rápido, que en unos pocos añoss habitaban los 120 km de prados entre los murosThe rabbits reproduced so fast, that within a few years they inhabited the whole 120km long strip of meadows between the walls The first thing I thought was, that the rabbits between the walls are stupid
Los instrumentos de Jacobus Stainer se copiaron y reprodujeron en toda Alemania.Jacobus Stainer's instruments were copied and reproduced all over Germany.
Sus descendientes en la Tierra los niños en el universo crecieron como el polvo y granos de arena se multiplicaron como en los campos de arroz como ellos se reprodujeron pero no comprendieron que estaban relacionados no supieron que eran hermanos y hermanasHer descendants on Earth children in the universe grew limitless like dust and sand grains they multiplied like paddles on rice fields like eho-paddies they reproduced but they didn't realize they were related one to another they didn't know they were brothers and sisters
Vivieron y se reprodujeron.They lived and reproduced.
huésped. Y cuando las células se reprodujeron, se reprodujeron juntas.And when the cells reproduced, they reproduced together.
Tienes exactamente cinco minutos para memorizarlo y luego reproducirás esta página con tu mejor habilidad.You have exactly five minutes to commit it to memory, after which you will reproduce this page to the best of your ability.
- Antes de que se reproduzca.- Before it reproduces.
Ambos lados deben jugar sus papeles perfectamente... enfrentando una infinita barrera de obstaculos... Necesitando el aporte de incontables humanos... para que la especie se reproduzca.Both sides must play their roles perfectly... confronting an infinite barrage of obstacles... necessitating the involvement of countless other humans... in order for the species to reproduce.
Cada vez que un telomero se divide, un poco de él se desprende y eso implica que habrá un poco menos la próxima vez que se reproduzca.Every time a telomere divides, a little bit breaks off and that means there's a little bit less the next time it reproduces.
Después, dos horas más antes de que el parásito se reproduzca de forma que lo podamos ver.Then another two hours... before the parasite reproduces enough for us to see it.
El macho atraviesa a la hembra donde quiere... si esta consigue sobrevivir la experiencia, tal vez se reproduzca.The male simply impales her wherever he wants... and if she's lucky enough to survive the experience... she may actually reproduce.
El ADN ha evolucionado para que te reproduzcas.Your DNA has evolved this way so you'll reproduce.
No te reproduzcas nunca.Never reproduce.
simplemente significa que reproduzcamos en algunos medios digitales artificiales, nuestra experiencia de la realidad.It simply means "let us reproduce, in an artificial digital medium, our experience of reality."
¡Necesitan que nos reproduzcamos!They need that us let us reproduce!
"No permitan que estas personas se reproduzcan"?"Don't let these people reproduce"?
Aunque se reproduzcan mediante máquinas y ordenadores que los fabrican en realidad los originales fueron moldeados a mano usando técnicas no muy diferentes a las de Miguel Ángel.Although they're reproduced by machines, and computer milled stamps that make them, actually every one of them was originally carved by hand, by men and women using techniques not a whole lot different than Michelangelo.
Bueno, la definición científica más amplia podría ser que la vida es lo que permite que plantas y animales consuman alimento, lo conviertan en energía, crezcan, se adapten a su entorno y se reproduzcan.Well, the broadest scientific definition might be that life is what enables plants and animals to consume food, derive energy from it, grow, adapt to surroundings and reproduce.
Es como mirar la cadena evolutiva. Siempre y cuando se reproduzcan.It was like watching evolution at work... as long as you reproduced.
Eso hará que se apresuren y se reproduzcan.That should make them rush out and reproduce.
"Es un retrato de Mademoiselle Hébuterne", y "lo conocemos muy bien", y "está reproducido en todas partes"."It's a portrait of mademoiselle hébuterne," and "we know it very well," and "it's reproduced everywhere."
Alice, eres la única en nuestra familia que no se ha reproducido.Alice, you are the only one in our family who hasn't reproduced.
Cada uno había sido reproducido un millón de vecesEach one had been reproduced a million times
Continuamos con el lote 28, un muy bello retrato de Modigliani que han admirado en la exposición y está reproducido en el catálogo, y comenzamos la subasta a... 3.000.000 de Euros...We move on to lot 28, a fine Modigliani that was exhibited and reproduced in the catalogue, and we start at... 3,000,000 Euros...
El clima mediterráneo.. es reproducido con vientos frescos del pacifico. mezclados con descargas de humo de la autopista.The mediterranean climate is reproduced by cool pacific winds, mixed with exhaust fumes from the highway.
- Estamos reproduciendo el viejo sistema.- We're reproducing the old system.
Así que Wesley está obsesionado con estas historias, y ahora las está reproduciendo.So Wesley's obsessed over these stories, and now he's reproducing them.
Bueno, he estado reproduciendo la fórmula para probar su viabilidad como fuente de energía alternativa.Well, I've been reproducing the formula To test its viability as an alternative energy source.
La enzima reconoce al nucleótido al acercarse y lo fija en su lugar reproduciendo otro escalón en la hélice.The enzyme recognizes an approaching nucleotide and clicks it into place reproducing another rung in the double helix.
La niña recibe algo de su madre. Es un depósito de una tradición eterna y la niña tal vez encuentra formas de adaptar el sistema o de mejorarlo levemente, pero en esencia, está reproduciendo aquello con lo que creció.You're getting something from your mother, which is a repository of, you know, endless tradition, and maybe you find ways of adapting it or slightly improving it, but you're essentially reproducing what you grew up with.
Si es una experiencia tan horrible, ¿cómo os reproducís?Uh, if it's such a terrible experience, uh, how do you reproduce?
¿Por qué os reproducís en laboratorio?Why do you reproduce in a petri dish?

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