Reproducirse (to reproduce) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of reproducirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me reproduzco
I reproduce
te reproduces
you reproduce
se reproduce
he/she/it reproduces
nos reproducimos
we reproduce
os reproducís
you all reproduce
se reproducen
they reproduce
Present perfect tense
me he reproducido
I have reproduced
te has reproducido
you have reproduced
se ha reproducido
he/she/it has reproduced
nos hemos reproducido
we have reproduced
os habéis reproducido
you all have reproduced
se han reproducido
they have reproduced
Past preterite tense
me reproducí
I reproduced
te reproduciste
you reproduced
se reprodució
he/she/it reproduced
nos reproducimos
we reproduced
os reproducisteis
you all reproduced
se reproducieron
they reproduced
Future tense
me reproduciré
I will reproduce
te reproducirás
you will reproduce
se reproducirá
he/she/it will reproduce
nos reproduciremos
we will reproduce
os reproduciréis
you all will reproduce
se reproducirán
they will reproduce
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me reproduciría
I would reproduce
te reproducirías
you would reproduce
se reproduciría
he/she/it would reproduce
nos reproduciríamos
we would reproduce
os reproduciríais
you all would reproduce
se reproducirían
they would reproduce
Past imperfect tense
me reproducía
I used to reproduce
te reproducías
you used to reproduce
se reproducía
he/she/it used to reproduce
nos reproducíamos
we used to reproduce
os reproducíais
you all used to reproduce
se reproducían
they used to reproduce
Past perfect tense
me había reproducido
I had reproduced
te habías reproducido
you had reproduced
se había reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
nos habíamos reproducido
we had reproduced
os habíais reproducido
you all had reproduced
se habían reproducido
they had reproduced
Future perfect tense
me habré reproducido
I will have reproduced
te habrás reproducido
you will have reproduced
se habrá reproducido
he/she/it will have reproduced
nos habremos reproducido
we will have reproduced
os habréis reproducido
you all will have reproduced
se habrán reproducido
they will have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me reproduzca
(if/so that) I reproduce
te reproduzcas
(if/so that) you reproduce
se reproduzca
(if/so that) he/she/it reproduce
nos reproduzcamos
(if/so that) we reproduce
os reproduzcáis
(if/so that) you all reproduce
se reproduzcan
(if/so that) they reproduce
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya reproducido
I have reproduced
te hayas reproducido
you have reproduced
se haya reproducido
he/she/it has reproduced
nos hayamos reproducido
we have reproduced
os hayáis reproducido
you all have reproduced
se hayan reproducido
they have reproduced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me reproduciera
(if/so that) I have reproduced
te reproducieras
(if/so that) you have reproduced
se reproduciera
(if/so that) he/she/it have reproduced
nos reproduciéramos
(if/so that) we have reproduced
os reproducierais
(if/so that) you all have reproduced
se reproducieran
(if/so that) they have reproduced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me reproduciese
(if/so that) I have reproduced
te reproducieses
(if/so that) you have reproduced
se reproduciese
(if/so that) he/she/it have reproduced
nos reproduciésemos
(if/so that) we have reproduced
os reproducieseis
(if/so that) you all have reproduced
se reproduciesen
(if/so that) they have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera reproducido
I had reproduced
te hubieras reproducido
you had reproduced
se hubiera reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
nos hubiéramos reproducido
we had reproduced
os hubierais reproducido
you all had reproduced
se hubieran reproducido
they had reproduced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese reproducido
I had reproduced
te hubieses reproducido
you had reproduced
se hubiese reproducido
he/she/it had reproduced
nos hubiésemos reproducido
we had reproduced
os hubieseis reproducido
you all had reproduced
se hubiesen reproducido
they had reproduced
Future subjunctive tense
me reproduciere
(if/so that) I will have reproduced
te reproducieres
(if/so that) you will have reproduced
se reproduciere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reproduced
nos reproduciéremos
(if/so that) we will have reproduced
os reproduciereis
(if/so that) you all will have reproduced
se reproducieren
(if/so that) they will have reproduced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere reproducido
I will have reproduced
te hubieres reproducido
you will have reproduced
se hubiere reproducido
he/she/it will have reproduced
nos hubiéremos reproducido
we will have reproduced
os hubiereis reproducido
you all will have reproduced
se hubieren reproducido
they will have reproduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reproduce!
Imperative negative mood
no te reproduzcas
do not reproduce!
no se reproduzca
let him/her/it reproduce!
no nos reproduzcamos
let us not reproduce!
no os reproduzcáis
do not reproduce!
no se reproduzcan
do not reproduce!

Examples of reproducirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- ¿Quieres decir que intenta reproducirse?You mean it's trying to reproduce?
-Tratan de reproducirse.They're trying to reproduce.
A diferencia de una raza estéril, los robots no podían reproducirse.Unlike a species that's become sterile, these robots never had the ability to reproduce.
Algo diezmó a su población hace años y perdieron su capacidad de reproducirse así que crearon este virus para transformar a otras especies en la suya.Something decimated their species centuries ago... and they lost the ability to reproduce. So they created this virus to transform other species into their own.
Así y todo, su pesca es legal en el Mediterráneo, uno de los últimos refugios de esta especie, que viene aquí para reproducirse.Nevertheless, it is fished legally in the Mediterranean, one of the last refuges of this species, which comes here to reproduce.
"En la primavera se reproduce..."in the spring to reproduce.
Asi que lo que él hizo fue desarrolló su aparato, el cual reproduce este campo en los seres humanos.So what he did was, he developed this apparatus which reproduced this field in human beings.
Así la vida reproduce los genes y los transmite de una generación a otra.That's how life reproduces genes and transmits them from one generation to the next.
Cada vez que se reproduce sufre una metamorfosis y no deja de reproducirse.It goes through a metamorphosis every time it reproduces, and it reproduces like crazy.
Cualquier organismo que se reproduce esparciéndose por el mayor área posible, serías un tonto en pensar que solo porque lo pusiste en un cultivo se va a quedar ahí.Any organism that reproduces by spreading itself over the largest area possible, you'd be a fool to think that just 'cause you put it on one crop that's where it's gonna stay.
"Es un retrato de Mademoiselle Hébuterne", y "lo conocemos muy bien", y "está reproducido en todas partes"."It's a portrait of mademoiselle hébuterne," and "we know it very well," and "it's reproduced everywhere."
Alice, eres la única en nuestra familia que no se ha reproducido.Alice, you are the only one in our family who hasn't reproduced.
Cada uno había sido reproducido un millón de vecesEach one had been reproduced a million times
Continuamos con el lote 28, un muy bello retrato de Modigliani que han admirado en la exposición y está reproducido en el catálogo, y comenzamos la subasta a... 3.000.000 de Euros...We move on to lot 28, a fine Modigliani that was exhibited and reproduced in the catalogue, and we start at... 3,000,000 Euros...
El clima mediterráneo.. es reproducido con vientos frescos del pacifico. mezclados con descargas de humo de la autopista.The mediterranean climate is reproduced by cool pacific winds, mixed with exhaust fumes from the highway.
Crees que están programadas para seguir reproduciéndose, luego sus cadáveres forman una lámina, que las resguarda de los rayos ultravioletas,...You're thinking that they're engineered to keep reproducing, then the carcasses form a protective layer, keeping them from the ultraviolet radiation,
Fíjese, está reproduciéndose mucho más deprisa.It's reproducing more rapidly.
Las bestias sólo buscan el placer, y reproduciéndose perpetúan su horror y su asquerosidad.Beasts only seek pleasure,... and by reproducing they perpetuate their horror and nastiness.
Él todavía está reproduciéndose, ¿puedes creerlo?He's still reproducing, can you believe it?

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