Respaldar (to support) conjugation

63 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to underpin, underpin

Conjugation of respaldar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I support
you support
he/she/it supports
we support
you all support
they support
Present perfect tense
he respaldado
I have supported
has respaldado
you have supported
ha respaldado
he/she/it has supported
hemos respaldado
we have supported
habéis respaldado
you all have supported
han respaldado
they have supported
Past preterite tense
I supported
you supported
he/she/it supported
we supported
you all supported
they supported
Future tense
I will support
you will support
he/she/it will support
we will support
you all will support
they will support
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would support
you would support
he/she/it would support
we would support
you all would support
they would support
Past imperfect tense
I used to support
you used to support
he/she/it used to support
we used to support
you all used to support
they used to support
Past perfect tense
había respaldado
I had supported
habías respaldado
you had supported
había respaldado
he/she/it had supported
habíamos respaldado
we had supported
habíais respaldado
you all had supported
habían respaldado
they had supported
Future perfect tense
habré respaldado
I will have supported
habrás respaldado
you will have supported
habrá respaldado
he/she/it will have supported
habremos respaldado
we will have supported
habréis respaldado
you all will have supported
habrán respaldado
they will have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I support
(if/so that) you support
(if/so that) he/she/it support
(if/so that) we support
(if/so that) you all support
(if/so that) they support
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya respaldado
I have supported
hayas respaldado
you have supported
haya respaldado
he/she/it has supported
hayamos respaldado
we have supported
hayáis respaldado
you all have supported
hayan respaldado
they have supported
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have supported
(if/so that) you have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it have supported
(if/so that) we have supported
(if/so that) you all have supported
(if/so that) they have supported
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have supported
(if/so that) you have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it have supported
(if/so that) we have supported
(if/so that) you all have supported
(if/so that) they have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera respaldado
I had supported
hubieras respaldado
you had supported
hubiera respaldado
he/she/it had supported
hubiéramos respaldado
we had supported
hubierais respaldado
you all had supported
hubieran respaldado
they had supported
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese respaldado
I had supported
hubieses respaldado
you had supported
hubiese respaldado
he/she/it had supported
hubiésemos respaldado
we had supported
hubieseis respaldado
you all had supported
hubiesen respaldado
they had supported
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have supported
(if/so that) you will have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it will have supported
(if/so that) we will have supported
(if/so that) you all will have supported
(if/so that) they will have supported
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere respaldado
I will have supported
hubieres respaldado
you will have supported
hubiere respaldado
he/she/it will have supported
hubiéremos respaldado
we will have supported
hubiereis respaldado
you all will have supported
hubieren respaldado
they will have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's support!
Imperative negative mood
no respaldes
do not support!
no respalde
let him/her/it support!
no respaldemos
let us not support!
no respaldéis
do not support!
no respalden
do not support!

Examples of respaldar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Debe existir una contraprestación legal ofrecida para respaldar el billete.A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.
Alan, estoy contento de respaldar tu nueva pelea contra los molinos de viento pero sabes que uno nunca le gana a la industria tabacalera, ¿verdad?There are rumors you were horrendous. Alan, I'm happy to support your latest tilt at the windmill, but we know one never really beats the tobacco industry, right?
Aún hay presiones externas e internas para respaldar a Eden en esta campaña.There are still those inside as well as out under pressure to support Eden in this campaign.
Capitán, creo que su investigación carece de los datos necesarios para respaldar un experimento de esta magnitud.Captain, I believe his basic research lacks the specifics necessary to support an experiment of this magnitude.
Cuando uno sabe dónde quiere ir hace acopio de razonamientos y hechos para respaldar su teoría.Once one knows where he wants to go he can collect a great amount of logic and fact to support his argument.
"Su respaldo."Your support.
"Él se contrarió porque ella se había sentado donde no había respaldo.""He was upset because she was sitting where there was no backsupport. "
- Le respaldo totalmente.I completely support him.
- Ninguna de sus películas de Shakespeare tuvo el respaldo de los críticos.None of his Shakespeare films were ever really supported by the critics.
- No lo respaldo.I can not support.
Pero tú respaldas eso cuando dices que ahora no le recomendarías a nadie discutir.But you support that by saying you wouldn't encourage open discussion right now.
Tom, ¿tú respaldas una evacuación?- Tom, are you supporting an evacuation?
- El presidente lo respalda.- The president supports...
- y respalda a tu moroso hermano.- and supports your deadbeat brother.
- ¿Quién te respalda?Who supports you? -.
David Swift repitió la mentira que vende insistentemente en su periódico de que nuestra campaña respalda a terroristas suicidas.David Swift repeated the lie peddled in his newspaper that our campaign supports suicide bombers.
El Gobernador Devlin dice que respalda la sentencia y que no considerará peticiones de suspensión de ejecución.Speaking from the capital, Governor Devlin said he supports the sentence and would not consider a stay of execution if petitioned.
- Y respaldamos eso.- And we support that.
No les respaldamos, y pedimos que Vds. Tampoco.We do not support them, and we encourage you not to.
No respaldamos un gobierno azul.We do not support blue government.
Ya respaldamos a Jairo Ortega para que se lance en Antioquia.We already support Jairo Ortega so that he can campaign in Antioquia.
Así que hay toda una serie de áreas que respaldan éstos islotesSo there's a whole number of areas that each of these islets supported.
Dile que hay pruebas nuevas que respaldan que puede restituirse la funcionalidad.There's new evidence to support that full... Functionality can be restored.
Documentos y entrevistas... que respaldan una conspiración muy amplia... para controlar una toxina biológica letal... que es, de hecho, extraterrestre.Documents and interviews in support of a wide-ranging conspiracy to control a lethal biotoxin that is, in fact, extraterrestrial.
Donde sea que usted los haya obtenido, esos datos respaldan lo que le sucedió a Mulder.- Wherever you got it, that data supports what's happened to Mulder.
Ellos son los verdaderos amos, junto con las corporaciones y gobiernos a los que respaldan.They are the true masters, along with the corporations and governments they support.
Te respaldé cuando tu vecino, el Sr. Ossias, estaba muerto para ti...I supported you when our neighbor, Mr. Ossias, was dead to you. Hey!
Te respaldé también cuando hiciste lo mismo con toda esa otra gente pero él es tu padre.I supported you with all of those random people, but this is your father.
Rayna, fuiste, me apoyaste y me respaldaste en algo... que sé que no te hace demasiado feliz.Rayna, you've shown up, you've stood by me, and you've supported me through something I know that you are really not all that happy about.
Tú me respaldaste mientras estaba en la universidad... y siempre te lo voy a deber.Hey, I know that you supported me through college and I'm gonna always - owe you for that. - Right.
Afortunadamente, tu compañero respaldó tu versión sobre ese despropósito.Fortunately, your partner supported the truth on that nonsense.
Había barro y basura en sus ropas, cara, pelo, manos, que respaldó su denuncia inicial donde dijo ser violada en Central Park.There was mud and debris on her clothes, face, hair, hands, which supported her initial disclosure that she was raped in Central Park.
Jung Hwe Ryung respaldó gente en favor de la Ilustración.Jung Hwe Ryung supported people in favor of Enlightenment.
Sí, pero ella ganó el juicio y mi familia la respaldó.Yeah, but she won this court ruling which my family supported her on. So...
Tú te fuiste corriendo y llorando... lo que, desafortunadamente, respaldó el argumento de tu madre.You ran outside in tears... Which, unfortunately, supported your mom's argument.
Sus teorías cognitivas, sus entrevistas con huérfanos el trabajo con teorías de la etología... A la vez, a él lo respaldaron mucho los estudios sobre el mono rhesus de Harlow.His cognitive theories, his interviews with orphans, ethology theorists' work, and then he in turn was supported strongly by Harry Harlow's rhesus monkey study.
Que respaldaré y defenderé...That I will support and defend...
Yo, Thomas P. Connolly, juro solemnemente que respaldaré y defenderé la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de América.I, Thomas P. Connolly, do solemnly swear... "That I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America."
El nos respaldará en este caso pero sólo si mantenemos secreta su identidad.He will support us in this case, but only if I keep his identity a secret.
Mike manda saludos y cualquier cosa que quieras hacer te respaldará del modo que indiques.Mike sends his best. And anything you want to do, he will support in any form or fashion you suggest.
Va a apoyarle, pero no le respaldará.She will support him, but she will not back him.
Y eso respaldaría las suposiciones de Murray.And that would support Murray's suspicions.
Con ello, respaldaríamos un alegato por demencia.Given that, we would support a plea of insanity.
- ¿Crees que Valentine los respalde?- But you think Valentine is a supporter?
Al no haber encontrado nada que respalde esa acusación.Finding nothing to support that allegation.
Antes de que comenzara el proyecto, esperaba que pudiera identificar o pudiera encontrar la evidencia que respalde el origen independiente de los chinos en China.Before the project started, I was hoping that I could identify or could be able to find the evidence that support independent origin of Chinese in China.
Defienda la guerra en Irak, respalde la ANR y que odie a los inmigrantes y sea una loca autosuficiente, básicamente una con pechos pequeños."red state" supporting , NRA backing and illegal immigrant hating self-righteous missing form dope essentially Karl Rove with smaller boobs.
Déjenos recordarle que el FBI no es una escuela de ciencias o para el emprendimiento de logros personales y, con esperanzas, usted será capaz de presentarnos algo de evidencia material que respalde una investigación prolongada.Let us remind you that the FBI is not a school for science or for the grinding of personal axes and, hopefully, you will be able to present us with some material evidence to support a continued investigation.
- Es imperativo... que respaldemos la iniciativa de Gorkon... antes de que Oficiales más conservadores decidan... una solución militar... - y mueran luchando.It is imperative that we act now to support the Gorkon initiative, lest more conservative elements persuade his empire that it's better to attempt a military solution and die fighting.
Quiere que nos unamos y respaldemos su reclamo al trono.She wants us to rally and support her claim to the throne
Williams nos pide que lo respaldemos.We've got three letters from George Williams asking our support.
¿Esperas que te respaldemos dos veces?Do you expect us to support you twice?
Bueno, de hecho, el trabajo de verdad se hace bajo tierra donde esta en marcha la búsqueda de evidencias que respalden la Teoría de las Cuerdas, incluyendo las dimensiones extra.Well, actually, the real work happens underground where the hunt is on for evidence supporting string theory, including extra dimensions.
Bueno, quiero decir, si tienes hechos que respalden esa teoría deberías estar hablando con Don, no conmigo.Well, I mean, if you had facts to support your theory, you'd be talking to Don right now, not me.
Esa mujer del Departamento de Estado... no deja de pedirme... pruebas... testigos que respalden lo que digo.That woman from the State Department... kept asking me for... proof... evidence, witnesses to support my claims.
La Iglesia Cero aprecia su apoyo ayudando a los necesitados. Por favor, respalden nuestra causa.The Zero Church appreciates your support helping those in need of charity.
La abogada de la parte contraria no puede proporcionar pruebas sustanciales que respalden esta demanda.Opposing counsel can't seem to provide viable evidence to support this lawsuit.
"Al menos desde la Gran Guerra, "hemos respaldado cada postura contra la agresión.'Since the War at least, 'we have supported every stand against aggression.
Como si fuera respaldado por una presencia que no sabría definir, que se parecería a la noche, sus encuentros y sus habitantes.As if I was supported by a mysterious being... a being composed of the night, its inhabitants and its meetings.
EI Estado ha respaldado esa acusación con eI testimonio de dos testigos.The state has supported that charge with the testimony of two witnesses.
El equipo del bote estaba respaldado por observadores de visión aguda que peinaban la bahía desde el aire todos los días buscando ballenas grises madres junto a sus crías tomando un atajo.The boat-based team was supported by keen-eyed spotters who every day scoured the bay from the air looking for gray whale mothers and their calves taking a shortcut.
Las noticias del Ejército Popular de Liberación progresan en el Tíbet... fue respaldado con entusiasmo por todos los sectores de la población.The news of the People's Liberation Army's march into Tibet... was enthusiastically supported by all sections of the population.
Ella está respaldando nuestra unión... trayéndome las baterías y una Dr. Pepper bajas calorías... que le pedí.- She is supporting our union By bringing me the batteries and diet Dr. Pepper I sent her for.

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