Menghidupi (to support) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghidupi

Present tense
I support
Past tense
sudah menghidupi
I supported
Present perfect tense
sudah menghidupi
I have supported
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghidupi
I will have supported
Future recent tense
menghidupi nanti
I will support
Future distant tense
menghidupi kelak
I am going to support
Present continuous tense
sedang menghidupi
I support
Past distant tense
dulu menghidupi
I (a long time ago) supported
Past recent tense
menghidupi tadi
I (recently) supported
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghidupi
I (just now) supported

Examples of menghidupi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Sekarang tidak terlihat seperti menghidupi siapapun.Doesn't seem to be supporting anyone at the moment.
Bagaimana cara kamu menghidupi dirimu sendiri ?How do you support yourself?
Dia bekerja sangat keras untuk menghidupi kami.He works so hard to support us.
Kurono Kei, seorang mahasiswa biasa dan Katou Masaru, orang yang bekerja untuk menghidupi adiknya.An ordinary university student, Kurono Kei and Katou Masaru, who is working to support his younger brother.
Sulit menghidupi keluargaku tanpa itu.It would have been hard to support my family without it.

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