Unir (to unite) conjugation

102 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to merge, merge, to conflate

Conjugation of unir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I unite
you unite
he/she/it unites
we unite
you all unite
they unite
Present perfect tense
he unido
I have united
has unido
you have united
ha unido
he/she/it has united
hemos unido
we have united
habéis unido
you all have united
han unido
they have united
Past preterite tense
I united
you united
he/she/it united
we united
you all united
they united
Future tense
I will unite
you will unite
he/she/it will unite
we will unite
you all will unite
they will unite
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would unite
you would unite
he/she/it would unite
we would unite
you all would unite
they would unite
Past imperfect tense
I used to unite
you used to unite
he/she/it used to unite
we used to unite
you all used to unite
they used to unite
Past perfect tense
había unido
I had united
habías unido
you had united
había unido
he/she/it had united
habíamos unido
we had united
habíais unido
you all had united
habían unido
they had united
Future perfect tense
habré unido
I will have united
habrás unido
you will have united
habrá unido
he/she/it will have united
habremos unido
we will have united
habréis unido
you all will have united
habrán unido
they will have united
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I unite
(if/so that) you unite
(if/so that) he/she/it unite
(if/so that) we unite
(if/so that) you all unite
(if/so that) they unite
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya unido
I have united
hayas unido
you have united
haya unido
he/she/it has united
hayamos unido
we have united
hayáis unido
you all have united
hayan unido
they have united
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have united
(if/so that) you have united
(if/so that) he/she/it have united
(if/so that) we have united
(if/so that) you all have united
(if/so that) they have united
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have united
(if/so that) you have united
(if/so that) he/she/it have united
(if/so that) we have united
(if/so that) you all have united
(if/so that) they have united
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera unido
I had united
hubieras unido
you had united
hubiera unido
he/she/it had united
hubiéramos unido
we had united
hubierais unido
you all had united
hubieran unido
they had united
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese unido
I had united
hubieses unido
you had united
hubiese unido
he/she/it had united
hubiésemos unido
we had united
hubieseis unido
you all had united
hubiesen unido
they had united
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have united
(if/so that) you will have united
(if/so that) he/she/it will have united
(if/so that) we will have united
(if/so that) you all will have united
(if/so that) they will have united
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere unido
I will have united
hubieres unido
you will have united
hubiere unido
he/she/it will have united
hubiéremos unido
we will have united
hubiereis unido
you all will have united
hubieren unido
they will have united
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's unite!
Imperative negative mood
no unas
do not unite!
no una
let him/her/it unite!
no unamos
let us not unite!
no unáis
do not unite!
no unan
do not unite!

Examples of unir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Nos hemos reunido aquí para unir esta pareja en un feliz matrimonio. ""We are gathered here to unite these two in holy matrimony. "
"Queridos amigos, estamos reunidos aquí hoy para unir a este hombre y a esta mujer""Dear friends, we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman"--
"Trabajadores" consiguió unir al Sebastiáo Salgado economista con el artista en el que se había convertido."Workers" managed to unite the Sebastião Salgado economist with the artist in which he had become.
"Trabajadores" consiguió unir al Sebastião Salgado economista con el artista en el que se había convertido."Workers" managed to unite the Sebastião Salgado economist with the artist in which he had become.
"unir elegancia y utilidad, fundir lo útil con lo agradable, siempre se ha considerado una tarea difícil, pero honorable. ""to unite elegance and utility, and blend the useful with the agreeable, has ever been considered a difficult, but honourable task. "
"Aquel que se una con el Señor es uno con él en espíritu"."He who unites himself with the lord is one with him in spirit."
"Corazón, cuerpo, y mente unidos como uno.""Heart, body, and mind unite as one."
"Cuando el tiempo y el momento se unen, dos lados seran uno solo "Cuando dos sombras se juntan "la vida se desplegara y la muerte perecera""When comes to pass the awaited moment, and two warring tribes are again united, when together are two bodies in placement, then life or death for both shall be fated"
"La tragedia de todo esto es que George McGovern, con todos sus errores de Desayuno con Hunter y sus charlas imprecisas sobre la nueva política y la honestidad en el gobierno, es uno de los pocos en postularse a presidente de EE."the tragedy of all this is that george mcgovern, for all his mistakes and all his imprecise talk about new politics and honesty in government, is one of the few men who would run for president of the united states in this century
"Si cualquier otra potencia logra lanzar uno al espacio... antes que nosotros, no seremos más los EE.UU., seremos el mundo desuindo, etc, etc.""If any other power gets one into space before we do we'll no longer be the United States, we'll be the Disunited World, etc..."
"Si no unes las piedras tú, hijo mío, serás alcanzado por el fuego del cielo."If you don't unite them at once, you, my son," "will be seared by a fire from the sky"
En lugar de arrastrar los pies entre tus dos hijos, ¿por qué no los unes?Instead of shuffling between two sons, why not unite them?
Si te unes, puedes lograr cualquier cosa en la vida.If you unite, you can get anything in life!
¡No unes a los amantes, pero siembras discordia!You didn't unite the lovers, but sowed dischord!
"Cuando un cuerpo se une a otro.""When one body unites with another."
"De los hombres me gusta más lo que les separa que lo que les une."I love men not for what unites them but for what divides them.
"Es más lo que nos une que lo que nos separa" ."There's a lot more that unites Americans than divides them. "
"La cosmología inca une la cabeza del pájaro con su mellizo más pálido"."Inca cosmology unites the bird head with its paler twin."
"Ninguna narración los une". La crítica de libros del Times."No narrative unites these passages." New York Times Book Review.
# Si nos unimos podemos derribarlos ## If we unite we'll take them down #
- ¡Nosotros las unimos!- We united them!
Así como las lunas se unen en una unión celestial así unimos a Sab Than y Dejah Thoris Zodanga y Helium.As the moons are joined in celestial union, so do we unite Sab Than and Dejah Thoris, Zodanga and Helium.
Así que nos unimos.- So we unite.
Así que, no nos unimos hoy,So, what do you say we get united today,
" Poco a poco ... me unen con mi amado""Slowly.. unite me with my beloved."
"Aunque el arco y la flecha se unen, no conviven todo el tiempo.""Though bow and arrow unite they don't co-exist all the time"
"Cuando el tiempo y el momento se unen, dos lados seran uno solo "Cuando dos sombras se juntan "la vida se desplegara y la muerte perecera""When comes to pass the awaited moment, and two warring tribes are again united, when together are two bodies in placement, then life or death for both shall be fated"
"Hollywood y Washington se unen"Hollywood and Washington unite in launching new campaign." Great grief!
'Un lugar único, donde la tierra y el mar se unen .. ".. y no lo hacen."'A unique place, where the land and the sea unite...' '...and they don't.'
Así son nuestros políticos, por eso jamás me uní a ellos. A pesar de que mis amigos me decían:They are this way our politicians, for that reason never I united to them to weigh that my friends told me:
El primero, uní los estilos Xingyi y Bagua.First, I united Xingyi and Bagua styles.
"Cada vez que quisiste me uniste a ti.""Whenever you wanted, you united me with yourself."
Te uniste a mis enemigos.You united to my enemies.
Tú nos uniste.You united us.
# Dos corazones al compás de 3 por 4 # mayo los unió # dos corazones al compás de 3 por 4...# Two hearts in a 3/4 beat, # the May has united them, # two hearts in a 3/4 beat ...
...que nos unió....what united us and learn to love.
Como su fe lo unió a tu gente en la Tierra, entonces puede tu misericordia unirlo con los ángeles en el cielo.As his fate united him to your people on Earth, so may your mercy join him with the angels in heaven.
Creaste un tercer enemigo y eso los unió.You created a third enemy and that's what united them.
Cristo os unió en un solo cuerpo y en una sola alma.Christ united you in one body and in one soul.
Años después, los 3 Reinos finalmente se unieron.Years later, the three Kingdoms were finally united
Cleopatra acabó con su vida en un ataque de desesperación y el rubí y el collar nunca se unieron.Cleopatra gave up her life... in a fit of despair... and the ruby and the necklace were never united.
Desde que se convirtió en el Jefe de Educación, las Tres Oficinas se unieron.Ever since he became the Chief Scholar, the Three Offices have united.
Después de la gran inundación, los hombres se unieron...After the great flood... man was united.
Después de que los Nazis y los comunistas se... unieron, él propone las 'bombas espaciales'... que destruya a todo, a no ser... que por fin nos enseñemos el ABC moral... que el verdadero rabino Hillel, enseñó a Jesús... para unir todo dentro, todo en uno, en la fe en Dios."After Nazis and Commies united, proposes 'space bombs' that destroys all unless we finally teach the moral ABCs the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all in, all one, God faith."
Ahora las uniré.Now I will unite the two.
Júrenme lealtad y uniré sus batallones y salvaré a D'Hara de sí mismo.Swear your allegiance to me and I will unite your battalions and save D'Hara from itself.
Me uniré con el Señor Kato y renaceré.l will unite with Lord Kato and be reborn.
Personalmente uniré a los mongoles occidentales y a los mongoles centrales.I personally will unite the Western Mongols and the Central Mongols.
pero os uniré a tí y a Shirley.But I will unite you with Shirley.
Gran Maestra Isabella, te unirás con Laureen... cuando en sus ojos alumbre el fuego que consumirá los siglos.Great Mistress Isabella, you will unite with Laureen... when in her eyes the fire lights that will consume the ages.
"El destino nos unirá."Fate will unite us.
- Es el secreto que nos unirá.~ It's the secret that will unite us.
A menos que tenga el tesoro, la boda de tu hija con la dinastía Lan unirá a dos grandes familias.Unless l have that treasure, your daughter's marriage to the Lan Dynasty will unite two great families.
Arturo es el único y futuro rey que unirá las tierras de Albion.Arthur is the once and future king who will unite the land of Albion.
Como legítima poseedora de la Espada Golondrina, nos unirá a todos.As the rightful holder of the Swallow Sword, she will unite us all!
# Nos uniremos y destruiremos las casas ## We will unite and crush the houses #
Juntos, uniremos los tres principados rumanos.Together, we will unite the three Romanian principalities.
Nos uniremos tú y yo.We will unite you and me.
Ambas almas se unirán en un nuevo ser.Both of your souls will unite into a new being.
El general dice que cuando la sangre de los hijos de Caín... corra por las alcantarillas, los nuestros se unirán.General says that when the blood of all them sons of Cain... flows through the gutters, our people will unite.
En 36 horas, las colonias unirán fuerzas con los insurgentes rebeldes Cylon y su líder en una sin precedente operación militar conjunta para destruir la habilidad Cylon para descargarse."In 36 hours,"the colonies will unite forces "with insurgent rebel cylons and their leader "in an unprecedented joint military operation "to destroy the cylons' ability to download into.
En un mundo donde el amor es ciego pero solo el ciego puede ver, una hermosa mujer y un hombre poderoso se unirán para cambiar el destino de toda la humanidad.In a world where love is blind but only the blind can see, one beautiful woman and one powerful man will unite to change the fate of all mankind.
La Tierra Media está al borde de la destrucción nadie puede escapar ustedes se unirán o caerán.Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall.
Con la luz él reinventaría el universo... y encontraría un camino oculto que uniría la energía y la masa.With light he would reinvent the universe and find a hidden pathway that would unite energy and mass.
En un mundo ideal, una amistad pura nos uniría.In an ideal world, a pure friendship would unite us.
Eso significa que tu hija sería reina, y Lady Margaret dice que un matrimonio así uniría las Casas de York y Lancaster y terminar las guerras.It means your daughter could be Queen, and Lady Margaret says that such a marriage would unite the Houses of York and Lancaster and end these wars.
Lady Margaret dice que un matrimonio así uniría las casas de York y Lancaster y acabaría estas guerras.Lady Margaret says that such a marriage would unite the Houses of York and Lancaster and end these wars.
Neal Kay y la gente del Soundhouse tomaron la iniciativa y comenzaron a armarse un lugar propio, uno que uniría la fraternidad del heavy metal.Neal Kay and the Soundhouse punters took the initiative and began building a scene of their own, one that would unite the heavy metal fraternity.
La profecía decía que un día nos uniríamos... con la otra mitad de nuestra alma en una guerra con el antiguo enemigo.Prophecy said one day we would unite... with the other half of our soul in a war with the ancient enemy.
Todos se unirían a su alrededor... y por respeto a su querido Egeo... escogerían a Palas para reemplazarlo.Everyone would unite around him, and, out of deference to their beloved Aegeus, choose Pallas to replace him.
"20 minutos más tarde, nuestros cuerpos estaban unidos en una unión pasional y política"."20 minutes later, our bodies were united in passionate, political union."
"Aquel que se una con el Señor es uno con él en espíritu"."He who unites himself with the lord is one with him in spirit."
"Así no serán mas dos, Pero si, una sola carne. ""What God has united, let not man separate.
"El Estado... es una comunidad de ciudadanos... unidos entre sí por los lazos de la concordia."Sallustius says "The State is a community of citizens united by the tie of concord"
"Para unir esas tribus y crear una nacion solo de tribus Alemanas"."To unite those tribes and create a nation with only German tribes"
De acuerdo a la teoría-M, que unifica las 5 súper teorías de cuerdas hay unas cuántas dimensiones espaciales 11, de hecho, que existen en paralelo con nuestra realidad física.See, according to M-theory, that unites the five superstring theories, there are several spatial dimensions... eleven, actually, that exist in parallel with our physical reality. - Now, these higher dimensions...
No te unas a los trabajadores.Don't you go all "workers united" on us!
No unas mi alma al hombre pecador... y asesino de mi vida.Do not unite my soul with the sinful and the murderous man of my life.
No voy a dejar que te unas a él en ningún nacimiento.I won't let you unite with him in any birth
Nosotros que una vez nos paramos frente a la pintura de unas lanzas en ristre, nos reunimos otra vez en una línea de lanzas.We, who gathered in front of a painting of a line of spears, have been reunited before a real line of spears.
"...italianos, que no hemos renunciado a llamarnos hombres,..." "... nos unamos más allá de las facciones..." "... más allá de los partidos, de la divisiones interesadas..."You Italians, who haven't given up to be called MEN, be united beyond every faction beyond all Parties, above every intended division beyond the outdated and old-fashioned and too much long exploited fascism and anti-fascism be united to say yes to the freedom of order this demonstration wants to prove that it's possible to defeat communism that it's possible to defeat the enemies of Italy and together we'll do it!
Al menos alguien quiere que nos unamos.At least someone wants us to unite.
Así que unamos nuestros odios para eliminar al traidor.Let's unite our hatred to kill the traitor!
Digo que nos unamos, hermanos. Unámonos y tomemos acción.I say unite, brothers, and take action!
Entonces no finjamos unir al partido unamos al partido detrás de esta legislación.Then let's not pretend to unite the party, let's unite the party behind this legislation.
Se tienen que unir los peones, los campesinos pobres... los camareros, los pequeños empleados... los conductores de taxi, y los estudiantes... que se unan a vosotros, camaradas presos... y que vosotros, vosotros os unáis a ellos.We must unite with the workers and poor farmers, ordinary soldiers and civil servants, taxi drivers and students, and they must unite with you inmates... and you with them.
"Dondequiera que los hombres se unan a la sociedad deben renunciar a las leyes de la naturaleza y asumir--For "Wherever men unite into society," "they must quit the laws of nature and assume..."
"Sería natural pensar que los araos se unan y persigan a la gaviota""It would be natural to think that the guillemots should unite and chase the gull away"
# Que se unan nuestros corazones #♪Our hearts unite♪
Ahora, pensé que cuando conocieras a la adecuada, se suponía que te volverías mortal... Sólo después de que nuestras almas se unan.Now, I thought when you met the right one, you were supposed to become mortal-- only after our souls are united.
Cuando el momento y el tiempo se unan, dos se convetiran en uno Cuando dos sombras se juntan la vida se desplegara y la muerte perecera Ven aqui.When comes to pass the awaited moment, and two warring tribes are again united, when together are two bodies in placement, then life or death for both shall be fated
- Hermanos, ya que queréis contraer santo matrimonio, unid vuestras manos y manifestad vuestro consentimiento ante Dios y su Iglesia.My children, since you will enter holy matrimony, unite your hands and manifest your consent before God and his Church.
"Criminales Unidos". Estamos tan unidos como los miembros de la jefatura del Mundo Unido."United Underworld." We're about as united as the members of the United World headquarters.
"Dos corazones se han unido. ""Two hearts have united."
"La vida y la felicidad se han unido.""Life and happiness have united."
"Nuestros corazones se han unido.""Our hearts have united."
"Un día, pasará "Una sociedad que combina su energía para proteger a todos y a su posición "Y en la que cada individuo aunque unido a los otrosOne day it will come a society which will pool its energy to defend and protect each person for the possession of each person and in which each individual although united with all others only obeys himself and stays free...
"La gente ha sufrido años de guerra sólo el Rey de Qin puede detener el caos ...uniendo a todos bajo el cielo""The people have suffered years of warfare "Only the King of Qin can stop the chaos "by uniting all under Heaven."
- Los está uniendo bajo su dominio.- He's uniting them.
- Son viejos amigos míos, que ahora tienen la idea de que los animales se están uniendo contra nosotros.- These are some old chums of mine, who are presently of the mind that animals are uniting against us.
Ahora mismo, lo que les está uniendo es su fe en el mal.Right now, their belief in evil is uniting them.
Casándome con Kristina, uniendo las familias, dándole el empujoncito que necesitaba el movimiento monárquico.Marrying Kristina, uniting the families, gave the monarchist movement the push that it needed.

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