Acquitter (to acquit) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of acquitter

Present tense
I acquit
tu acquittes
you acquit
il/elle/on acquitte
he/she/it acquits
nous acquittons
we acquit
vous acquittez
you all acquit
ils/elles acquittent
they acquit
Present perfect tense
j’ai acquitté
I acquitted
tu as acquitté
you acquitted
il/elle/on a acquitté
he/she/it acquitted
nous avons acquitté
we acquitted
vous avez acquitté
you all acquitted
ils/elles ont acquitté
they acquitted
Past impf. tense
I was acquitting
tu acquittais
you were acquitting
il/elle/on acquittait
he/she/it was acquitting
nous acquittions
we were acquitting
vous acquittiez
you all were acquitting
ils/elles acquittaient
they were acquitting
Future tense
I will acquit
tu acquitteras
you will acquit
il/elle/on acquittera
he/she/it will acquit
nous acquitterons
we will acquit
vous acquitterez
you all will acquit
ils/elles acquitteront
they will acquit
Past perfect tense
j’avais acquitté
I had acquitted
tu avais acquitté
you had acquitted
il/elle/on avait acquitté
he/she/it had acquitted
nous avions acquitté
we had acquitted
vous aviez acquitté
you all had acquitted
ils/elles avaient acquitté
they had acquitted
Past preterite tense
I acquitted
tu acquittas
you acquitted
il/elle/on acquitta
he/she/it acquitted
nous acquittâmes
we acquitted
vous acquittâtes
you all acquitted
ils/elles acquittèrent
they acquitted
Past anterior tense
j’eus acquitté
I had acquitted
tu eus acquitté
you had acquitted
il/elle/on eut acquitté
he/she/it had acquitted
nous eûmes acquitté
we had acquitted
vous eûtes acquitté
you all had acquitted
ils/elles eurent acquitté
they had acquitted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai acquitté
I will have acquitted
tu auras acquitté
you will have acquitted
il/elle/on aura acquitté
he/she/it will have acquitted
nous aurons acquitté
we will have acquitted
vous aurez acquitté
you all will have acquitted
ils/elles auront acquitté
they will have acquitted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’acquitte
that I acquit
que tu acquittes
that you acquit
qu’il/elle/on acquitte
that he/she/it acquit
que nous acquittions
that we acquit
que vous acquittiez
that you all acquit
qu’ils/elles acquittent
that they acquit
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie acquitté
that I have acquitted
que tu aies acquitté
that you have acquitted
qu’il/elle/on ait acquitté
that he/she/it have acquitted
que nous ayons acquitté
that we have acquitted
que vous ayez acquitté
that you all have acquitted
qu’ils/elles aient acquitté
that they have acquitted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’acquittasse
that I would acquit
que tu acquittasses
that you would acquit
qu’il/elle/on acquittât
that he/she/it would acquit
que nous acquittassions
that we would acquit
que vous acquittassiez
that you all would acquit
qu’ils/elles acquittassent
that they would acquit
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse acquitté
that I had acquitted
que tu eusses acquitté
that you had acquitted
qu’il/elle/on eût acquitté
that he/she/it had acquitted
que nous eussions acquitté
that we had acquitted
que vous eussiez acquitté
that you all had acquitted
qu’ils/elles eussent acquitté
that they had acquitted
Conditional mood
I would acquit
tu acquitterais
you would acquit
il/elle/on acquitterait
he/she/it would acquit
nous acquitterions
we would acquit
vous acquitteriez
you all would acquit
ils/elles acquitteraient
they would acquit
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais acquitté
I would have acquitted
tu aurais acquitté
you would have acquitted
il/elle/on aurait acquitté
he/she/it would have acquitted
nous aurions acquitté
we would have acquitted
vous auriez acquitté
you all would have acquitted
ils/elles auraient acquitté
they would have acquitted
Imperative mood
let's acquit!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie acquitté
have acquitted
ayons acquitté
let's have acquitted
ayez acquitté
have acquitted

Examples of acquitter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Malheureusement, nous serons sans doute obliger de l'acquitter."I am afraid we shall have to acquit him.
"Si le chapeau lui va, on ne peut pas l'acquitter".If the hat does fit, you can't acquit.
- Il a payé pour être juré. Pour vous faire acquitter et il l'a payé de sa vie.He bought his way onto the jury in order to get you acquitted, and then he got murdered for it.
- Ça signifie qu'il veut l'acquitter.It means he's willing to acquit. Maybe.
..d'acquitter l'inspecteur Rakesh Kadam de toutes les charges retenues contre acquit all charges pressed against inspector Rakesh Kadam.
"Le mari jaloux qui a tué en défense de son foyer et de son mariage a été acquitté aujourd'hui,The jealous husband who killed in defense of home and marriage was acquitted today.
- Barabbas qui fut acquitté.- Barabbas, the acquitted.
- Donc vous diriez à peu près tout - pour qu'il soit acquitté ?And so you'd say pretty much anything to get him acquitted, correct?
- Il a été acquitté pour un homicide.William Tierney Clark was acquitted on a manslaughter charge.
11 condamnent, 1 acquitte.11 to convict, 1 to acquit.
Aujourd'hui, j'acquitte tout le monde.Today I'm going to acquit everybody.
Cette cour... vous acquitte pleinement et sans blâme.This body of judges acquits you on all charges without reprimand.
Et au procès, soit le juge estime Tous mes témoins et moi acquitte, ... Ou, quand je sors, je vais le tuer.And at the trial, either the judge believes all my witnesses and acquits me, ...or, when I get out, I'll kill him.
Faute de preuves et de temoignages recents... il fut acquitte.Evidence had been lost, memories faded. He was acquitted.
Si Chewbacca n'a pas de sens, acquittez mon client.If Chewbacca does not make sense, you must acquit!
Si Chewbacca vit sur Endor, acquittez mon client.If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit. The defense rests.
Si vous m'acquittez de ces charges, je me présenterai comme shérif.And if you acquit me of these charges, then I'm gonna run for sheriff.
Si vous m'acquittez, non.But if you acquit me, well, in that case, certainly not!
Sinon... et je sais que vous doutez... acquittez-Ies.And if you don't, and I know you don't, acquit.

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