Brosser (to brush) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of brosser

Present tense
je brosse
I brush
tu brosses
you brush
il/elle/on brosse
he/she/it brushes
nous brossons
we brush
vous brossez
you all brush
ils/elles brossent
they brush
Present perfect tense
j’ai brossé
I brushed
tu as brossé
you brushed
il/elle/on a brossé
he/she/it brushed
nous avons brossé
we brushed
vous avez brossé
you all brushed
ils/elles ont brossé
they brushed
Past impf. tense
je brossais
I was brushing
tu brossais
you were brushing
il/elle/on brossait
he/she/it was brushing
nous brossions
we were brushing
vous brossiez
you all were brushing
ils/elles brossaient
they were brushing
Future tense
je brosserai
I will brush
tu brosseras
you will brush
il/elle/on brossera
he/she/it will brush
nous brosserons
we will brush
vous brosserez
you all will brush
ils/elles brosseront
they will brush
Past perfect tense
j’avais brossé
I had brushed
tu avais brossé
you had brushed
il/elle/on avait brossé
he/she/it had brushed
nous avions brossé
we had brushed
vous aviez brossé
you all had brushed
ils/elles avaient brossé
they had brushed
Past preterite tense
je brossai
I brushed
tu brossas
you brushed
il/elle/on brossa
he/she/it brushed
nous brossâmes
we brushed
vous brossâtes
you all brushed
ils/elles brossèrent
they brushed
Past anterior tense
j’eus brossé
I had brushed
tu eus brossé
you had brushed
il/elle/on eut brossé
he/she/it had brushed
nous eûmes brossé
we had brushed
vous eûtes brossé
you all had brushed
ils/elles eurent brossé
they had brushed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai brossé
I will have brushed
tu auras brossé
you will have brushed
il/elle/on aura brossé
he/she/it will have brushed
nous aurons brossé
we will have brushed
vous aurez brossé
you all will have brushed
ils/elles auront brossé
they will have brushed
Present subjunctive tense
que je brosse
that I brush
que tu brosses
that you brush
qu’il/elle/on brosse
that he/she/it brush
que nous brossions
that we brush
que vous brossiez
that you all brush
qu’ils/elles brossent
that they brush
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie brossé
that I have brushed
que tu aies brossé
that you have brushed
qu’il/elle/on ait brossé
that he/she/it have brushed
que nous ayons brossé
that we have brushed
que vous ayez brossé
that you all have brushed
qu’ils/elles aient brossé
that they have brushed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je brossasse
that I would brush
que tu brossasses
that you would brush
qu’il/elle/on brossât
that he/she/it would brush
que nous brossassions
that we would brush
que vous brossassiez
that you all would brush
qu’ils/elles brossassent
that they would brush
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse brossé
that I had brushed
que tu eusses brossé
that you had brushed
qu’il/elle/on eût brossé
that he/she/it had brushed
que nous eussions brossé
that we had brushed
que vous eussiez brossé
that you all had brushed
qu’ils/elles eussent brossé
that they had brushed
Conditional mood
je brosserais
I would brush
tu brosserais
you would brush
il/elle/on brosserait
he/she/it would brush
nous brosserions
we would brush
vous brosseriez
you all would brush
ils/elles brosseraient
they would brush
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais brossé
I would have brushed
tu aurais brossé
you would have brushed
il/elle/on aurait brossé
he/she/it would have brushed
nous aurions brossé
we would have brushed
vous auriez brossé
you all would have brushed
ils/elles auraient brossé
they would have brushed
Imperative mood
let's brush!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie brossé
have brushed
ayons brossé
let's have brushed
ayez brossé
have brushed

Examples of brosser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Ensuite, je pourrais passer la journée à me brosser les cheveux.""And then I could spend, like, all day brushing my hair."
'Man, je dois me brosser les cheveux.Mom, I got to brush.
- C'est pour brosser ou pagayer ?Is that for brushing or paddling?
- C'est pour se brosser les dents ?- You brush your teeth with that?
- C'est une formule très simple, basée sur le nombre de nuit qu'il passe par mois à l'appartement, le temps approximatif en minutes par jour qu'il passe à se doucher, brosser ses dents, et/ou surfer sur internet.- It's a very simple formula, based on the number of nights he spends per month at the apartment, times the approximate minutes per day he spends showering, brushing his teeth, and/or surfing the internet.
"Les trois petits chatons au pelage brossé"Three little kittens with fur all brushed
- Après avoir brossé mes souliers.- After she's brushed my shoes.
- C'est brossé, ça ?- You call that brushed?
- J'ai brossé mes gencives.I brushed my gums.
- Je ne veux encore me brossé les dents.- l haven't brushed my teeth yet
"C'est juste une brosse à dents.""It's just a toothbrush."
"Chloé j'ai utilisé ta brosse à dent""Chloe, I used your toothbrush."
"Il me faut une brosse à dents medium, bleue"."l gotta have a blue medium toothbrush."
"Ils savent pas ce que c'est qu'une brosse à dents ?"Haven't they ever heard of a toothbrush? Morty!
"Ma vie a pas de sens si tu prends pas ma brosse à dents."'My life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush. '
- Et vous lui brossez les cheveux?- And you brush his hair?
- Vous les brossez avec la main droite?- How do you brush it? Left arm or right?
A mon signal, vous vous tournez à droite, et vous brossez.When I say Start, you turn to your right, you brush.
Allez, montez, brossez-vous les dents et en pyjama.OK, upstairs right away, brush your teeth, pyjamas.
Anthony dit que vous lui brossez les dents.Anthony says you brush this dog's teeth.
Ce matin à l'hôtel, vous avez fait tomber un verre en vous brossant les dents.You don't believe me. This morning at the hotel... you dropped a glass while brushing your teeth.
Deux filles, traînant ensemble, se brossant mutuellement les cheveux, juste comme Dieu l'avait prévu.Two girls hanging out, brushing each other's hair, like God intended.
En brossant son dentier.He's brushing his dentures!
En me brossant les dents ce matin, j'ai vu ma cicatrice dans le miroir.I just... I... I was brushing my teeth this morning,
Et il y a une femme ce soir qui a écrit dans son questionnaire qu'elle pouvait avoir un orgasme en se brossant les dents.And there was a woman tonight who wrote on her questionnaire that she can climax while brushing her teeth.

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