Brasser (to shuffle) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of brasser

Present tense
je brasse
I shuffle
tu brasses
you shuffle
il/elle/on brasse
he/she/it shuffles
nous brassons
we shuffle
vous brassez
you all shuffle
ils/elles brassent
they shuffle
Present perfect tense
j’ai brassé
I shuffled
tu as brassé
you shuffled
il/elle/on a brassé
he/she/it shuffled
nous avons brassé
we shuffled
vous avez brassé
you all shuffled
ils/elles ont brassé
they shuffled
Past impf. tense
je brassais
I was shuffling
tu brassais
you were shuffling
il/elle/on brassait
he/she/it was shuffling
nous brassions
we were shuffling
vous brassiez
you all were shuffling
ils/elles brassaient
they were shuffling
Future tense
je brasserai
I will shuffle
tu brasseras
you will shuffle
il/elle/on brassera
he/she/it will shuffle
nous brasserons
we will shuffle
vous brasserez
you all will shuffle
ils/elles brasseront
they will shuffle
Past perfect tense
j’avais brassé
I had shuffled
tu avais brassé
you had shuffled
il/elle/on avait brassé
he/she/it had shuffled
nous avions brassé
we had shuffled
vous aviez brassé
you all had shuffled
ils/elles avaient brassé
they had shuffled
Past preterite tense
je brassai
I shuffled
tu brassas
you shuffled
il/elle/on brassa
he/she/it shuffled
nous brassâmes
we shuffled
vous brassâtes
you all shuffled
ils/elles brassèrent
they shuffled
Past anterior tense
j’eus brassé
I had shuffled
tu eus brassé
you had shuffled
il/elle/on eut brassé
he/she/it had shuffled
nous eûmes brassé
we had shuffled
vous eûtes brassé
you all had shuffled
ils/elles eurent brassé
they had shuffled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai brassé
I will have shuffled
tu auras brassé
you will have shuffled
il/elle/on aura brassé
he/she/it will have shuffled
nous aurons brassé
we will have shuffled
vous aurez brassé
you all will have shuffled
ils/elles auront brassé
they will have shuffled
Present subjunctive tense
que je brasse
that I shuffle
que tu brasses
that you shuffle
qu’il/elle/on brasse
that he/she/it shuffle
que nous brassions
that we shuffle
que vous brassiez
that you all shuffle
qu’ils/elles brassent
that they shuffle
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie brassé
that I have shuffled
que tu aies brassé
that you have shuffled
qu’il/elle/on ait brassé
that he/she/it have shuffled
que nous ayons brassé
that we have shuffled
que vous ayez brassé
that you all have shuffled
qu’ils/elles aient brassé
that they have shuffled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je brassasse
that I would shuffle
que tu brassasses
that you would shuffle
qu’il/elle/on brassât
that he/she/it would shuffle
que nous brassassions
that we would shuffle
que vous brassassiez
that you all would shuffle
qu’ils/elles brassassent
that they would shuffle
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse brassé
that I had shuffled
que tu eusses brassé
that you had shuffled
qu’il/elle/on eût brassé
that he/she/it had shuffled
que nous eussions brassé
that we had shuffled
que vous eussiez brassé
that you all had shuffled
qu’ils/elles eussent brassé
that they had shuffled
Conditional mood
je brasserais
I would shuffle
tu brasserais
you would shuffle
il/elle/on brasserait
he/she/it would shuffle
nous brasserions
we would shuffle
vous brasseriez
you all would shuffle
ils/elles brasseraient
they would shuffle
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais brassé
I would have shuffled
tu aurais brassé
you would have shuffled
il/elle/on aurait brassé
he/she/it would have shuffled
nous aurions brassé
we would have shuffled
vous auriez brassé
you all would have shuffled
ils/elles auraient brassé
they would have shuffled
Imperative mood
let's shuffle!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie brassé
have shuffled
ayons brassé
let's have shuffled
ayez brassé
have shuffled

Examples of brasser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Vous voulez brasser ?Will you shuffle?
Essaye de les brasser.See if you can shuffle them.
Il est reparti brasser des papiers.He went back and shuffled paper.
Vous brassez beaucoup d'argent, Mr. Edwards.You shuffled a lot of money around, Mr. Edwards.

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