Cocher (to do) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of cocher

Present tense
je coche
I do
tu coches
you do
il/elle/on coche
he/she/it does
nous cochons
we do
vous cochez
you all do
ils/elles cochent
they do
Present perfect tense
j’ai coché
I did
tu as coché
you did
il/elle/on a coché
he/she/it did
nous avons coché
we did
vous avez coché
you all did
ils/elles ont coché
they did
Past impf. tense
je cochais
I was doing
tu cochais
you were doing
il/elle/on cochait
he/she/it was doing
nous cochions
we were doing
vous cochiez
you all were doing
ils/elles cochaient
they were doing
Future tense
je cocherai
I will do
tu cocheras
you will do
il/elle/on cochera
he/she/it will do
nous cocherons
we will do
vous cocherez
you all will do
ils/elles cocheront
they will do
Past perfect tense
j’avais coché
I had done
tu avais coché
you had done
il/elle/on avait coché
he/she/it had done
nous avions coché
we had done
vous aviez coché
you all had done
ils/elles avaient coché
they had done
Past preterite tense
je cochai
I did
tu cochas
you did
il/elle/on cocha
he/she/it did
nous cochâmes
we did
vous cochâtes
you all did
ils/elles cochèrent
they did
Past anterior tense
j’eus coché
I had done
tu eus coché
you had done
il/elle/on eut coché
he/she/it had done
nous eûmes coché
we had done
vous eûtes coché
you all had done
ils/elles eurent coché
they had done
Future perfect tense
j’aurai coché
I will have done
tu auras coché
you will have done
il/elle/on aura coché
he/she/it will have done
nous aurons coché
we will have done
vous aurez coché
you all will have done
ils/elles auront coché
they will have done
Present subjunctive tense
que je coche
that I do
que tu coches
that you do
qu’il/elle/on coche
that he/she/it do
que nous cochions
that we do
que vous cochiez
that you all do
qu’ils/elles cochent
that they do
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie coché
that I have done
que tu aies coché
that you have done
qu’il/elle/on ait coché
that he/she/it have done
que nous ayons coché
that we have done
que vous ayez coché
that you all have done
qu’ils/elles aient coché
that they have done
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je cochasse
that I would do
que tu cochasses
that you would do
qu’il/elle/on cochât
that he/she/it would do
que nous cochassions
that we would do
que vous cochassiez
that you all would do
qu’ils/elles cochassent
that they would do
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse coché
that I had done
que tu eusses coché
that you had done
qu’il/elle/on eût coché
that he/she/it had done
que nous eussions coché
that we had done
que vous eussiez coché
that you all had done
qu’ils/elles eussent coché
that they had done
Conditional mood
je cocherais
I would do
tu cocherais
you would do
il/elle/on cocherait
he/she/it would do
nous cocherions
we would do
vous cocheriez
you all would do
ils/elles cocheraient
they would do
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais coché
I would have done
tu aurais coché
you would have done
il/elle/on aurait coché
he/she/it would have done
nous aurions coché
we would have done
vous auriez coché
you all would have done
ils/elles auraient coché
they would have done
Imperative mood
let's do!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie coché
have done
ayons coché
let's have done
ayez coché
have done

Examples of cocher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Je vais cocher une case.- I do, yes, check a box.
- Si le cocher est d'accord.- If the driver doesn't mind.
Ce serait plus simple si je pouvais cocher la case "serveuse".I wish there was a waitress box I could just check and be done with it.
Dans le gouffre qui séparait ce malheureux couple, il y avait un cocher sur la propriété, un joyeux luron.You see, into the gulf that separated this unfortunate couple... there was a coachman on the estate, a gay dog.
Ensuite, nos formulaires n'ont pas de petites cases à cocher pour les pots-de-vin.Secondly, our forms don't have little boxes you can check for bribes.
C'est coché.That is done.
"Si tu veux qu'on se remettre ensemble pour qu'on puisse regarder Tokyo Drift avec trois adorables enfants, coche la case "a", si non, coche la "b"."If you want to get back together "so we can watch 'Tokyo Drift' "with three adorable children, check box 'a.' if not, check 'b.' But check 'a.'"
- Je ne veux pas rater le coche.- I don't want you to Miss out on this.
- Je sais pas ce qui m'a pris, j'ai sauté une coche.l don't know, l must've blown a fuse.
- Mettons une coche à côté d'Henry.- Let's put a star down next to Henry.
- Qu'est-ce que je fais s'il y en a un qui pète sa coche?What if a child breaks down? Audrey, you have to be strong.
Si oui, cochez la case".If you do, check this box".
Tout ce qui finit en -ite cochez juste oui.Anything with an itis, just put down frickin' yes.

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