Cogner (to bang) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of cogner

Present tense
je cogne
I bang
tu cognes
you bang
il/elle/on cogne
he/she/it bangs
nous cognons
we bang
vous cognez
you all bang
ils/elles cognent
they bang
Present perfect tense
j’ai cogné
I banged
tu as cogné
you banged
il/elle/on a cogné
he/she/it banged
nous avons cogné
we banged
vous avez cogné
you all banged
ils/elles ont cogné
they banged
Past impf. tense
je cognais
I was banging
tu cognais
you were banging
il/elle/on cognait
he/she/it was banging
nous cognions
we were banging
vous cogniez
you all were banging
ils/elles cognaient
they were banging
Future tense
je cognerai
I will bang
tu cogneras
you will bang
il/elle/on cognera
he/she/it will bang
nous cognerons
we will bang
vous cognerez
you all will bang
ils/elles cogneront
they will bang
Past perfect tense
j’avais cogné
I had banged
tu avais cogné
you had banged
il/elle/on avait cogné
he/she/it had banged
nous avions cogné
we had banged
vous aviez cogné
you all had banged
ils/elles avaient cogné
they had banged
Past preterite tense
je cognai
I banged
tu cognas
you banged
il/elle/on cogna
he/she/it banged
nous cognâmes
we banged
vous cognâtes
you all banged
ils/elles cognèrent
they banged
Past anterior tense
j’eus cogné
I had banged
tu eus cogné
you had banged
il/elle/on eut cogné
he/she/it had banged
nous eûmes cogné
we had banged
vous eûtes cogné
you all had banged
ils/elles eurent cogné
they had banged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai cogné
I will have banged
tu auras cogné
you will have banged
il/elle/on aura cogné
he/she/it will have banged
nous aurons cogné
we will have banged
vous aurez cogné
you all will have banged
ils/elles auront cogné
they will have banged
Present subjunctive tense
que je cogne
that I bang
que tu cognes
that you bang
qu’il/elle/on cogne
that he/she/it bang
que nous cognions
that we bang
que vous cogniez
that you all bang
qu’ils/elles cognent
that they bang
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie cogné
that I have banged
que tu aies cogné
that you have banged
qu’il/elle/on ait cogné
that he/she/it have banged
que nous ayons cogné
that we have banged
que vous ayez cogné
that you all have banged
qu’ils/elles aient cogné
that they have banged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je cognasse
that I would bang
que tu cognasses
that you would bang
qu’il/elle/on cognât
that he/she/it would bang
que nous cognassions
that we would bang
que vous cognassiez
that you all would bang
qu’ils/elles cognassent
that they would bang
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse cogné
that I had banged
que tu eusses cogné
that you had banged
qu’il/elle/on eût cogné
that he/she/it had banged
que nous eussions cogné
that we had banged
que vous eussiez cogné
that you all had banged
qu’ils/elles eussent cogné
that they had banged
Conditional mood
je cognerais
I would bang
tu cognerais
you would bang
il/elle/on cognerait
he/she/it would bang
nous cognerions
we would bang
vous cogneriez
you all would bang
ils/elles cogneraient
they would bang
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais cogné
I would have banged
tu aurais cogné
you would have banged
il/elle/on aurait cogné
he/she/it would have banged
nous aurions cogné
we would have banged
vous auriez cogné
you all would have banged
ils/elles auraient cogné
they would have banged
Imperative mood
let's bang!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie cogné
have banged
ayons cogné
let's have banged
ayez cogné
have banged

Examples of cogner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
(verre cogner) Laissez-moi sortir.(banging glass) Let me out.
- Ah... C'est elle qui t'a montré comment faire pour la cogner contre le mur ?She show you how to bang it against the wall like that?
A quoi ça sert de se cogner la tête contre un mur de briques ?What's the use of banging your head against a brick wall?
Alors les gens à l'étage au-dessus ont commencé à cogner, criant qu'ils voulaient dormir.Then people on the upper floor started banging Shouting that they had to get some sleep
Arrête de cogner!Open up! -Stop banging!
- Elle s'est cogné le genou et je l'ai embrassée.- This morning. She banged her knee, so I kissed it for her.
- Elle était bien là, car j'ai involontairement cogné ta portière dans cette voiture.- It was definitely right here, because I accidentally banged your door into that car.
- J'ai cogné mon genou, je pense.- I just, uh, banged my knee, I think.
- Je l'ai cogné, aujourd'hui.I banged it up today.
- Je me suis cogné contre un placard.- Nothing. I just banged it on a cabinet.
- On cogne à la porte.- That banging. - That's a knock. Matt cogne sa canne et fait :And Matt bangs his cane around and says,
Alors pour gérer ça, il se cogne contre une porte qui ne s'ouvrira jamais.And now, to atone, he's banging his head against a door that'll never open.
C'est moi qui cogne mon téléphone.Yes, it was me banging the phone on my desk.
C'est pour le mettre sous ma tête, pour que je ne me cogne pas la tête.It's to put under my head so that my head isn't banging around.
- Vous cognez deux noix de coco entre elles.You've got two empty halves of coconut, and you're banging them together.
Excuse-moi, pourquoi vous cognez vous la tête comme ça?Excuse me, why are you banging your head like that?
Pourquoi vous cognez sur ma porte ?Why are you bangin' on my door?
Vous cognez à ma porte et à ma fenêtre.You're banging on my door, you're banging on my window.
Vous vous cognez la tête et inventez l'histoire de homme qui vous attaque ?You banged your head and then you made up a story about a man attacking you ?
- Et je fais ça comment, en la cognant contre le mur ?And how do I do that, by banging it against the wall?
Il monte à la première soute en cognant sur tout.Ed, it's going up to first storage, banging on everything it passes.
bon , j'ai passé la moitiée de la nuit avec l'équipe cognant nos têtes contre le mur.Well, I spent half the night with the team banging our heads against the wall.
les codétenus cognant sur les murs, jetant le signe de leur gang, criant qui ils étaient, d'ou ils venaient. J'ai pleuré la première nuit.Inmates banging on the walls, throwing up their gang signs, yelling out who they were, where they're from.

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