Enlever (to take away) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of enlever

Present tense
I take away
tu enlèves
you take away
il/elle/on enlève
he/she/it takes away
nous enlevons
we take away
vous enlevez
you all take away
ils/elles enlèvent
they take away
Present perfect tense
j’ai enlevé
I took away
tu as enlevé
you took away
il/elle/on a enlevé
he/she/it took away
nous avons enlevé
we took away
vous avez enlevé
you all took away
ils/elles ont enlevé
they took away
Past impf. tense
I was taking away
tu enlevais
you were taking away
il/elle/on enlevait
he/she/it was taking away
nous enlevions
we were taking away
vous enleviez
you all were taking away
ils/elles enlevaient
they were taking away
Future tense
I will take away
tu enlèveras
you will take away
il/elle/on enlèvera
he/she/it will take away
nous enlèverons
we will take away
vous enlèverez
you all will take away
ils/elles enlèveront
they will take away
Past perfect tense
j’avais enlevé
I had taken away
tu avais enlevé
you had taken away
il/elle/on avait enlevé
he/she/it had taken away
nous avions enlevé
we had taken away
vous aviez enlevé
you all had taken away
ils/elles avaient enlevé
they had taken away
Past preterite tense
I took away
tu enlevas
you took away
il/elle/on enleva
he/she/it took away
nous enlevâmes
we took away
vous enlevâtes
you all took away
ils/elles enlevèrent
they took away
Past anterior tense
j’eus enlevé
I had taken away
tu eus enlevé
you had taken away
il/elle/on eut enlevé
he/she/it had taken away
nous eûmes enlevé
we had taken away
vous eûtes enlevé
you all had taken away
ils/elles eurent enlevé
they had taken away
Future perfect tense
j’aurai enlevé
I will have taken away
tu auras enlevé
you will have taken away
il/elle/on aura enlevé
he/she/it will have taken away
nous aurons enlevé
we will have taken away
vous aurez enlevé
you all will have taken away
ils/elles auront enlevé
they will have taken away
Present subjunctive tense
que j’enlève
that I take away
que tu enlèves
that you take away
qu’il/elle/on enlève
that he/she/it take away
que nous enlevions
that we take away
que vous enleviez
that you all take away
qu’ils/elles enlèvent
that they take away
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie enlevé
that I have taken away
que tu aies enlevé
that you have taken away
qu’il/elle/on ait enlevé
that he/she/it have taken away
que nous ayons enlevé
that we have taken away
que vous ayez enlevé
that you all have taken away
qu’ils/elles aient enlevé
that they have taken away
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’enlevasse
that I would take away
que tu enlevasses
that you would take away
qu’il/elle/on enlevât
that he/she/it would take away
que nous enlevassions
that we would take away
que vous enlevassiez
that you all would take away
qu’ils/elles enlevassent
that they would take away
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse enlevé
that I had taken away
que tu eusses enlevé
that you had taken away
qu’il/elle/on eût enlevé
that he/she/it had taken away
que nous eussions enlevé
that we had taken away
que vous eussiez enlevé
that you all had taken away
qu’ils/elles eussent enlevé
that they had taken away
Conditional mood
I would take away
tu enlèverais
you would take away
il/elle/on enlèverait
he/she/it would take away
nous enlèverions
we would take away
vous enlèveriez
you all would take away
ils/elles enlèveraient
they would take away
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais enlevé
I would have taken away
tu aurais enlevé
you would have taken away
il/elle/on aurait enlevé
he/she/it would have taken away
nous aurions enlevé
we would have taken away
vous auriez enlevé
you all would have taken away
ils/elles auraient enlevé
they would have taken away
Imperative mood
take away!
let's take away!
take away!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie enlevé
have taken away
ayons enlevé
let's have taken away
ayez enlevé
have taken away

Examples of enlever

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Chirurgie possible enlever créativité.""Surgery possible take away creativity."
"Je vais t'enlever ta maîtrise pour toujours !""I will take away your bending forever!"
"mais je ne veux pas lui enlever ses douze ans de vie"But I don't want to take away the 12 years she did have
- Il vaudrait mieux enlever ces grigris.Let's take away all the jujus,
- Je ne vais pas les laisser enlever mon groupe.- I'm not letting him take away my group.
"Mais le chant s'est tue et la crainte a tourné en terreur..." "quand le frère du roi a été enlevé.But the song died down and fear turned to terror, when the king's brother was taken away.
- Il a enlevé l'avenir.- He's taken away the future.
-Personne ne va être enlevé.No one's going to be taken away.
A cause de toi, on nous a enlevé tous ceux qu'on aimait.It's all because of you that we've been taken away from everything that we knew and everybody that we loved.
Abo, tu es sûr que Shomba a enlevé l'enfant ?Abo, are you sure the child was taken away? You sure it was Shomba that took her?
- Dans votre système, ...on enlève des points à ceux qui font des bêtises. Si on pousse jusqu'au bout, ...pourquoi ne pas en donner à ceux qui font des efforts?In your system you take away points for misdeeds but why not go further and give points to those who do good things?
- Il leur enlève les camionnettes.- It's gonna take away the pick-ups.
- Je vous enlève la voiture.I can certainly take away the car.
- Personne ne vous enlève vos affaires.No one's trying to take away your things. No!
- Peut-être que si on lui enlève ses préservatifs...Well, if we take away His condoms, maybe --
"Ne l'enlevez pas" Ont-ils piaillé"Oh, don't take away the baby" They shrieked and squeaked
- Faites ainsi. - Votre Honneur... Vous m'enlevez ma preuve majeure et mon témoin oculaire ?Your Honor, you're going to take away my key piece of physical evidence and my eyewitness?
-Si vous voulez nettoyer, enlevez plutôt les branches mortes.If you want to clean up, take away the dead branches.
Avant que vous n'enleviez les jetons... Ok, vous enlevez les jetons.Before you take away the chips-- Okay, you're taking away the chips.
D'abord vous m'enlevez mon espace d'expo pour Bébé-sentiments et ensuite vous m'enlevez pour un verre.So, you take away Baby Feels-A-Lot's shelf space and then take me out for drinks.
Dieu a repris la vie d'Avi, En m'enlevant les souvenirs d'Avi, vous allez m'enlever la vie, papa ?God took Avi's life, but do you want to take my life by taking away Avi's memories?
En enlevant les signes extérieurs de votre profession ça pourrait être plus facile pour vous de vous rapprocher d'elle.So, taking away the trappings of your profession may make it easier for you to get close to her.
En m'enlevant ma seule prétention à la gloire ?By taking away my only claim to fame?
En m'enlevant mes pouvoirs ?By taking away my powers?
Imaginez qu'on passe une loi vous enlevant votre liberté et faisant de vous un esclave.Suppose they pass a law taking away your liberty, making you a slave.

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