Afpakken (to take away) conjugation

27 examples

Conjugation of afpakken

Present tense
pak af
I take away
pakt af
you take away
pakt af
he/she/it takes away
pakken af
we take away
pakken af
you all take away
pakken af
they take away
Present perfect tense
heb afgepakt
I have taken away
hebt afgepakt
you have taken away
heeft afgepakt
he/she/it has taken away
hebben afgepakt
we have taken away
hebben afgepakt
you all have taken away
hebben afgepakt
they have taken away
Past tense
pakte af
I took away
pakte af
you took away
pakte af
he/she/it took away
pakten af
we took away
pakten af
you all took away
pakten af
they took away
Future tense
zal afpakken
I will take away
zult afpakken
you will take away
zal afpakken
he/she/it will take away
zullen afpakken
we will take away
zullen afpakken
you all will take away
zullen afpakken
they will take away
Conditional mood
zou afpakken
I would take away
zou afpakken
you would take away
zou afpakken
he/she/it would take away
zouden afpakken
we would take away
zouden afpakken
you all would take away
zouden afpakken
they would take away
Subjunctive mood
pakke af
I take away
pakke af
you take away
pakke af
he/she/it take away
pakke af
we take away
pakke af
you all take away
pakke af
they take away
Past perfect tense
had afgepakt
I had taken away
had afgepakt
you had taken away
had afgepakt
he/she/it had taken away
hadden afgepakt
we had taken away
hadden afgepakt
you all had taken away
hadden afgepakt
they had taken away
Future perf.
zal afgepakt hebben
I will have taken away
zal afgepakt hebben
you will have taken away
zal afgepakt hebben
he/she/it will have taken away
zullen afgepakt hebben
we will have taken away
zullen afgepakt hebben
you all will have taken away
zullen afgepakt hebben
they will have taken away
Conditional perfect tense
zou afgepakt hebben
I would have taken away
zou afgepakt hebben
you would have taken away
zou afgepakt hebben
he/she/it would have taken away
zouden afgepakt hebben
we would have taken away
zouden afgepakt hebben
you all would have taken away
zouden afgepakt hebben
they would have taken away
Present bijzin tense
I take away
you take away
he/she/it takes away
we take away
you all take away
they take away
Past bijzin tense
I took away
you took away
he/she/it took away
we took away
you all took away
they took away
Future bijzin tense
zal afpakken
I will take away
zult afpakken
you will take away
zal afpakken
he/she/it will take away
zullen afpakken
we will take away
zullen afpakken
you all will take away
zullen afpakken
they will take away
Conditional bijzin mood
zou afpakken
I would take away
zou afpakken
you would take away
zou afpakken
he/she/it would take away
zouden afpakken
we would take away
zouden afpakken
you all would take away
zouden afpakken
they would take away
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I take away
you take away
he/she/it take away
we take away
you all take away
they take away
Imperative mood
pak af
take away
pakt af
take away

Examples of afpakken

Example in DutchTranslation in English
- En ik ga die van jou afpakken.I'm gonna take away yours.
- Ik laat 'm niet afpakken.- I let him not take away.
- Ze gaan mijn wapen afpakken.They're gonna take away my gun.
- Ze willen m'n kind afpakken.- They want to take away my baby.
Als je het gevoel van de zegen hebt gehad, kan niemand je dat afpakken.When you realize the blessing and find out that is, the more you can not take away,
- Het voelde alsof me iets werd afgepakt.Like something being taken away from me.
Alles wat je hebt, wordt weer afgepakt.Everything you have can be taken away. And it will be, you know that.
Als ze eenmaal van je afgepakt zijn, stel je ze meer op prijs. Daarmee ziet hij van zijn rechten af.Mm, well, once you've had them taken away, you appreciate them more.
Cadeaus kunnen afgepakt worden.Gifts can be taken away.
Coach Sylvester heeft me mijn hoge staart afgepakt.Coach Sylvester's taken away my high pony.
Ben je bang dat ik je bloedworst afpak?You worried I'll take away your blood pudding or something?
Dus als ik zijn drankje afpak, blijft hij dood, hé ?So if I take away his potion, he'll stay dead, right?
Ik heb ietwat de indruk dat... dat ik je de overwinning afpak.I have somewhat the impression that... You take away the victory
Je wilt toch niet dat ik je dagboek afpak, toch?You wouldn't want me to take away your diary, would you?
Als je 'm basketbal afpakt, zijn de gevolgen niet te overzien.You take away basketball, God knows what he'd be into.
Als je de auto afpakt, moet je haar overal heenbrengen.You take away the car, you become her chauffeurs.
Als je haar krachten afpakt, verander je haar in iets, dat hij haat.You take away her powers, you turn her into the thing he hates.
Dat kun je zo niet doen. Het moet wel... voor je het pistool afpakt.I have to before you take away the gun.
De nieuwe man die papa's kleine meisje afpakt.New man coming along to take away daddy's little girl.
Ik dat waarom je mijn privileges afpakte zonder reden?Is that why you took away my privileges for no reason?
M'n broer pakte je van mij af, net als hij m'n leven afpakte.My brother stole you from me. He took away my life.
Nu weet ik waarom ik haar vergunning afpakte.Now I know why I took away her license.
We kunnen bewijzen dat er nog iemand was, die Dylan met die pijp heeft geraakt. Toen jij de pijp afpakte, duwde hij 'm door het raam.We can prove there was a third person there, the third person that hit Dylan with the pipe, and when you took away the pipe, pushed him through the glass.
Dat was voor ze m'n internet afpakten.That was before they took away my Internet.
Ik denk dat ze zo'n beetje ónze... vrijheid afpakten en aan de spleetogen gaven. En die willen 'm niet.I think they sort of took away our freedom and gave it to the gooks.
Omdat ze mijn yo-yo afpakten en hun sokken in mijn mond stopten.Because they took away my yo-yo and stuffed their socks in my mouth.
Toen ze mijn jongen afpakten, keerde ik mijn rug naar God. Probeerde het alleen doen.When they took away my baby boy, I turned my back on God, tried to handle it on my own.

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