Grelotter (to shiver) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of grelotter

Present tense
je grelotte
I shiver
tu grelottes
you shiver
il/elle/on grelotte
he/she/it shivers
nous grelottons
we shiver
vous grelottez
you all shiver
ils/elles grelottent
they shiver
Present perfect tense
j’ai grelotté
I shivered
tu as grelotté
you shivered
il/elle/on a grelotté
he/she/it shivered
nous avons grelotté
we shivered
vous avez grelotté
you all shivered
ils/elles ont grelotté
they shivered
Past impf. tense
je grelottais
I was shivering
tu grelottais
you were shivering
il/elle/on grelottait
he/she/it was shivering
nous grelottions
we were shivering
vous grelottiez
you all were shivering
ils/elles grelottaient
they were shivering
Future tense
je grelotterai
I will shiver
tu grelotteras
you will shiver
il/elle/on grelottera
he/she/it will shiver
nous grelotterons
we will shiver
vous grelotterez
you all will shiver
ils/elles grelotteront
they will shiver
Past perfect tense
j’avais grelotté
I had shivered
tu avais grelotté
you had shivered
il/elle/on avait grelotté
he/she/it had shivered
nous avions grelotté
we had shivered
vous aviez grelotté
you all had shivered
ils/elles avaient grelotté
they had shivered
Past preterite tense
je grelottai
I shivered
tu grelottas
you shivered
il/elle/on grelotta
he/she/it shivered
nous grelottâmes
we shivered
vous grelottâtes
you all shivered
ils/elles grelottèrent
they shivered
Past anterior tense
j’eus grelotté
I had shivered
tu eus grelotté
you had shivered
il/elle/on eut grelotté
he/she/it had shivered
nous eûmes grelotté
we had shivered
vous eûtes grelotté
you all had shivered
ils/elles eurent grelotté
they had shivered
Future perfect tense
j’aurai grelotté
I will have shivered
tu auras grelotté
you will have shivered
il/elle/on aura grelotté
he/she/it will have shivered
nous aurons grelotté
we will have shivered
vous aurez grelotté
you all will have shivered
ils/elles auront grelotté
they will have shivered
Present subjunctive tense
que je grelotte
that I shiver
que tu grelottes
that you shiver
qu’il/elle/on grelotte
that he/she/it shiver
que nous grelottions
that we shiver
que vous grelottiez
that you all shiver
qu’ils/elles grelottent
that they shiver
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie grelotté
that I have shivered
que tu aies grelotté
that you have shivered
qu’il/elle/on ait grelotté
that he/she/it have shivered
que nous ayons grelotté
that we have shivered
que vous ayez grelotté
that you all have shivered
qu’ils/elles aient grelotté
that they have shivered
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je grelottasse
that I would shiver
que tu grelottasses
that you would shiver
qu’il/elle/on grelottât
that he/she/it would shiver
que nous grelottassions
that we would shiver
que vous grelottassiez
that you all would shiver
qu’ils/elles grelottassent
that they would shiver
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse grelotté
that I had shivered
que tu eusses grelotté
that you had shivered
qu’il/elle/on eût grelotté
that he/she/it had shivered
que nous eussions grelotté
that we had shivered
que vous eussiez grelotté
that you all had shivered
qu’ils/elles eussent grelotté
that they had shivered
Conditional mood
je grelotterais
I would shiver
tu grelotterais
you would shiver
il/elle/on grelotterait
he/she/it would shiver
nous grelotterions
we would shiver
vous grelotteriez
you all would shiver
ils/elles grelotteraient
they would shiver
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais grelotté
I would have shivered
tu aurais grelotté
you would have shivered
il/elle/on aurait grelotté
he/she/it would have shivered
nous aurions grelotté
we would have shivered
vous auriez grelotté
you all would have shivered
ils/elles auraient grelotté
they would have shivered
Imperative mood
let's shiver!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie grelotté
have shivered
ayons grelotté
let's have shivered
ayez grelotté
have shivered

Examples of grelotter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Il a commencé à grelotter subitement comme si la température avait chuté, alors que non.Well, he started shivering all of the sudden. Like, the temperature dropped 30 degrees, except it didn't.
Arrête de grelotter comme une fille, Adam Il ne fait pas si froid que ça.stop shivering like a girl,adam, it's not even that cold out.
Comme grelotter en short par 10 degrés, mais c'est la plage.It's like you're shivering in shorts in 50-degree weather, but we're at the beach.
Jacasser et grelotter ne nous mènera à rien.Yackin' and shiverin' ain't gettin' us anywhere.
Je te laisse grelotter.Now, get back to your shivering.
- Il est mignon quand il grelotte.He looks cute when he's shivering
- La pluie tombe, on grelotte ?Oh, rain coming down, shivering cold?
Bon Dieu, je grelotte.By God, I'm shivering.
En plein été je grelotte de froide.In midsummer I'm shivering from cold.
Je grelotte.I'm shivering.
Mais vous avez froid et grelottez.But you're cold and shivering.
Mais vous grelottez, ma mignonne1But you're shivering, my sweet!
"Elle se souvint de la raison qui la faisait s'éveiller, "et se leva. "En grelottant, elle s'habilla.She remembered why she'd wanted to wake up and got out of bed very softly shivering and pulling on her dress and her stockings.
54 % du corps brûlé au troisième degré, l'an passé. Il est arrivé, désorienté et grelottant.He suffered third-degree burns over 54% of his body, a year ago, and arrived in the ER last night, disoriented and shivering.
Marita dit qu'il est rentré trempé, tout grelottant, et qu'il ne disait mot.Marita says he came back wringing wet and shivering, and wouldn't talk.
Pauvre Philippe ! Je le vois grelottant dans le froid de l'aube.I can see him standing there in the cold light of dawn, shivering.

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