Meubler (to furnish) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of meubler

Present tense
je meuble
I furnish
tu meubles
you furnish
il/elle/on meuble
he/she/it furnishes
nous meublons
we furnish
vous meublez
you all furnish
ils/elles meublent
they furnish
Present perfect tense
j’ai meublé
I furnished
tu as meublé
you furnished
il/elle/on a meublé
he/she/it furnished
nous avons meublé
we furnished
vous avez meublé
you all furnished
ils/elles ont meublé
they furnished
Past impf. tense
je meublais
I was furnishing
tu meublais
you were furnishing
il/elle/on meublait
he/she/it was furnishing
nous meublions
we were furnishing
vous meubliez
you all were furnishing
ils/elles meublaient
they were furnishing
Future tense
je meublerai
I will furnish
tu meubleras
you will furnish
il/elle/on meublera
he/she/it will furnish
nous meublerons
we will furnish
vous meublerez
you all will furnish
ils/elles meubleront
they will furnish
Past perfect tense
j’avais meublé
I had furnished
tu avais meublé
you had furnished
il/elle/on avait meublé
he/she/it had furnished
nous avions meublé
we had furnished
vous aviez meublé
you all had furnished
ils/elles avaient meublé
they had furnished
Past preterite tense
je meublai
I furnished
tu meublas
you furnished
il/elle/on meubla
he/she/it furnished
nous meublâmes
we furnished
vous meublâtes
you all furnished
ils/elles meublèrent
they furnished
Past anterior tense
j’eus meublé
I had furnished
tu eus meublé
you had furnished
il/elle/on eut meublé
he/she/it had furnished
nous eûmes meublé
we had furnished
vous eûtes meublé
you all had furnished
ils/elles eurent meublé
they had furnished
Future perfect tense
j’aurai meublé
I will have furnished
tu auras meublé
you will have furnished
il/elle/on aura meublé
he/she/it will have furnished
nous aurons meublé
we will have furnished
vous aurez meublé
you all will have furnished
ils/elles auront meublé
they will have furnished
Present subjunctive tense
que je meuble
that I furnish
que tu meubles
that you furnish
qu’il/elle/on meuble
that he/she/it furnish
que nous meublions
that we furnish
que vous meubliez
that you all furnish
qu’ils/elles meublent
that they furnish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie meublé
that I have furnished
que tu aies meublé
that you have furnished
qu’il/elle/on ait meublé
that he/she/it have furnished
que nous ayons meublé
that we have furnished
que vous ayez meublé
that you all have furnished
qu’ils/elles aient meublé
that they have furnished
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je meublasse
that I would furnish
que tu meublasses
that you would furnish
qu’il/elle/on meublât
that he/she/it would furnish
que nous meublassions
that we would furnish
que vous meublassiez
that you all would furnish
qu’ils/elles meublassent
that they would furnish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse meublé
that I had furnished
que tu eusses meublé
that you had furnished
qu’il/elle/on eût meublé
that he/she/it had furnished
que nous eussions meublé
that we had furnished
que vous eussiez meublé
that you all had furnished
qu’ils/elles eussent meublé
that they had furnished
Conditional mood
je meublerais
I would furnish
tu meublerais
you would furnish
il/elle/on meublerait
he/she/it would furnish
nous meublerions
we would furnish
vous meubleriez
you all would furnish
ils/elles meubleraient
they would furnish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais meublé
I would have furnished
tu aurais meublé
you would have furnished
il/elle/on aurait meublé
he/she/it would have furnished
nous aurions meublé
we would have furnished
vous auriez meublé
you all would have furnished
ils/elles auraient meublé
they would have furnished
Imperative mood
let's furnish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie meublé
have furnished
ayons meublé
let's have furnished
ayez meublé
have furnished

Examples of meubler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"de meubler provisoirement votre maison."of furnishing the house temporarily.
- C'est pas ma faute, c'est Marjenka nous étions de jeunes mariés et nous devions meubler notre nouvelle maison.- It's not my fault, it's Marjenka We were newly-weds and had to furnish our new house.
Alors, je t'aurais laissé tout meubler pour te voir sortir d'une pièce.Back then,I would've let youfurnish the entire house just to watch youwalk out of the room.
Archie a parlé de meubler sa nouvelle chambre.Archie said something about needing to furnish his new room.
Assez pour meubler ta piaule.Enough to furnish this place.
"Appartement deux pièces spacieux, entièrement meublé, £90 par semaine. ""Spaclous two-bedroom apartment, fully furnished, £90 a week."
"Mais, qu'est-ce qui se passera si je vieillis, et je pisse dans mon froc, et je vis dans un affreux meublé, et personne ne m'aime et j'ai les cheveux blancs, et... j'ai pas de fric, et j'fais des miettes partout ?"I mean, what will happen if I grow old... and I have pee stains in my underwear and I'm living in some furnished room and nobody loves me and I'm... white haired and... I have no money, bread crumbs are falling on the floor?"
"dans votre appartement meublé."To your furnished apartment."
"meublé sans originalité."... mundanely furnished.
- J'ai un appartement meublé.- I have a furnished apartment.
C'est Galapiat, le grand Galapiat, le roi du meuble.The great Galapiat, the king of furnishings.
C'est la dernière fois que je meuble une maison.Well, I hope this is the last new house I have to furnish.
En dehors de Princess, le chat fugueur des Laniers, il n'y a aucune photo ni aucun meuble dans leur maison qui ait plus de trois ans.Other than Princess, the Laniers' runaway cat, there's no photograph or even a piece of furnishing in their home that's more than three years old.
Il a meuble' un borde ! avec les meubles de sa mère.He furnished a bordello for men with his own mother's furniture.
Je meuble mes maisons pour que les gens s'en servent.I furnish all my homes for people to use.

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