Meugler (to moo) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of meugler

Present tense
je meugle
I moo
tu meugles
you moo
il/elle/on meugle
he/she/it moos
nous meuglons
we moo
vous meuglez
you all moo
ils/elles meuglent
they moo
Present perfect tense
j’ai meuglé
I mooed
tu as meuglé
you mooed
il/elle/on a meuglé
he/she/it mooed
nous avons meuglé
we mooed
vous avez meuglé
you all mooed
ils/elles ont meuglé
they mooed
Past impf. tense
je meuglais
I was mooing
tu meuglais
you were mooing
il/elle/on meuglait
he/she/it was mooing
nous meuglions
we were mooing
vous meugliez
you all were mooing
ils/elles meuglaient
they were mooing
Future tense
je meuglerai
I will moo
tu meugleras
you will moo
il/elle/on meuglera
he/she/it will moo
nous meuglerons
we will moo
vous meuglerez
you all will moo
ils/elles meugleront
they will moo
Past perfect tense
j’avais meuglé
I had mooed
tu avais meuglé
you had mooed
il/elle/on avait meuglé
he/she/it had mooed
nous avions meuglé
we had mooed
vous aviez meuglé
you all had mooed
ils/elles avaient meuglé
they had mooed
Past preterite tense
je meuglai
I mooed
tu meuglas
you mooed
il/elle/on meugla
he/she/it mooed
nous meuglâmes
we mooed
vous meuglâtes
you all mooed
ils/elles meuglèrent
they mooed
Past anterior tense
j’eus meuglé
I had mooed
tu eus meuglé
you had mooed
il/elle/on eut meuglé
he/she/it had mooed
nous eûmes meuglé
we had mooed
vous eûtes meuglé
you all had mooed
ils/elles eurent meuglé
they had mooed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai meuglé
I will have mooed
tu auras meuglé
you will have mooed
il/elle/on aura meuglé
he/she/it will have mooed
nous aurons meuglé
we will have mooed
vous aurez meuglé
you all will have mooed
ils/elles auront meuglé
they will have mooed
Present subjunctive tense
que je meugle
that I moo
que tu meugles
that you moo
qu’il/elle/on meugle
that he/she/it moo
que nous meuglions
that we moo
que vous meugliez
that you all moo
qu’ils/elles meuglent
that they moo
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie meuglé
that I have mooed
que tu aies meuglé
that you have mooed
qu’il/elle/on ait meuglé
that he/she/it have mooed
que nous ayons meuglé
that we have mooed
que vous ayez meuglé
that you all have mooed
qu’ils/elles aient meuglé
that they have mooed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je meuglasse
that I would moo
que tu meuglasses
that you would moo
qu’il/elle/on meuglât
that he/she/it would moo
que nous meuglassions
that we would moo
que vous meuglassiez
that you all would moo
qu’ils/elles meuglassent
that they would moo
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse meuglé
that I had mooed
que tu eusses meuglé
that you had mooed
qu’il/elle/on eût meuglé
that he/she/it had mooed
que nous eussions meuglé
that we had mooed
que vous eussiez meuglé
that you all had mooed
qu’ils/elles eussent meuglé
that they had mooed
Conditional mood
je meuglerais
I would moo
tu meuglerais
you would moo
il/elle/on meuglerait
he/she/it would moo
nous meuglerions
we would moo
vous meugleriez
you all would moo
ils/elles meugleraient
they would moo
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais meuglé
I would have mooed
tu aurais meuglé
you would have mooed
il/elle/on aurait meuglé
he/she/it would have mooed
nous aurions meuglé
we would have mooed
vous auriez meuglé
you all would have mooed
ils/elles auraient meuglé
they would have mooed
Imperative mood
let's moo!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie meuglé
have mooed
ayons meuglé
let's have mooed
ayez meuglé
have mooed

Examples of meugler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Arrête de meugler, idiot.Stop mooing, you fool!
Je crois qu'ils sont encore en train de meugler.I believe they're still mooing.
Je vais finir par meugler.- Every time I yawn, I'm scared I'll moo.
Tu devrais meugler pour moi, vache.You should be mooing for me, cow.
Tu ne sais pas ce que ça me fait de t'entendre meugler à nouveau.I can't tell you what it does to hear you moo again.
Au moment où ils allaient tirer, il a meuglé.About the time they were ready to blast it, it mooed.
Tu as meuglé, tu as chanté la chanson du bûcheron.You've mooed, you've sung the Lumberjack Song.
- Elle meugleShe's mooing.
Elle meugle assez bruyamment.Yes. She does moo quite loudly.
Et si la vache sacrée du cash que je vénère meugle pour nous... notre tueur aime aussi l'animation.And if the sacred cash cow that I worship is mooing down on us... Our killer likes pop-ups, too.
Le mien lèche comme une vache, il meugle, et il en décharge des seaux.Mine sux like an ox and sometimes he moos.
Mais si le gardien pénètre dans la zone, le bétail panique et meugle plus fort.But stepping into the flight zone panics the cattle, and... and they change from soft moos to loud mooing.
Et pendant ce temps, nous aurons notre gagne-pain qui erre dans tout le High Peak (région d'UK) meuglant sous la lune.And by that time, we'll have our livelihood wandering about the High Peak mooing at the moon.
[ Vaches meuglant au loin ][ Cows mooing in distance ]

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