Poignarder (to stab) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of poignarder

Present tense
je poignarde
I stab
tu poignardes
you stab
il/elle/on poignarde
he/she/it stabs
nous poignardons
we stab
vous poignardez
you all stab
ils/elles poignardent
they stab
Present perfect tense
j’ai poignardé
I stabbed
tu as poignardé
you stabbed
il/elle/on a poignardé
he/she/it stabbed
nous avons poignardé
we stabbed
vous avez poignardé
you all stabbed
ils/elles ont poignardé
they stabbed
Past impf. tense
je poignardais
I was stabbing
tu poignardais
you were stabbing
il/elle/on poignardait
he/she/it was stabbing
nous poignardions
we were stabbing
vous poignardiez
you all were stabbing
ils/elles poignardaient
they were stabbing
Future tense
je poignarderai
I will stab
tu poignarderas
you will stab
il/elle/on poignardera
he/she/it will stab
nous poignarderons
we will stab
vous poignarderez
you all will stab
ils/elles poignarderont
they will stab
Past perfect tense
j’avais poignardé
I had stabbed
tu avais poignardé
you had stabbed
il/elle/on avait poignardé
he/she/it had stabbed
nous avions poignardé
we had stabbed
vous aviez poignardé
you all had stabbed
ils/elles avaient poignardé
they had stabbed
Past preterite tense
je poignardai
I stabbed
tu poignardas
you stabbed
il/elle/on poignarda
he/she/it stabbed
nous poignardâmes
we stabbed
vous poignardâtes
you all stabbed
ils/elles poignardèrent
they stabbed
Past anterior tense
j’eus poignardé
I had stabbed
tu eus poignardé
you had stabbed
il/elle/on eut poignardé
he/she/it had stabbed
nous eûmes poignardé
we had stabbed
vous eûtes poignardé
you all had stabbed
ils/elles eurent poignardé
they had stabbed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai poignardé
I will have stabbed
tu auras poignardé
you will have stabbed
il/elle/on aura poignardé
he/she/it will have stabbed
nous aurons poignardé
we will have stabbed
vous aurez poignardé
you all will have stabbed
ils/elles auront poignardé
they will have stabbed
Present subjunctive tense
que je poignarde
that I stab
que tu poignardes
that you stab
qu’il/elle/on poignarde
that he/she/it stab
que nous poignardions
that we stab
que vous poignardiez
that you all stab
qu’ils/elles poignardent
that they stab
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie poignardé
that I have stabbed
que tu aies poignardé
that you have stabbed
qu’il/elle/on ait poignardé
that he/she/it have stabbed
que nous ayons poignardé
that we have stabbed
que vous ayez poignardé
that you all have stabbed
qu’ils/elles aient poignardé
that they have stabbed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je poignardasse
that I would stab
que tu poignardasses
that you would stab
qu’il/elle/on poignardât
that he/she/it would stab
que nous poignardassions
that we would stab
que vous poignardassiez
that you all would stab
qu’ils/elles poignardassent
that they would stab
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse poignardé
that I had stabbed
que tu eusses poignardé
that you had stabbed
qu’il/elle/on eût poignardé
that he/she/it had stabbed
que nous eussions poignardé
that we had stabbed
que vous eussiez poignardé
that you all had stabbed
qu’ils/elles eussent poignardé
that they had stabbed
Conditional mood
je poignarderais
I would stab
tu poignarderais
you would stab
il/elle/on poignarderait
he/she/it would stab
nous poignarderions
we would stab
vous poignarderiez
you all would stab
ils/elles poignarderaient
they would stab
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais poignardé
I would have stabbed
tu aurais poignardé
you would have stabbed
il/elle/on aurait poignardé
he/she/it would have stabbed
nous aurions poignardé
we would have stabbed
vous auriez poignardé
you all would have stabbed
ils/elles auraient poignardé
they would have stabbed
Imperative mood
let's stab!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie poignardé
have stabbed
ayons poignardé
let's have stabbed
ayez poignardé
have stabbed

Examples of poignarder

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" De l'enfer de coeur, je te poignarder à " ."From hell's heart I stab at thee."
" Susan, si t'arrêtes pas de te limer les ongles tout de suite, je vais marcher jusqu'à toi et te poignarder avec ta lime à ongles. ""Susan, if you do not stop filing your fingernails right now, I'm gonna walk over there and stab you with your fingernail filer."
"II faut absolument poignarder César !""We should totally just stab Caesar!"
"Il y avait l'inquiétant sentiment de pouvoir se faire poignarder"There was an ominous feeling that you could get stabbed at
"la prochaine fois que je te vois, tu ferais mieux d'apporter des fleurs ou d'avoir un couteau et de me poignarder"."next time I see you, you better bring flowers or have a knife and stab me."
" mais tu m'as poignardé dans le dos,"but you have stabbed me in my back,
"""alors Marc l'a poignardé dans le dos."He was rude, so Marc stabbed him in the back!
"Ainsi, si je suis poignardé, vous ne me verrez pas saigner.""So that if I am stabbed, you will not see me bleed."
"J'ai poignardé une Anglaise par accident...""Hey, man, I accidentally stabbed that English chick."
"Je l'avais déjà poignardé avant, ce fumier, il en était pas mort.""That bastard, I stabbed him before and he never died."
"Aide ton prochain pour ne pas qu'il te poignarde","Wash my--" "I'll wash your back so you don't stab mine,"
"C'est pas la première fois que je poignarde cet enfoiré.She said "I stabbed that son of a bitch plenty of times.
"Homme mauvais, un sociopathe, le genre d'homme qui poignarde un ami ou lui tire dans le dos."The kind of man who'd stab a friend... ...orshoothim intheback. I was merely trying to talk her out of a bad relationship.
"Je le poignarde."I'm stabbing her.
"Je poignarde et poignarde."I stab and stab.
- Allez-y, poignardez-moi.- Come on, stab me.
- S'il vous plaît ne me poignardez pas..- Please don't stab me.
- Vous la poignardez dans un accès de rage.- You stab her in a heat of moment rage.
- que vous me poignardez dans le dos ?- you're stabbing me in the back?
Donc vous les poignardez pour qu'ils soient délicieux.So you stab them into deliciousness.
- En le poignardant ! - Oui, je l'ai tué !By stabbing it with a letter opener!
Chaque fois que je ferme les yeux, je peux voir Silas me poignardant, je peux me sentir me noyer, et j'ai besoin d'arrêter ça.Every time I close my eyes, I can see Silas stabbing me, I can feel myself drowning, and I need to make it stop.
Clark essaie de déterminer quelle arme le tueur a utilisée... en poignardant la victime au visage.Clark is trying to determine what sort of weapon the killer may have used... when stabbing at the victim's face.
Donc le meurtrier a dû improviser et finir le travail en le poignardant.So the murderer had to improvise and finish the job by stabbing him.
Drôle ! Aucun des meurtres, ici, ne fut ordinaire... revolvérisant ou poignardant...It's a funny thing but none of the murders here were just ordinary just shooting, or stabbing.

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