Esfaquear (to stab) conjugation

74 examples

Conjugation of esfaquear

Present tense
I stab
you stab
he/she stabs
we stab
you all stab
they stab
Present perfect tense
tenho esfaqueado
I have stabbed
tens esfaqueado
you have stabbed
tem esfaqueado
he/she has stabbed
temos esfaqueado
we have stabbed
tendes esfaqueado
you all have stabbed
têm esfaqueado
they have stabbed
Past preterite tense
I stabbed
you stabbed
he/she stabbed
we stabbed
you all stabbed
they stabbed
Future tense
I will stab
you will stab
he/she will stab
we will stab
you all will stab
they will stab
Conditional mood
I would stab
you would stab
he/she would stab
we would stab
you all would stab
they would stab
Past imperfect tense
I used to stab
you used to stab
he/she used to stab
we used to stab
you all used to stab
they used to stab
Past perfect tense
tinha esfaqueado
I had stabbed
tinhas esfaqueado
you had stabbed
tinha esfaqueado
he/she had stabbed
tínhamos esfaqueado
we had stabbed
tínheis esfaqueado
you all had stabbed
tinham esfaqueado
they had stabbed
Future perfect tense
terei esfaqueado
I will have stabbed
terás esfaqueado
you will have stabbed
terá esfaqueado
he/she will have stabbed
teremos esfaqueado
we will have stabbed
tereis esfaqueado
you all will have stabbed
terão esfaqueado
they will have stabbed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha esfaqueado
I have stabbed
tenhas esfaqueado
you have stabbed
tenha esfaqueado
he/she has stabbed
tenhamos esfaqueado
we have stabbed
tenhais esfaqueado
you all have stabbed
tenham esfaqueado
they have stabbed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have stabbed
(if/so that) you will have stabbed
(if/so that) he/she will have stabbed
(if/so that) we will have stabbed
(if/so that) you all will have stabbed
(if/so that) they will have stabbed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver esfaqueado
I will have stabbed
tiveres esfaqueado
you will have stabbed
tiver esfaqueado
he/she will have stabbed
tivermos esfaqueado
we will have stabbed
tiverdes esfaqueado
you all will have stabbed
tiverem esfaqueado
they will have stabbed
Imperative mood
let's stab!
Imperative negative mood
não esfaqueies
do not stab!
não esfaqueie
let him/her/it not stab!
não esfaqueemos
let us not stab!
não esfaqueeis
do not stab!
não esfaqueiem
do not stab!

Examples of esfaquear

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- A Clara escolheu esfaquear-me.- Clara chose to stab me.
- Ela tentou esfaquear-me.- She tried to stab me.
- Foi apanhado no palco a tentar esfaquear alguém no pescoço diante de 500 pessoas.So, he was caught onstage Trying to stab someone in the neck in front of 500 people.
- Tentava esfaquear o réu.- Something to stab the defendant.
A vítima foi atingida e estava sem fôlego, e deu ao assassino tempo para a esfaquear.The victim was struck and winded, giving the assailant time to stab.
"Esfaqueio e esfaqueio.""I stab and stab.
"Eu esfaqueio-a.""I'm stabbing her.
"Pelo coração infernal, te esfaqueio".- "From hell's heart, I stab at thee."
"Susan, se não paras de limar as unhas imediatamente, vou aí e esfaqueio-te com a tua lima.""Susan, if you do not stop filing your fingernails right now, I'm gonna walk over there and stab you with your fingernail filer."
'Segue-me ou esfaqueio-te aqui mesmo .'"'Follow me, or I stab you where you stand! '
Eu esfaqueio-te três vezes, e depois tu esfaqueias-me a mim.I stab you three times then you stab me.
Já percebi, espancas, esfaqueias e alvejas o tipo. Mas tens de o violar?I get it, you beat him, you stab him, you shoot him-- but do you have to rape him?
Tu "fazes-te" a mim quando ninguém está a olhar, esfaqueias-me pelas costas quando o patrão te chama para o serviço, e depois finges que trabalhas muito para caires nas boas graças dele?You flirt with me when no one's looking, you stab me in the back till the boss calls you on it, then you pretend to step up to get back into his good graces.
A sério? Quando dou por ela, o gajo esfaqueia-me nas costas.Anyway, next thing I know, the guy stabs me in the back like...
Adoro a raiva nos olhos da uva enquanto esfaqueia o tipo.I love the anger in the grape's eyes as he stabs the guy.
Alguém o esfaqueia até a morte, mas, não lhe rouba a carteira?Somebody stabs him to death, But doesn't take his wallet?
E ainda esfaqueia pelas costas.- And he still stabs from behind.
E hoje aparece aqui, e esfaqueia um tipo com quem se dava bem.And today, he shows up and stabs a guy he got along with.
! Fui esfaqueado e, ela não é estúpida.I got stabbed, and she's not stupid!
"Assim, se for esfaqueado, vocês não me veem a sangrar.""So that if I am stabbed, you will not see me bleed."
"Brutalmente esfaqueado."Brutally stabbed.
"Eu fui esfaqueado,""I've been stabbed,"
"O meu filho", como se fosse um miúdo de 18 anos e tivesse sido - esfaqueado até à morte."My child" as if their 18-year old son was stabbed to death.
Além disso, as mulheres não apunhalam, evenenam ou esfaqueiam.Besides, women don't bludgeon, poison, or stab.
Claro, falam sem parar sobre a irmandade, enquanto vos esfaqueiam nas costas e dormem com o seu marido. - As mulheres são terríveis.Sure, they'll talk your ear off about sisterhood while simultaneously stabbing you in the back and sleeping with your husband.
E lhe disparam E o esfaqueiamAnd shot him and stabbed him
E lhe disparam e o esfaqueiamAnd shot him and stabbed him
Fica lá com os grupos que esfaqueiam as mães.Stay with groups that'd stab their moms.
"Aquele homem é louco, eu esfaqueei-o em legítima defesa,"The man was a beast, I stabbed him in self-defence
"Já esfaqueei esse filho da mãe uma data de vezes, ele nunca me morreu antes."- No. She said "I stabbed that son of a bitch plenty of times. He never died
"esfaqueei o meu marido com um abridor de cartas e vi o seu sangue ensopar o meu tapete".Murderers, not "I stabbed my husband of 20 years with a letter opener"
- E esfaqueei-o. - Está bem.- And I stabbed him.
- Eu esfaqueei-o.I stabbed him.
"mas tu esfaqueaste-me pelas costas" "e cagaste na minha boca"?"but you have stabbed me in my back, and you've gone and shat in my mouth"?
Afinal, não foste tu que que esfaqueaste a tua irmã?After all, wasn't it you who then stabbed your sister?
Apenas achei que ias gostar de saber que enquanto vocês dois brincavam ao casal estranho, que os teus verdadeiros amigos, como o Cass, como o anjo que esfaqueaste, o Gadriel... estão ali fora neste momento a arriscar as suas vidasYeah, I sort of got that. I just thought you might like to know that while you two have been playing, uh, odd couple, your real friends, like Cass, like the angel you stabbed -- Gadreel -- they're out there right now risking their asses
Aquele que esfaqueaste há 15 anos, ou o Marinheiro em quem atiraste na noite passada?The one you stabbed to death 15 years ago, or the sailor you shot last night?
Aquele que esfaqueaste morreu uma semana depois com peritonite.The one you stabbed died of peritonitis in a week later, ok.
- Acham que o Jack a esfaqueou?- They think Jack stabbed her?
- Alguém a esfaqueou!Somebody stabbed her.
- Alguém o esfaqueou?- Somebody stabbed him?
- Ela esfaqueou-me.- She stabbed me.
- Ela é que o esfaqueou.She's the one who stabbed him!
- E eles esfaquearam um passageiro.And they have stabbed a passenger.
- Eles esfaquearam-no.They stabbed this guy.
...iludiram as autoridades numa gala de caridade, onde esfaquearam brutalmente um convidado....eluded authorities at a charity gala, where they brutally stabbed a male guest.
...uma gala de beneficiência, no Stewart Russian Museum, onde eles brutalmente esfaquearam um convidado....a charity gala at the Stewart Russian Museum, where they brutally stabbed a male guest.
A começar pelos sacanas que esfaquearam o Scooby e o Carl.Starting with the pricks who stabbed Scooby and Carl.
Na confusão da batalha, o vosso espião esfaqueará o Jack com um punhal envenenado.In the midst of battle, your spy will stab Jack with a dagger dipped in poison.
- Queres que eu o esfaqueie, estás louco?This plan. You want me to stab him? Are you crazy?
Como eu esfaqueie o teu pai.Just like I stabbed your father.
Então, não esfaqueie porcos à minha frente enquanto me diz que o céu não é azul.Then don't stab pigs in front of me and tell me that the sky isn't blue.
Não me esfaqueie pelas costas.Don't stab me in the back.
O que dói mais... ser baleada ou deixar que o seu amigo a esfaqueie para disfarçar a ferida?What hurt worse, getting shot or letting your friend stab you to disguise the wound?
- Por favor, não me esfaqueies.- Please don't stab me.
Espero que não a esfaqueies no coração enquanto dorme.Hope you don't stab her in the heart while she sleeps.
Não me esfaqueies, está bem?Listen, don't stab me, all right?
Quero que me esfaqueies.I want you to stab me with something.
"Ele matou Sandra Bristol, esfaqueando-a 13 vezes no peito e nas costas.""He had taken the life of Sandra Bristol, stabbing her 13 times in the chest and back."
A Yakuza resolveu o problema esfaqueando toda a família e então explodindo a casa.The Yakuza settled it by stabbing his whole family and then blowing up his house.
Ela diz que as luzes se apagaram imediatamente após o crime, mas que viu o garoto no ato, esfaqueando seu pai.She says, the lights went out immediately after the killing, but that she got a good look at the boy in the act of stabbing his father.
Ela está te esfaqueando.Okay, she goes in the kitchen, she gets a knife, she starts stabbing you.
Eu tentei matá-la... esfaqueando-a de lado com uma faca parecida... para atirar as suspeitas para o misterioso assassino...I tried to kill her... by stabbing her in the side with a similar knife... to throw suspicion on the mysterious murderer...
E se eles querem que os sigamos para se esconderem e nos esfaquearem?What if they want us to follow them so they can hide and stab us?
Ernest Strohbecker e dois cúmplices... fugiram da enfermaria do hospital Bellevue ontem... após esfaquearem duas enfermeiras e o zelador.Ernest Strohbecker and two accomplices escaped from a maximum- security ward in Bellevue Hospital last night after brutally stabbing two nurses and a custodian to death.
Soube de fonte segura que as pessoas responsáveis por nos atacar e te esfaquearem podem ser os RSK's.I got it on good authority the people responsible for hitting us and stabbing you could be the RSK's.
Três telefonemas para o Frost na semana anterior de esfaquearem o Parkman.Frost called it three times the week before he stabbed Parkman.
Deus dá-te vontade de os esfaqueares?God makes you wanna stab them?
E agora estou aqui em assuntos da polícia, por isso se me esfaqueares, será considerado ataque a um oficial da polícia.And now I'm here on police business, so if you stab me, it's gonna be considered assaulting a police officer.
E da próxima vez que esfaqueares uma das tuas showgirls e precisares do CSI para abafar o caso, é suposto eu ajudar-te, certo?And the next time you stab one of your showgirls and you need CSI to cover it, I'm supposed to help you out, right?
Então talvez tu devesses ler isto antes de esfaqueares alguém.So maybe you should read this before you stab somebody.
Foste suspenso há 6 meses depois de esfaqueares um oficial.Your jacket's wired, so you're six-months AWOL after stabbing an MP.
Se esfaquearmos um homem no Inverno, os golpes libertam vapor.If you stab a man in winter, steam will rise up from the wounds.
Era como se alguém me esfaqueasse...It was like someone was stabbing me in the b...

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