Quitter (to leave) conjugation

32 examples

Conjugation of quitter

Present tense
je quitte
I leave
tu quittes
you leave
il/elle/on quitte
he/she/it leaves
nous quittons
we leave
vous quittez
you all leave
ils/elles quittent
they leave
Present perfect tense
j’ai quitté
I left
tu as quitté
you left
il/elle/on a quitté
he/she/it left
nous avons quitté
we left
vous avez quitté
you all left
ils/elles ont quitté
they left
Past impf. tense
je quittais
I was leaving
tu quittais
you were leaving
il/elle/on quittait
he/she/it was leaving
nous quittions
we were leaving
vous quittiez
you all were leaving
ils/elles quittaient
they were leaving
Future tense
je quitterai
I will leave
tu quitteras
you will leave
il/elle/on quittera
he/she/it will leave
nous quitterons
we will leave
vous quitterez
you all will leave
ils/elles quitteront
they will leave
Past perfect tense
j’avais quitté
I had left
tu avais quitté
you had left
il/elle/on avait quitté
he/she/it had left
nous avions quitté
we had left
vous aviez quitté
you all had left
ils/elles avaient quitté
they had left
Past preterite tense
je quittai
I left
tu quittas
you left
il/elle/on quitta
he/she/it left
nous quittâmes
we left
vous quittâtes
you all left
ils/elles quittèrent
they left
Past anterior tense
j’eus quitté
I had left
tu eus quitté
you had left
il/elle/on eut quitté
he/she/it had left
nous eûmes quitté
we had left
vous eûtes quitté
you all had left
ils/elles eurent quitté
they had left
Future perfect tense
j’aurai quitté
I will have left
tu auras quitté
you will have left
il/elle/on aura quitté
he/she/it will have left
nous aurons quitté
we will have left
vous aurez quitté
you all will have left
ils/elles auront quitté
they will have left
Present subjunctive tense
que je quitte
that I leave
que tu quittes
that you leave
il/elle/on quitte
that he/she/it leave
que nous quittions
that we leave
que vous quittiez
that you all leave
ils/elles quittent
that they leave
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie quitté
that I have left
que tu aies quitté
that you have left
qu’il/elle/on ait quitté
that he/she/it have left
que nous ayons quitté
that we have left
que vous ayez quitté
that you all have left
qu’ils/elles aient quitté
that they have left
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je quittasse
that I would leave
que tu quittasses
that you would leave
il/elle/on quittât
that he/she/it would leave
que nous quittassions
that we would leave
que vous quittassiez
that you all would leave
ils/elles quittassent
that they would leave
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse quitté
that I had left
que tu eusses quitté
that you had left
qu’il/elle/on eût quitté
that he/she/it had left
que nous eussions quitté
that we had left
que vous eussiez quitté
that you all had left
qu’ils/elles eussent quitté
that they had left
Conditional mood
je quitterais
I would leave
tu quitterais
you would leave
il/elle/on quitterait
he/she/it would leave
nous quitterions
we would leave
vous quitteriez
you all would leave
ils/elles quitteraient
they would leave
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais quitté
I would have left
tu aurais quitté
you would have left
il/elle/on aurait quitté
he/she/it would have left
nous aurions quitté
we would have left
vous auriez quitté
you all would have left
ils/elles auraient quitté
they would have left
Imperative mood
let's leave!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie quitté
have left
ayons quitté
let's have left
ayez quitté
have left

Examples of quitter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Dylan, je t'avais dis de ne pas quitter le parc...Dylan,I've told you not to leave the square.
" L'ex-chancelier refuse de quitter la villa d'Etat! ""Former chancellor refuses to leave government residence!"
" PS, l pourrait quitter la série chanceler et bientôt à la maison""PS, l might leave the show and totter home soon."
"... de mon nom, pouvait effectivement me quitter."- "...with my name, could actually leave me."
"A cause ça, je dois quitter ce qui est le plus sacré dans ma vie..."Because of that, i must leave all that is sacred in my life--
"""J'ai laissé(quitté) mon coeur..."I've left my heart...
"""L ne savent(connaissent) pas où J'ai laissé(quitté) mon coeur """"I don't know where I've left my heart"
""Après qu"on a quitté Cebu... on a continué notre voyage vers le sud des Philippines."After we left Cebu... we continued our trip in Southern Philippines.
"... Les Dodgers vont regretter d'avoir quitté Brooklyn...""...them Dodgers will wish they never left Brooklyn..."
"...et j'ai quitté la caserne pour ne pas risquer de changer...I left the barracks to avoid any weakness that might change my mind.
" Ne quitte jamais ton leader "You said never to leave your leader.
" il quitte ce monde derrière pour vous ... ""it leaves this world behind for you..."
"'C'est la 1ère fois qu'une femme me quitte.It's the first time a woman dumps me. I usually arrange to be the first to leave.
"... le moment où elle me quitte.""...the moment where she leaves me."
"A qui de droit, je certifie que M. Kralik a quitte son emploi de son plein gre."To whom it may concern: "I wish to state that Mr. Alfred Kralik leaves my employ of his own accord.
Alors quittons Seattle.So let's leave Seattle.
Larten, dépêche-toi de faire ton numéro, et quittons cette ville.Larten, finish your act quickly, and let's leave this town early.
Par ce qui t'es le plus cher quittons cette ville.By what you hold dearest let's leave this city.
Pour voir ce qui s'est passé ensuite, quittons nos ancêtres lointains d'il y a 20 000 ans pour vister un passé plus récent pendant l'entracte de l'ère glaciaire.To see what happens next let's leave our distant ancestors of some 20,000 years ago to visit the more recent past during an intermission in the Ice Age.
Très bien, quittons le bâtiment sans paniquer.All right, class, let's leave this building in an orderly manner.
" Sauf si vous quittez £ 50 sous la grande pierre blanche"Unless you leave £50 under the large white stone
"Aimez-moi et ne me quittez pas.""Love me and leave me not. "
"Mais, en retour, quittez cet homme.""But, in return, leave that man."
"Ne quittez pas la ville" ?"Don't leave town"?
"Vous quittez alors un monde pour en découvrir un autre."You leave one world behind to explore another.
Retournez à vos positions et chargez vos pistolets. Je répète... Ne commencez pas à tirer avant que j'aie quitté la zone de tir.So return to your positions and load your guns, but do not I repeat, do not commence firing until I have left the target area.
Que vous ayez quitté le secteur où vous opériez, sans l'avoir contacté.You have left the area where you operate, without having contacted.
"Je parlais de Vous, les deux en quittant."I was talking about the both of you leaving.
"La peine est juste une faiblesse quittant le corps.""pain is just weakness leaving the body."
"ll a heurté une voiture à l'arrêt" en quittant le supermarché.It hit a parked vehicle while leaving.
"quittant la boite de nuit avec une beauté aux cheveux sombres et héritière auto-proclamée des California Raisin.""leaving club with dark-haired beauty and self-proclaimed California raisin heiress."
- Baron Pryce a voyagé à cheval pendant 2 jours, quittant sa femme souffrante.- for this visit. - Baron Pryce has traveled two long days on the back of a hard steed, leaving the side of his ailing wife.

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