Reconstruire (to rebuild) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of reconstruire

Present tense
je reconstruis
I rebuild
tu reconstruis
you rebuild
il/elle/on reconstruit
he/she/it rebuilds
nous reconstruisons
we rebuild
vous reconstruisez
you all rebuild
ils/elles reconstruisent
they rebuild
Present perfect tense
j’ai reconstruit
I rebuilt
tu as reconstruit
you rebuilt
il/elle/on a reconstruit
he/she/it rebuilt
nous avons reconstruit
we rebuilt
vous avez reconstruit
you all rebuilt
ils/elles ont reconstruit
they rebuilt
Past impf. tense
je reconstruisais
I was rebuilding
tu reconstruisais
you were rebuilding
il/elle/on reconstruisait
he/she/it was rebuilding
nous reconstruisions
we were rebuilding
vous reconstruisiez
you all were rebuilding
ils/elles reconstruisaient
they were rebuilding
Future tense
je reconstruirai
I will rebuild
tu reconstruiras
you will rebuild
il/elle/on reconstruira
he/she/it will rebuild
nous reconstruirons
we will rebuild
vous reconstruirez
you all will rebuild
ils/elles reconstruiront
they will rebuild
Past perfect tense
j’avais reconstruit
I had rebuilt
tu avais reconstruit
you had rebuilt
il/elle/on avait reconstruit
he/she/it had rebuilt
nous avions reconstruit
we had rebuilt
vous aviez reconstruit
you all had rebuilt
ils/elles avaient reconstruit
they had rebuilt
Past preterite tense
je reconstruisis
I rebuilt
tu reconstruisis
you rebuilt
il/elle/on reconstruisit
he/she/it rebuilt
nous reconstruisîmes
we rebuilt
vous reconstruisîtes
you all rebuilt
ils/elles reconstruisirent
they rebuilt
Past anterior tense
j’eus reconstruit
I had rebuilt
tu eus reconstruit
you had rebuilt
il/elle/on eut reconstruit
he/she/it had rebuilt
nous eûmes reconstruit
we had rebuilt
vous eûtes reconstruit
you all had rebuilt
ils/elles eurent reconstruit
they had rebuilt
Future perfect tense
j’aurai reconstruit
I will have rebuilt
tu auras reconstruit
you will have rebuilt
il/elle/on aura reconstruit
he/she/it will have rebuilt
nous aurons reconstruit
we will have rebuilt
vous aurez reconstruit
you all will have rebuilt
ils/elles auront reconstruit
they will have rebuilt
Present subjunctive tense
que je reconstruise
that I rebuild
que tu reconstruises
that you rebuild
qu’il/elle/on reconstruise
that he/she/it rebuild
que nous reconstruisions
that we rebuild
que vous reconstruisiez
that you all rebuild
qu’ils/elles reconstruisent
that they rebuild
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie reconstruit
that I have rebuilt
que tu aies reconstruit
that you have rebuilt
qu’il/elle/on ait reconstruit
that he/she/it have rebuilt
que nous ayons reconstruit
that we have rebuilt
que vous ayez reconstruit
that you all have rebuilt
qu’ils/elles aient reconstruit
that they have rebuilt
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je reconstruisisse
that I would rebuild
que tu reconstruisisses
that you would rebuild
qu’il/elle/on reconstruisît
that he/she/it would rebuild
que nous reconstruisissions
that we would rebuild
que vous reconstruisissiez
that you all would rebuild
qu’ils/elles reconstruisissent
that they would rebuild
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse reconstruit
that I had rebuilt
que tu eusses reconstruit
that you had rebuilt
qu’il/elle/on eût reconstruit
that he/she/it had rebuilt
que nous eussions reconstruit
that we had rebuilt
que vous eussiez reconstruit
that you all had rebuilt
qu’ils/elles eussent reconstruit
that they had rebuilt
Conditional mood
je reconstruirais
I would rebuild
tu reconstruirais
you would rebuild
il/elle/on reconstruirait
he/she/it would rebuild
nous reconstruirions
we would rebuild
vous reconstruiriez
you all would rebuild
ils/elles reconstruiraient
they would rebuild
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais reconstruit
I would have rebuilt
tu aurais reconstruit
you would have rebuilt
il/elle/on aurait reconstruit
he/she/it would have rebuilt
nous aurions reconstruit
we would have rebuilt
vous auriez reconstruit
you all would have rebuilt
ils/elles auraient reconstruit
they would have rebuilt
Imperative mood
let's rebuild!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie reconstruit
have rebuilt
ayons reconstruit
let's have rebuilt
ayez reconstruit
have rebuilt

Examples of reconstruire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Il suffit de le reconstruire" ?Oh, oh, "just rebuild it"?
"Le destin. Quand il frappe, "c'est souvent parce qu'il y a quelque chose à reconstruire."When fate comes knocking, it's often because something needs rebuilding.
"Les moteurs à vapeur vont reconstruire ce pays après la guerre.""Steam engines will rebuild This country after the war"
"Là, je vais devoir me reconstruire,"As it is now, I have to rebuild my soul,
"Messieurs, on peut le reconstruire.Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.
"Nous sommes tous regroupés, et nous avons reconstruit le site."We all banded together, and we rebuilt the site.
- Ils ont reconstruit notre maison.Oh, they rebuilt our house!
- J'ai reconstruit ma transmission.- I rebuilt my transmission.
- J'ai reconstruit mon moteur.- Yeah? I rebuilt my engine.
- On a donc reconstruit la planète.- We've rebuilt the planet.
- Alors reconstruis-la. Tu es une Waldorf, tu te souviens ?So rebuild it.
- Alors tu la reconstruis ?- What, so now you're rebuilding it?
- Tu ne reconstruis pas ton club ici ?-What about rebuilding your club here?
Alors j'ai remplacé l'aorte avec une greffe de Dracon, et maintenant je reconstruis l'anévrisme en une seconde aorte qui va envoyer le sang à la moelle, un peu comme une route latérale. C'est...So I replaced the aorta with a Dacron graft, and now I'm rebuilding the aneurysm into a second aorta that will just send blood to the spine, kind of like a side road.
Je la reconstruis comme elle était, avant la mort des parents.I'm gonna fix it up. I'm gonna rebuild it Just like it was Before mom and dad died.
- Puisque vous reconstruisez...- Since you're into rebuilding year...
Depuis combien de temps vous reconstruisez-vous ?How long have you been rebuilding yourselves?
Et vous reconstruisez votre jolie petite maison.And you rebuild your lovely little home.
Ne le reconstruisez pas.Don't rebuild.
Par tous les moyens, démolissez la et reconstruisez.By all means, tear it down and rebuild.
- vous saviez que l'on peut voyager dans le monde entier en travaillant pour habitat, en reconstruisant des maisons?Did you know you can travel the world working for Habitat, rebuilding houses?
Coulson a beaucoup à faire sur cet avion, en reconstruisant le S.H.I.E.L.D.Coulson has a lot on his plate, rebuilding s.H.I.E.L.D. I wouldn't know.
D'anciens ennemis travaillant ensemble, reconstruisant.former enemies working together... rebuilding
Eh bien, chaque année, des milliards sont dépensés reconstruisant les dommages fait par des actes criminels.Well, every year, billions are spent rebuilding damage done by criminal acts.
Les SEALs seront là, gardant la zone, reconstruisant.The S.E.A.L.s will be there, guarding the area, rebuilding.

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