Sous-coucher (to undercoat) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of sous-coucher

Present tense
je sous-couche
I undercoat
tu sous-couches
you undercoat
il/elle/on sous-couche
he/she/it undercoats
nous sous-couchons
we undercoat
vous sous-couchez
you all undercoat
ils/elles sous-couchent
they undercoat
Present perfect tense
j’ai sous-couché
I undercoated
tu as sous-couché
you undercoated
il/elle/on a sous-couché
he/she/it undercoated
nous avons sous-couché
we undercoated
vous avez sous-couché
you all undercoated
ils/elles ont sous-couché
they undercoated
Past impf. tense
je sous-couchais
I was undercoating
tu sous-couchais
you were undercoating
il/elle/on sous-couchait
he/she/it was undercoating
nous sous-couchions
we were undercoating
vous sous-couchiez
you all were undercoating
ils/elles sous-couchaient
they were undercoating
Future tense
je sous-coucherai
I will undercoat
tu sous-coucheras
you will undercoat
il/elle/on sous-couchera
he/she/it will undercoat
nous sous-coucherons
we will undercoat
vous sous-coucherez
you all will undercoat
ils/elles sous-coucheront
they will undercoat
Past perfect tense
j’avais sous-couché
I had undercoated
tu avais sous-couché
you had undercoated
il/elle/on avait sous-couché
he/she/it had undercoated
nous avions sous-couché
we had undercoated
vous aviez sous-couché
you all had undercoated
ils/elles avaient sous-couché
they had undercoated
Past preterite tense
je sous-couchai
I undercoated
tu sous-couchas
you undercoated
il/elle/on sous-coucha
he/she/it undercoated
nous sous-couchâmes
we undercoated
vous sous-couchâtes
you all undercoated
ils/elles sous-couchèrent
they undercoated
Past anterior tense
j’eus sous-couché
I had undercoated
tu eus sous-couché
you had undercoated
il/elle/on eut sous-couché
he/she/it had undercoated
nous eûmes sous-couché
we had undercoated
vous eûtes sous-couché
you all had undercoated
ils/elles eurent sous-couché
they had undercoated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai sous-couché
I will have undercoated
tu auras sous-couché
you will have undercoated
il/elle/on aura sous-couché
he/she/it will have undercoated
nous aurons sous-couché
we will have undercoated
vous aurez sous-couché
you all will have undercoated
ils/elles auront sous-couché
they will have undercoated
Present subjunctive tense
que je sous-couche
that I undercoat
que tu sous-couches
that you undercoat
qu’il/elle/on sous-couche
that he/she/it undercoat
que nous sous-couchions
that we undercoat
que vous sous-couchiez
that you all undercoat
qu’ils/elles sous-couchent
that they undercoat
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie sous-couché
that I have undercoated
que tu aies sous-couché
that you have undercoated
qu’il/elle/on ait sous-couché
that he/she/it have undercoated
que nous ayons sous-couché
that we have undercoated
que vous ayez sous-couché
that you all have undercoated
qu’ils/elles aient sous-couché
that they have undercoated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je sous-couchasse
that I would undercoat
que tu sous-couchasses
that you would undercoat
qu’il/elle/on sous-couchât
that he/she/it would undercoat
que nous sous-couchassions
that we would undercoat
que vous sous-couchassiez
that you all would undercoat
qu’ils/elles sous-couchassent
that they would undercoat
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse sous-couché
that I had undercoated
que tu eusses sous-couché
that you had undercoated
qu’il/elle/on eût sous-couché
that he/she/it had undercoated
que nous eussions sous-couché
that we had undercoated
que vous eussiez sous-couché
that you all had undercoated
qu’ils/elles eussent sous-couché
that they had undercoated
Conditional mood
je sous-coucherais
I would undercoat
tu sous-coucherais
you would undercoat
il/elle/on sous-coucherait
he/she/it would undercoat
nous sous-coucherions
we would undercoat
vous sous-coucheriez
you all would undercoat
ils/elles sous-coucheraient
they would undercoat
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais sous-couché
I would have undercoated
tu aurais sous-couché
you would have undercoated
il/elle/on aurait sous-couché
he/she/it would have undercoated
nous aurions sous-couché
we would have undercoated
vous auriez sous-couché
you all would have undercoated
ils/elles auraient sous-couché
they would have undercoated
Imperative mood
let's undercoat!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie sous-couché
have undercoated
ayons sous-couché
let's have undercoated
ayez sous-couché
have undercoated

Examples of sous-coucher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est la sous-couche.It's just an undercoat.
En plus, la majorité de cet argent provient des frais pour la sous-couche.Plus most of it is from charging poor saps for that freaking undercoating.
Ne fais surtout pas l'impasse sur la sous-couche.You can't go and ask her out until you've done the undercoat.
Ne prends jamais l'option de la sous-couche.Never get the undercoating.
Tu poses l'enduit, la sous-couche, et tu peins.Firstly, you have to apply the primer, then the undercoat and then you go in with the emulsion.

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