Tricher (to cheat) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of tricher

Present tense
je triche
I cheat
tu triches
you cheat
il/elle/on triche
he/she/it cheats
nous trichons
we cheat
vous trichez
you all cheat
ils/elles trichent
they cheat
Present perfect tense
j’ai triché
I cheated
tu as triché
you cheated
il/elle/on a triché
he/she/it cheated
nous avons triché
we cheated
vous avez triché
you all cheated
ils/elles ont triché
they cheated
Past impf. tense
je trichais
I was cheating
tu trichais
you were cheating
il/elle/on trichait
he/she/it was cheating
nous trichions
we were cheating
vous trichiez
you all were cheating
ils/elles trichaient
they were cheating
Future tense
je tricherai
I will cheat
tu tricheras
you will cheat
il/elle/on trichera
he/she/it will cheat
nous tricherons
we will cheat
vous tricherez
you all will cheat
ils/elles tricheront
they will cheat
Past perfect tense
j’avais triché
I had cheated
tu avais triché
you had cheated
il/elle/on avait triché
he/she/it had cheated
nous avions triché
we had cheated
vous aviez triché
you all had cheated
ils/elles avaient triché
they had cheated
Past preterite tense
je trichai
I cheated
tu trichas
you cheated
il/elle/on tricha
he/she/it cheated
nous trichâmes
we cheated
vous trichâtes
you all cheated
ils/elles trichèrent
they cheated
Past anterior tense
j’eus triché
I had cheated
tu eus triché
you had cheated
il/elle/on eut triché
he/she/it had cheated
nous eûmes triché
we had cheated
vous eûtes triché
you all had cheated
ils/elles eurent triché
they had cheated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai triché
I will have cheated
tu auras triché
you will have cheated
il/elle/on aura triché
he/she/it will have cheated
nous aurons triché
we will have cheated
vous aurez triché
you all will have cheated
ils/elles auront triché
they will have cheated
Present subjunctive tense
que je triche
that I cheat
que tu triches
that you cheat
qu’il/elle/on triche
that he/she/it cheat
que nous trichions
that we cheat
que vous trichiez
that you all cheat
qu’ils/elles trichent
that they cheat
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie triché
that I have cheated
que tu aies triché
that you have cheated
qu’il/elle/on ait triché
that he/she/it have cheated
que nous ayons triché
that we have cheated
que vous ayez triché
that you all have cheated
qu’ils/elles aient triché
that they have cheated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je trichasse
that I would cheat
que tu trichasses
that you would cheat
qu’il/elle/on trichât
that he/she/it would cheat
que nous trichassions
that we would cheat
que vous trichassiez
that you all would cheat
qu’ils/elles trichassent
that they would cheat
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse triché
that I had cheated
que tu eusses triché
that you had cheated
qu’il/elle/on eût triché
that he/she/it had cheated
que nous eussions triché
that we had cheated
que vous eussiez triché
that you all had cheated
qu’ils/elles eussent triché
that they had cheated
Conditional mood
je tricherais
I would cheat
tu tricherais
you would cheat
il/elle/on tricherait
he/she/it would cheat
nous tricherions
we would cheat
vous tricheriez
you all would cheat
ils/elles tricheraient
they would cheat
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais triché
I would have cheated
tu aurais triché
you would have cheated
il/elle/on aurait triché
he/she/it would have cheated
nous aurions triché
we would have cheated
vous auriez triché
you all would have cheated
ils/elles auraient triché
they would have cheated
Imperative mood
let's cheat!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie triché
have cheated
ayons triché
let's have cheated
ayez triché
have cheated

Examples of tricher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Afin d'éviter d'être recalée, "Juanita décide de tricher au test de maths.""In order to keep from failing, Juanita decides to cheat on the math test."
"Ce serait inapproprié de tricher à un examen, même dans le but d'obtenir une meilleur note.""It would be inappropriate to cheat on an exam, even if it meant I would get a better grade."
"J'ai surpris,une de mes meilleures élèves,en train de tricher..." "Elle et son petit ami,ont forcé ma porte, et commis des violences sur ma personne."I caught one of my best students cheating, and she and her lover... stormed my house in anger and tried to attack me.
"Manger n'est pas tricher" ?"Eatin' ain't cheating"?"
"Pris à tricher."Caught cheating.
! Moi ...j'ai triché ?I cheated!
" Vous avez traité la vie comme un jeu et triché avec moi. "You treated life itself as a game and cheated with me.
"Bouh, ils ont triché !""Ooooh, they cheated!"
"Il a triché."(in whiny voice): "Aah, he cheated.
"La vie a triché avec nous."Life cheated us. - Life cheated us.
"C'est pas de la triche si on ne se fait pas prendre", pas vrai?"It ain't cheating if you don't get caught," right?
"La légende de Xandir : Codes de triche""the legend of xandir cheat book."
"Ne triche pas !"Don't cheat!
"Personne ne triche mort, Kyle.No one cheats death, Kyle
"Qui triche n'est pas des nôtres.""He who cheats is not one of us."
- C'est vous qui trichez.- I'm not cheating, you're cheating.
- Est-ce que vous trichez ?- Are you guys cheating?
- Non, vous trichez sans cesse, copain.- You cheat a lot, Buddy. - No no, I won't cheat.
- Parce que vous trichez avec femme, avec elle.- 'Cause you're cheating on your wife with her.
- Parce que vous trichez... toi et les tiens.- Because you're cheating.
- En trichant ?- By cheating?
- En trichant.- By cheating.
- Gagner en trichant, c'est pas gagner.Yeah, but winning by cheating isn't winning.
- Ouais, en trichant.- Yeah, by cheating.
- Si tu l'appelles trompant... ou trichant, l'appelles une pomme ou un raisin, ce que tu souhaite...You hoodwinked me here. - Whether you call it hoodwinking... "or cheating, call it an apple or" "grapes, call it whatever you wish..."

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