Berasimilasi (to assimilate) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berasimilasi

Present tense
I assimilate
Past tense
sudah berasimilasi
I assimilated
Present perfect tense
sudah berasimilasi
I have assimilated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berasimilasi
I will have assimilated
Future recent tense
berasimilasi nanti
I will assimilate
Future distant tense
berasimilasi kelak
I am going to assimilate
Present continuous tense
sedang berasimilasi
I assimilate
Past distant tense
dulu berasimilasi
I (a long time ago) assimilated
Past recent tense
berasimilasi tadi
I (recently) assimilated
Past very recent tense
baru saja berasimilasi
I (just now) assimilated

Examples of berasimilasi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Itu bukan `t cukup yang berasimilasi saya.It wasn't enough that you assimilated me.
Mereka kembali dan berasimilasi Bumi, mengubah sejarah.They went back and assimilated Earth, changed history.
Mereka `ve berasimilasi setengah kapal.They've assimilated half the ship.
Enam tahun yang lalu, mereka berasimilasi saya ke kolektif mereka.Six years ago, they assimilated me into their collective.
Anda mungkin menghadapi awak kapal yang telah berasimilasi.You may encounter crew members who have already been assimilated.

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