Berbisik-bisik (to whisper) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berbisik-bisik

Present tense
I whisper
Past tense
sudah berbisik-bisik
I whispered
Present perfect tense
sudah berbisik-bisik
I have whispered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berbisik-bisik
I will have whispered
Future recent tense
berbisik-bisik nanti
I will whisper
Future distant tense
berbisik-bisik kelak
I am going to whisper
Present continuous tense
sedang berbisik-bisik
I whisper
Past distant tense
dulu berbisik-bisik
I (a long time ago) whispered
Past recent tense
berbisik-bisik tadi
I (recently) whispered
Past very recent tense
baru saja berbisik-bisik
I (just now) whispered

Examples of berbisik-bisik

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku melihat kalian berdua berbisik-bisik. kamu telah disusun semacam twist, bukan?I saw the two of you whispering. You have arranged some kind of twist, haven't you?
Kalian pengendara sialan yang berbisik-bisik, apa kau akan maju sebagai laki-laki, Kid?Y'all Biker Bitches going to keep on whispering, or you going to step up like a man, Kid?
Mereka berbisik-bisik semua, dan aku tahu itu tentang dirinya!They're all whispering, and I just know it's about her.
Yah apalagi yang aku bicarakan Kenapa kamu berbisik-bisik, Malcolm?Well, what else did you think I was talking about-Why are you whispering, Malcolm?
Dia berbisik-bisik.He was whispering.

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