Susurrar (to whisper) conjugation

93 examples

Conjugation of susurrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I whisper
you whisper
he/she/it whispers
we whisper
you all whisper
they whisper
Present perfect tense
he susurrado
I have whispered
has susurrado
you have whispered
ha susurrado
he/she/it has whispered
hemos susurrado
we have whispered
habéis susurrado
you all have whispered
han susurrado
they have whispered
Past preterite tense
I whispered
you whispered
he/she/it whispered
we whispered
you all whispered
they whispered
Future tense
I will whisper
you will whisper
he/she/it will whisper
we will whisper
you all will whisper
they will whisper
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would whisper
you would whisper
he/she/it would whisper
we would whisper
you all would whisper
they would whisper
Past imperfect tense
I used to whisper
you used to whisper
he/she/it used to whisper
we used to whisper
you all used to whisper
they used to whisper
Past perfect tense
había susurrado
I had whispered
habías susurrado
you had whispered
había susurrado
he/she/it had whispered
habíamos susurrado
we had whispered
habíais susurrado
you all had whispered
habían susurrado
they had whispered
Future perfect tense
habré susurrado
I will have whispered
habrás susurrado
you will have whispered
habrá susurrado
he/she/it will have whispered
habremos susurrado
we will have whispered
habréis susurrado
you all will have whispered
habrán susurrado
they will have whispered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I whisper
(if/so that) you whisper
(if/so that) he/she/it whisper
(if/so that) we whisper
(if/so that) you all whisper
(if/so that) they whisper
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya susurrado
I have whispered
hayas susurrado
you have whispered
haya susurrado
he/she/it has whispered
hayamos susurrado
we have whispered
hayáis susurrado
you all have whispered
hayan susurrado
they have whispered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have whispered
(if/so that) you have whispered
(if/so that) he/she/it have whispered
(if/so that) we have whispered
(if/so that) you all have whispered
(if/so that) they have whispered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have whispered
(if/so that) you have whispered
(if/so that) he/she/it have whispered
(if/so that) we have whispered
(if/so that) you all have whispered
(if/so that) they have whispered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera susurrado
I had whispered
hubieras susurrado
you had whispered
hubiera susurrado
he/she/it had whispered
hubiéramos susurrado
we had whispered
hubierais susurrado
you all had whispered
hubieran susurrado
they had whispered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese susurrado
I had whispered
hubieses susurrado
you had whispered
hubiese susurrado
he/she/it had whispered
hubiésemos susurrado
we had whispered
hubieseis susurrado
you all had whispered
hubiesen susurrado
they had whispered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have whispered
(if/so that) you will have whispered
(if/so that) he/she/it will have whispered
(if/so that) we will have whispered
(if/so that) you all will have whispered
(if/so that) they will have whispered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere susurrado
I will have whispered
hubieres susurrado
you will have whispered
hubiere susurrado
he/she/it will have whispered
hubiéremos susurrado
we will have whispered
hubiereis susurrado
you all will have whispered
hubieren susurrado
they will have whispered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's whisper!
Imperative negative mood
no susurres
do not whisper!
no susurre
let him/her/it whisper!
no susurremos
let us not whisper!
no susurréis
do not whisper!
no susurren
do not whisper!

Examples of susurrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
# Estrellas brillando encima de ti # # brisa de la noche parecen susurrar "Te amo" #Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
*Esel momentodedarlasbuenas noches a Nápoles * *aunqueserádifícilpara nosotros susurrar buona sera * *conesaviejaluna sobre el Mediterráneo * *porla mañana,signorina* *iremosapasear** it is time to say good night to napoli * * though it's hard for us to whisper, buona sera * * with that old moon above the mediterranean sea * * in the morning, signorina *
*Esel momentodedarlasbuenas noches a Nápoles * *aunqueserádifícilpara nosotros susurrar buona sera ** though it's hard for us to whisper, buona sera * * with that old moon above the mediterranean sea *
*Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"* *La brisa nocturna parece susurrar "Te amo"*¶ Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you" ¶
- No hay necesidad de susurrar, está casi sorda.- No need to whisper, she's almost deaf.
" Y cuando estemos lejos Oirás el susurro de esta canciónAnd when we're in the distance you'll hear this whispered tune
"Amantes de largo por el momento sus almas pueden mezclar en un susurro.""Lovers long for the moment their souls may blend in a whisper."
"Cálido aliento, luminoso susurro, tierno semitono"."Warm breath, light whisper, tender semi-tone."
"El amante bello, el hombre bello, deja a mi poema hacerse cargo de la conversación, que se ponga de pie y te de un susurro en tu corazón. ""Beautiful lover, beautiful man, let my poem do the talking, let it stand up and whisper in your heart. "
"Es sólo un susurro suave, a veces, y a veces .. ""It's just a gentle whisper, at times and at times. "
*Deja que escuche cómo susurras* *que tú también me quieres*♪ Let me hear you whisper ♪ That you love me too
- Oye, ¿qué susurras por ahí?- Hey, what are you whispering about over there?
- Por que susurras?So what I propose is... Why are you whispering like that?
- Sí, ya sabes, susurras un poco alto.- Yeah,you know,you do whisper a little loud.
- Un multimillonario antes - ¿Porque susurras?- A billionaire before. - That he whispers?
"Baila", susurra el diablo."Dance" the demon whispers.
"Es que nos susurra.""It whispers to us"
"Este momento loco susurra ...""This crazy moment whispers..."
"Mi corazón le susurra a tu corazón"."My heart whispers to your heart."
"Sonríe tu última vez con tu dulce sonrisa Arlette, por que cuando la rosa se marchita el viento del norte susurra ¿estás preparada?"´Smile your last sweet fragile smile Arlette, but when the roses fade the north wind whispers are you ready yet? ´
- ¿Por qué susurramos?- [whispers] Why are we whispering?
-O con alguna de las cochinadas que nos susurramos.- Or with any of the nasties we whispered.
-Sí. ¿Por qué susurramos?- Yes. Why are we whispering?
Dios mío, ¿por qué susurramos?Oh, my gosh, why are we whispering?
Entonces, ¿por qué susurramos?- Then why are we whispering?
Si le susurráis de nuevo al oído haré que os arrojen al Sena.If I see you whisper to her again I'll have you thrown into the Seine.
Todos vosotros os susurráis los unos a los otros en vuestras reuniones de junta acerca de vuestros proyectos favoritos, ¿y ahí es donde va todo el dinero?You all whisper to each other in your board meetings about your pet projects, and that's where all the money goes?
¿De qué susurráis todo el tiempo?What are you guys whispering about all the time?
¿Entonces por qué susurráis?Then why are you whispering?
¿Por qué susurráis?Why are you whispering?
"Los remos susurran en las olas."The oars are whispering to the ripples.
"Me susurran, pero alto."They whisper at me, but loud.
"Puedes pisar a los que yacen en el suelo" "Y aquellos que susurran están mintiendo""You can step on those lying on the ground" "And those who whisper are lying"
# Mil palabras susurran de felicidad y esplendor.# Thousand words whisper of happiness and splendor.
- Los dioses me susurran al oído.- The gods whisper to me.
"Estoy fingiendo decirte un secreto para que Jake crea que te dije un gran secreto y entonces te confiese histéricamente un secreto confirmando lo que susurré"."I'm pretending to whisper so Jake thinks I'm telling you a secret, and will confess revealing a secret and confirming everything I whispered in your ear."
- Y le susurré "buenas noches". - Si, podría.And whispered "good night." yes, it could.
- Ya ves, le susurré."As you can see," I whispered to Emile.
- Yo te susurré que---And I whispered back to you.
Antes de irme me incliné y susurré que La Bella y La Bestia iba a ser un gran suceso.Before I left, I bent over and whispered, Beauty and the Beast was gonna be a great success.
# En el cuarto azul susurraste sobre la música# In the blue room you whispered into the music
- Dijiste lo mismo pero esta vez lo susurraste.- You just said the same thing... But you whispered it.
- Me susurraste mi nombre al oído.-You whispered my name in my ear.
Aquella vez... en mi cama, una noche, cuando te acercaste... y me susurraste algo al oído, ¿te acuerdas?That one time... in my bed one night when you leaned over... and whispered in my ear- remember?
Comprendí cuando me abrazaste... y susurraste: "Tú, tú, tienes que ser tú".I knew how you felt when you held me close... and whispered, "You, you, it's got to be you."
" Tenía que llegar a esto,' susurró en una voz agonizante. ""'It had to come to this,' she whispered in a dying voice."
"Adelante compañeros", susurró."Forward comrades," he whispered.
"Ahora bien, yo no debía oír lo que sigue... "...pero Marshall se inclinó y le susurró a Lily. "Now, I wasn't supposed to hear this next part, but Marshall leaned over to Lily and whispered.
"Bajito susurró en mis oídos.""She slowly whispered in my ears."
"Confío en ti", susurró."'I trust you,' she whispered."
Esas fueron las únicas palabras que se susurraron, mi Canciller.Those were the only words whispered, My Chancellor.
Hace algunos años, las voces místicas apuntadas por ingenieros americanos, por supuesto susurraron la palabra mágica: "Petróleo".A few years ago, the mystical voices prompted by American engineers, of course whispered the magic word, "oil."
Las ancianas del pueblo se santiguaron y susurraron locuras, dijeron cosas raras.The old women in the village crossed themselves and whispered crazy things, said strange things.
Los labios de tu rostro se acercaron a mi oído y susurraronYour lips came close to my ear, and they whispered...
Se susurraron el uno al otro y se apoyaron el uno contra el otro.They whispered to each other and leaned against each other.
" les susurraré tu nombre."it will whisper your name.
Te susurraré mi nombre.(Joyce.) I will whisper my name to you.
Y mientras me aferro a su cuello susurraré en ese oído seco y ancianoAnd as I cling to his neck I will whisper in that dry and ancient ear,
Que tal algo como..... que me necesitas más que a nadie y que nadie me sustituirá nunca, que me prometas que cuando des el último suspiro y te vayas de este mundo, susurrarás mi nombre.Like you need me more than anybody else... There's no one that could ever take my place... And then that, you know, you promise when your last breath escapes you in this earthly life, it will whisper my name.
El adversario de Dios susurrará en sus delicadas orejitas la palabra 'empujen'.The voice of God's adversary will whisper in your delicate little ears the word 'Push'.
Ningún sacerdote susurrará mentiras y engaños en sus oídosNo priest will whisper lies and deceit into his ears
¿Cómo susurrará, gemirá, gritará...?How she will whisper... groan, scream....
Imagina como susurrarán tu nombre después de que camines en tu Casa del Capítulo, tu precioso Macragge sosteniendo en alto este gran trofeo.Imagine how they will whisper your name... ..after you walk into your Chapter House, your precious Macragge, holding this great trophy aloft.
Pero en el futuro, susurrarán solamente un nombre... el de los Oldfield.But in the future, they will whisper just one name... the Oldfield.
Ella me susurraría al oído, invitándome a ir con ella.She would whisper in my ear, inviting me back to hers.
Quería ver si me susurrarías si yo te susurraba.To see if you would whisper because I whispered. - I think I would.
- No susurre. ¡Grite!Well, don't whisper...
- No... - No susurre.No... no whispering!
Alguien que susurre al oído del consigliere.Someone to whisper in the ear of the consigliore.
Algún día recuerda que te susurre cada sueño, cada plan, cada promesa.Sometime remind me to whisper each dream, each plan, each promise.
Cualquier esclavo que susurre sobre Spartacus... y su rebelión... encontrará su lugar a su lado.Any slaves who whispers of Spartacus and his rebellion... shall find place beside her.
"Deseo que beses mi cuello y que susurres en mi oído mientras desabotonas mi blusa.""I long for you to kiss my neck, to whisper in my ear while you unbutton my blouse."
- No susurres en el micrófono.Don't whisper into the mike.
- No susurres.Don't whisper.
- Síi, pero no susurres.- Right, but no whispering.
- ¡No susurres, te dije! Y no empieces con tu tic.Don't whisper, I told you, and don't twitch.
- ¿Quieres que susurremos?nat,where are you? natalie: how come you want us to whisper?
No susurréis.Don't whisper.
"¡Salvo que susurren que soy estupendo!""Unless they whisper that I'm cool!"
Bueno, los dejo en paz para que susurren sobre mi.Right, I'll leave you in peace so you can whisper about me.
Hola, les agradezco mucho que susurren.Hi, thank you so much for whispering for my benefit.
Me encanta que me susurren en alemán.I just adore whispered German.
No hablen de política, no susurren, o daré por terminada la visita de inmediato. ¿Entendido?No political talk, no whispering, or I will terminate the visit immediately. Understood?
"Había sido de público conocimiento durante muchas semanas que Humphrey usaba un tipo exótico de metanfetamina conocido como 'Wallot'. Y se había susurrado por mucho tiempo que Muskie usaba algo muy pesado, pero era difícil tomar los rumores en serio hasta que me enteré de la aparición de un misterioso médico brasileño.depp: "it had been common knowledge for many weeks that humphrey was using an exotic brand of speed known as 'wallot.' and it had long been whispered that muskie was into something very heavy, but it was hard to take the talk seriously until I heard about the appearance
- Lo he susurrado- I whispered it.
Admitiré que hay oscuras y sórdidas esquinas de Internet, donde el nombre Wolowizard es susurrado en voz baja.I'll admit, there are dark, sordid little corners of the Internet where the name Wolowizard is whispered in hushed tones.
Ahora, ves, eso tendrías que haberlo susurrado.Now,see,that you should have whispered.
Algo susurrado.Something whispered.
"Los ídolos, ¡están susurrando!'Allow the visions to come to you.' 'The idols, they're whispering!
"hay murmullos susurrando alrededor del mundo."There's a small voice whispering around the earth.
"susurrando entre los mechones de su delgado cabello rubio:"whispering through the strands "of her fine yellow hair,
# Dice que lo sorprendió susurrando a través de la ventana #She says she caught him whispering to the window
# Duerme, pequeña, de descanso como las aves que anidan en forma segura... # # medio susurrando las hojas y bajo los aleros... # # como las flores dormidas en los prados. #Sleep, little one, resting like birds safely nesting mid whispering leaves and under the eaves like flowers asleep in the meadows

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