Membisikkan (to whisper) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of membisikkan

Present tense
I whisper
Past tense
sudah membisikkan
I whispered
Present perfect tense
sudah membisikkan
I have whispered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah membisikkan
I will have whispered
Future recent tense
membisikkan nanti
I will whisper
Future distant tense
membisikkan kelak
I am going to whisper
Present continuous tense
sedang membisikkan
I whisper
Past distant tense
dulu membisikkan
I (a long time ago) whispered
Past recent tense
membisikkan tadi
I (recently) whispered
Past very recent tense
baru saja membisikkan
I (just now) whispered

Examples of membisikkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Segera Vladimir tidak akan memiliki kawan untuk membisikkan nama anda lagi.Soon Vladimir won't have any comrades to whisper your name to.
Kudengar kalian membisikkan hal-hal manis satu sama lain.I hear you whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Amplop seperti kelopak bunga Crocus yang membisikkan kematian...Envelope like tiny crocus petals whisper death...
Dia membisikkan satu kata padaku.He whispered one word to me.
♪ Mendengar dia membisikkan namamu? ♪Hear it whispering your names?

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