Memompa (to pump) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memompa

Present tense
I pump
Past tense
sudah memompa
I pumped
Present perfect tense
sudah memompa
I have pumped
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memompa
I will have pumped
Future recent tense
memompa nanti
I will pump
Future distant tense
memompa kelak
I am going to pump
Present continuous tense
sedang memompa
I pump
Past distant tense
dulu memompa
I (a long time ago) pumped
Past recent tense
memompa tadi
I (recently) pumped
Past very recent tense
baru saja memompa
I (just now) pumped

Examples of memompa

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
....memompa 30 liter darah per menit.Brachial artery pumps 30 liters of blood a minute.
Endorphinnya sedang memompa ke seluruh badanku.The endorphins are pumping right through my body.
Itu akan memompa sistem kekebalan mereka.That should pump up their immune systems...
tapi dia kembali bangkitan dirinya sendiri memompa semangatnya, memberikan kekuatan pada kakinya dan menari dengan sendirinya kembali segera masuk ke dalam dansa sekolah .But she picked herself back up tightened that little ass, pumped her legs and danced herself right back into a slot at that dance school.
Kau bisa memompa senjatanya mengarah kepadaku sekarang juga! dan tidak akan pernah membangunkan orang di kamar sebelah.You could pump a mag into me right now and never wake the guy in the next room.

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