Bombear (to pump) conjugation

62 examples

Conjugation of bombear

Present tense
I pump
you pump
he/she pumps
we pump
you all pump
they pump
Present perfect tense
tenho bombeado
I have pumped
tens bombeado
you have pumped
tem bombeado
he/she has pumped
temos bombeado
we have pumped
tendes bombeado
you all have pumped
têm bombeado
they have pumped
Past preterite tense
I pumped
you pumped
he/she pumped
we pumped
you all pumped
they pumped
Future tense
I will pump
you will pump
he/she will pump
we will pump
you all will pump
they will pump
Conditional mood
I would pump
you would pump
he/she would pump
we would pump
you all would pump
they would pump
Past imperfect tense
I used to pump
you used to pump
he/she used to pump
we used to pump
you all used to pump
they used to pump
Past perfect tense
tinha bombeado
I had pumped
tinhas bombeado
you had pumped
tinha bombeado
he/she had pumped
tínhamos bombeado
we had pumped
tínheis bombeado
you all had pumped
tinham bombeado
they had pumped
Future perfect tense
terei bombeado
I will have pumped
terás bombeado
you will have pumped
terá bombeado
he/she will have pumped
teremos bombeado
we will have pumped
tereis bombeado
you all will have pumped
terão bombeado
they will have pumped
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha bombeado
I have pumped
tenhas bombeado
you have pumped
tenha bombeado
he/she has pumped
tenhamos bombeado
we have pumped
tenhais bombeado
you all have pumped
tenham bombeado
they have pumped
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have pumped
(if/so that) you will have pumped
(if/so that) he/she will have pumped
(if/so that) we will have pumped
(if/so that) you all will have pumped
(if/so that) they will have pumped
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver bombeado
I will have pumped
tiveres bombeado
you will have pumped
tiver bombeado
he/she will have pumped
tivermos bombeado
we will have pumped
tiverdes bombeado
you all will have pumped
tiverem bombeado
they will have pumped
Imperative mood
let's pump!
Imperative negative mood
não bombeies
do not pump!
não bombeie
let him/her/it not pump!
não bombeemos
let us not pump!
não bombeeis
do not pump!
não bombeiem
do not pump!

Examples of bombear

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Acho que este tubo serve para bombear o sangue.-I think this tube's to pump out my blood.
- Demasiado fundo para bombear os tanques.- We're too deep to pump auxiliaries.
- Perdendo a capacidade de bombear sangue.Losing its ability to pump blood.
- Precisamos de uma maneira de... bombear e circular o sangue do Capitão por um aquecedor.- Me? - All we need is a way to pump and re-circulate the captain's blood through a heating element.
A energia para bombear água também.The energy to pump water also.
Pegas nestas pistolas de cola, e bombeias as térmitas na madeira.Get one of these glue guns and pump the termites right into the wood.
Quando bombeias a água pelos canos, a água sai pelas fugas.- Okay. You pump water through them, they leak.
Que tal: eu pago, e tu bombeias?How about I pay, you pump?
A seguir bombeia o ar para os pedúnculos de suporte dos olhos, como se estivesse a encher um balão.He then pumps the bubbles into the stalks supporting his eyes, just like blowing up a balloon.
A ti prometo tudo o que ainda possuo, músculos, ossos, sangue, e o coração que o bombeia.And I pledge all that I still own: Muscle, bone, blood, and the heart that pumps it.
Agora é esta máquina que bombeia o sangue através do corpo, o que, basicamente, é um milagre.Now this machine now pumps the blood through her body, which is basically, um, a miracle.
Artéria braquial... bombeia 30 litros de sangue por minuto.Brachial artery pumps 30 liters of blood a minute.
Ele bombeia uma, duas.He pumps once, pumps twice.
- Vocês despejam, nós bombeamos.'You dump it, we pump it.'
Daí fechamos os compartimentos de flutuação... e bombeamos a água, mandando para fora pelo pique da popa.We´II weld shut the flooded compartments, pump out the water up to the aft peak.
Então bombeamos para a 2ª câmara e arrefecemos... para a temperatura normal do corpo, 37º C. E bombeamos de volta para o seu corpo.Then we pump it into this second chamber where we cool it back down to normal body temperature, 98.6 degrees and then pump it back into his body.
Prendemos cateteres no pescoço e bombeamos o sangue para a máquina de ECMO, que insere oxigénio e descarta gás carbónico.Okay, we hook up catheters into his neck, pump his blood into the ECMO machine, which puts in oxygen, and takes out the carbon dioxide. Then it cycles it all back in.
Selamos os compartimentos inundados, bombeamos a água das anteparas de reforço para a zona da proa e, como se não bastasse, o leme está... encravado.We'll weld shut the flooded compartments, pump out the water up to the aft peak. On top of that, the rudder's jammed.
- Aqui diz que metade do fluido do fracking sobe com o gás e é bombeado para um tanque de evaporação.It says here that half the fracking fluid comes up with the gas, gets pumped into an evaporation pool.
- Já está quase tudo bombeado.- It's mostly pumped out now.
A condensação no regulador indica que ar exterior foi misturado livremente com o oxigénio e bombeado para a fornalha.Condensation on the regulator means that outside air was freely mixing the oxygen being pumped into the furnace.
A lenda diz que na universidade, o seu estômago teve que ser bombeado depois de ter servido a equipa de golfe inteira.Legend has it that in college he had to have his... stomach pumped after he serviced the entire golf squad.
Altas temperaturas são atingidas na medida que o oxigênio é bombeado para a câmara de combustão.High temperatures are reached as oxygen is pumped into a closed space
Cinco horas depois, quando os médicos concluem com sucesso a inédita cirurgia, lentamente bombeiam sangue morno de volta ao corpo de Reynolds.Five hours later, when doctors successfully finish their groundbreaking surgery, they slowly pump warm blood back into Reynolds' body.
Cá fora, tanques de aço inoxidável bombeiam o monóxido de carbono puro. O que faz é...The subjects are brought in naked, as though for a shower and outside, stainless-steel tanks pump in pure carbon monoxide which, what it does is...
Depois, bombeiam milhões de litros de água, areia e produtos químicos para o buraco.Then they pump millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals into the hole.
ELECTRICIDADE É óbvio que a electricidade é a chave da civilização industrial, porque fornece energia à nossa refrigeração, põe a funcionar as bombas de água que todos os dias bombeiam água do sistema de metro de Nova Iorque, permite-nos comunicar electronicamente,It's clear that electricity is the key to industrial civilisation, in that it powers our refrigeration, it runs the water pumps, that pump water out of the New York subway system every day.
Eles bombeiam noite e dia...Day and night it's pumping.
Peguei mesmo no coração e bombeei-o!l actually held his heart and pumped it for him.
Achava que alguém bombeou o gás pelo lado de fora, mas as testemunhas disseram que a rua estava vazia.I was thinking someone pumped gas in from the outside, but witnesses say the street was empty.
E depois bombeou água para dentro dela.And then pumped water into her,
O único cenário que consigo pensar é que alguém bombeou água para dentro dos pulmões dela, forçosamente, intencionalmente.The only scenario I can think of is that someone pumped water into her lungs forcibly, intentionally.
Quando a faca foi retirada soltou o sangue da arteria ao mesmo tempo que o coração de Doug bombeou pelas ultimas 3 vezes.When the knife came out, it unleashed the arterial blood just as doug's heart pumped its last three beats.
Tens que ser tão bom na cama que ela se esqueça que mais algum tipo a bombeou. Sabes?You just have to be so great in the sack that she forgets that any other guy ever pumped her.
Colocaram uma máscara de gás e bombearam maconha, mas sem oxigênio adicional. Após certo tempo o cérebro parou.What they did is they put these gas masks, basically on their face, and they pumped pot into it, but without additional oxygen, so after "X" amount of time, the brain shut down.
Conseguimos trazer-te para o hospital a tempo, bombearam anti-histamínicos e estavas apagado desde então.Somehow we got you to the hospital in time, pumped you full of antihistamines, and you've been out cold since.
Eles bombearam o estômago de Amin e reviveu.They pumped Amin's stomach and he revived.
Ou as glândulas renais bombearam o que tinham no sistema dela.Or her adrenal glands pumped everything they had into her system.
Acaba por evitar que o coração bombeie sangue.Eventually, it prevents the heart from pumping blood.
Correr faz com que o coração bombeie mais depressa e mais sangue é derramado.Running pumps the heart faster, and more blood is spilled.
É essencial que o sistema bombeie a cada 15 minutos.It is important that the system pumps every 15 minutes.
É só... quantas vezes for preciso, bombeie, cai na água e vão embora.Just however many times it takes, pump it, then you're in the water, and off you go.
Tom, preciso que bombeies manualmente, está bem?Tom, I'm gonna need you to turn these pumps manually.
Muito bem, bombeiem-no.All right, pump it in.
Não vou deixar que o bombeiem no sítio errado.I won't let it be pumped into the wrong place. Do you understand?
Precisa deles vivos, para que bombeiem o sangue.He needs them alive so they can pump out the blood themselves.
Sargento-Chefe, estabeleçam essa linha de combustível e bombeiem-no.Master Chief, get that fuel line across and pump it.
Sentem-se em cima dele e bombeiem-lhe a água.Better sit on his back and pump him out.
- Continue bombeando.- Eighty over 50. - Keep pumping.
Claro que pode, bombeando veneno no coração daquele modo.Of course she could, pumping' venom into her heart that way.
De acordo com o Doc, o afogamento foi encenado bombeando água para o interior do corpo.According to the doc, the drowning was staged by pumping her body full of water.
E com nada para devorá-las, elas cresceram em vastas florestas, bombeando oxigênio no ar.and with nothing around to eat them, they've grown into vast forests pumping oxygen into the air. Hynerpeton has evolved complex lungs to exploit this new oxygen.
Eles o amarraram a uma mesa estranha... bombeando drogas nele, a tentar mantê-lo sedado.They had him tied to some twisted table kind of thing pumping him full of drugs, trying to keep him sedated.
A colchicina interfere com a capacidade dos músculos do coração se contraírem e bombearem o sangue fazendo a pressão arterial descer.The colchicine interferes with the ability of the heart muscle to contract pumping blood, lowering your blood pressure.
Pela primeira vez sinto o tempo como um batimento cardíaco, os segundos a bombearem o meu peito como uma contagem, e os mistérios espectaculares que antes pareciam tão distantes e irreais ameaçando a clareza na presença de uma verdade alimentada não pela juventude, mas pela sua passagem.(Scully's voice) For the first time I feel time like a heartbeat the seconds pumping in my breast like a reckoning the numinous mysteries that once seemed so distant and unreal threatening clarity in the presence of a truth entertained not in youth but only in its passage.
Pela primeira vez sinto o tempo como um batimento cardíaco, os segundos a bombearem o meu peito como uma contagem, e os mistérios espectaculares que antes pareciam tão distantes e irreais ameaçando a clareza na presença de uma verdade alimentada não pela juventude,For the first time l feel time like a heartbeat, the seconds pumping in my breast like a reckoning, the numinous mysteries that once seemed so distant and unreal threatening clarity in the presence of a truth entertained not in youth,
Pois, bombearem-te o estômago faz-te isso.Yeah, having your stomach pumped will do that to you.
Ei, é melhor bombeares os teus travões, querida.Hey, you better pump your brakes, baby.
Assim, se lhe bombearmos 100 mil volts de uma arma de choque eléctrico, podemos não conseguir diagnosticar uma fractura fina, mas vamos ter uma ideia básica.So pump 100,000 volts into one from a taser, and you won't be able to diagnose a hairline fracture, but you'll get the basic idea.
E quanto mais bombearmos, mais depressa vamos pagar a dívida de Southfork e ficamos quites com os venezuelanos.And the more that you pump, the faster you can pay off the loan to Southfork and get it back from the venezuelans.
Se continuar a entrar água sem a bombearmos para fora...If we keep on taking water without the power to pump it out...
Vai explodir se não bombearmos depressa.This suckers is going to blow if we don't pump fast.

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