Mengantre (to in line) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of mengantre

Present tense
I in line
Past tense
sudah mengantre
I inned line
Present perfect tense
sudah mengantre
I have inned line
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengantre
I will have inned line
Future recent tense
mengantre nanti
I will in line
Future distant tense
mengantre kelak
I am going to in line
Present continuous tense
sedang mengantre
I in line
Past distant tense
dulu mengantre
I (a long time ago) inned line
Past recent tense
mengantre tadi
I (recently) inned line
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengantre
I (just now) inned line

Examples of mengantre

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku sedang mengantre, karena aku kebelet pipis.I'm in line, because I have to pee really bad.
Bibi Claire beri kami kartu pas agar tak perlu mengantre.Aunt Claire gave us passes so we don't have to wait in line.
Dengan pembebasan pajak, aku akan yang pertama mengantre.With tax exemption I'll be the first in line.
Jangan lupa kartu pasnya agar bisa masuk semua atraksi tanpa mengantre.Your aunt's got you VIP access... so you can get in all the rides without waiting in line.

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