Mengobrol (to chat) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengobrol

Present tense
I chat
Past tense
sudah mengobrol
I chatted
Present perfect tense
sudah mengobrol
I have chatted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengobrol
I will have chatted
Future recent tense
mengobrol nanti
I will chat
Future distant tense
mengobrol kelak
I am going to chat
Present continuous tense
sedang mengobrol
I chat
Past distant tense
dulu mengobrol
I (a long time ago) chatted
Past recent tense
mengobrol tadi
I (recently) chatted
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengobrol
I (just now) chatted

Examples of mengobrol

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan kita akan mengobrol sedikit.And we're gonna have a IittIe chat. Sit down!
Saya menikmati mengobrol dengan Anda lebih dan lebih.I'm enjoying chatting with you more and more.
Sudah bagus mengobrol dengan Anda.It's been nice chatting with you.
Kami mengobrol bersama setiap hari.We chat together every day.
Kau punya klien yang mau mengobrol dalam bahasa Punjabi, hubungi aku..You ever have a client that wants to chat in Punjabi, I'm your man.

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