Bo (to live) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be in, be, dwell

Conjugation of bo

Bokmål present tense
I live
Bokmål past tense
I lived
Bokmål future tense
vil bo
I will live
Bokmål conditional tense
ville bo
I would live
Bokmål imperative tense
I live
Bokmål present perfect tense
har bodd
I have lived
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde bodd
I had lived
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha bodd
I will have lived
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha bodd
I would have lived

Examples of bo

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Det handler om bidrag, ekskoner, barn sjekker uten dekning og å bo hos min bror.This has to do with alimony and ex-wives and child support and writing checks I can't cover and having to live on my brother's hide-a-bed.
Han trenger et sted å bo.And he needs a place to live.
Da er det godt å bo i et overgangs- hjem der man kan bli passet på.Good for them to live in a halfway house and be looked after.
Vet du, dajeg tok med Edward ned hit for å bo med oss, tenkte jeg ikke ordentlig gjennom det.You know, when I brought Edward down here to live with us, I really didn't think things through.
Du kan ikke fortsette å bo her.You can not be lived here.
En kvinne i hennes alder burde bo i Florida.A woman her age is supposed to live in Florida. Who moves to Vermont.
Du skal bo her med ham så lenge det trengs.You will live here with him as long as it takes.
Han tror at iskalottene på polene vil smelte og at vi må bo under vann.He thinks the polar ice caps are gonna melt... and we'll have to learn to live underwater.
Det handler om bidrag, ekskoner, barn sjekker uten dekning og å bo hos min bror.This has to do with alimony and ex-wives and child support and writing checks I can't cover and having to live on my brother's hide-a-bed.
Folk bør kanskje ikke bo på motell.Maybe people aren't supposed to live in motels.
Er du sikker på at ingen bor her?Are you sure nobody lives here?
Jeg tenker slik på oss noen ganger, og jeg bor her.l think of us that way sometimes, and l live here.
Jeg er temmelig sikker på at han bor i Carlisle.Well, I'm pretty sure he... lives in Colorado.
Hvordan vet du hvor jeg bor?So wait. How do you know where I live?
Nei, jeg bor sammen med min kone.No, I live here with my wife.
Jeg bodde der til jeg var 1 2 år.Yeah. I grew up there. Uh, I lived there till I was 12.
Høyt o ppe i de kaukasiske f jellene bodde det en ørn."High on a Caucasian Mountain peak lived an eagle.
Jeg bodde i New York... men Stella bodde i New Jersey.I lived in New York, but Stella lived accross the river... in New Jersey.
Andrew Laeddis, var visevært i den leiligheten min kone og jeg bodde i.Andrew Laeddis, was the maintenance man in the apartment building where my wife and I lived.
Jeg bodde med gorillaer.I lived with gorillas, pal.
Vi har bodd hos dere, skjult ... men ikke mer.We have lived among you, hidden, but no more.
Har dere bodd her lenge? Denne gamle plassen?So, you two lived here long?
Hun har bodd hos meg siden hun var 14.She's lived with me since she was 14.
Vi har bodd her siden.We've lived here ever since.
Veldig mange har bodd der siden den gang.More people have lived there since then.
Han sa at den som bød 5000 over ikke var ved sine fulle fem, og han ville ikke ha en galning boende i huset sitt.He told the man that offered him $5,000 over his price that no one in his right mind would do that and he wouldn't have a lunatic living in his house.
Og det er et... manne-barn boende i mitt hus med min sønn.And there's a... man-child living in my house with my son.
Tiltak var nødvendig... bare noen uker senere, boende i en stille forstads tilstand, ble Adaline stoppet for en mindre trafikk forseelse.Action was required just weeks later, when, living a quiet suburban existence, Adaline was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction.
Han har uteliggere boende der.He has actual hobos living there.
Men nå fant jeg ut at jeg kanskje er i live allikevel, boende i et hus i West Adams.But now I find out it might be alive and well, living in a house in west adams.

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