Cheirar (to smell) conjugation

99 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: snort, to snort

Conjugation of cheirar

Present tense
I smell
you smell
he/she smells
we smell
you all smell
they smell
Present perfect tense
tenho cheirado
I have smelled
tens cheirado
you have smelled
tem cheirado
he/she has smelled
temos cheirado
we have smelled
tendes cheirado
you all have smelled
têm cheirado
they have smelled
Past preterite tense
I smelled
you smelled
he/she smelled
we smelled
you all smelled
they smelled
Future tense
I will smell
you will smell
he/she will smell
we will smell
you all will smell
they will smell
Conditional mood
I would smell
you would smell
he/she would smell
we would smell
you all would smell
they would smell
Past imperfect tense
I used to smell
you used to smell
he/she used to smell
we used to smell
you all used to smell
they used to smell
Past perfect tense
tinha cheirado
I had smelled
tinhas cheirado
you had smelled
tinha cheirado
he/she had smelled
tínhamos cheirado
we had smelled
tínheis cheirado
you all had smelled
tinham cheirado
they had smelled
Future perfect tense
terei cheirado
I will have smelled
terás cheirado
you will have smelled
terá cheirado
he/she will have smelled
teremos cheirado
we will have smelled
tereis cheirado
you all will have smelled
terão cheirado
they will have smelled
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha cheirado
I have smelled
tenhas cheirado
you have smelled
tenha cheirado
he/she has smelled
tenhamos cheirado
we have smelled
tenhais cheirado
you all have smelled
tenham cheirado
they have smelled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have smelled
(if/so that) you will have smelled
(if/so that) he/she will have smelled
(if/so that) we will have smelled
(if/so that) you all will have smelled
(if/so that) they will have smelled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver cheirado
I will have smelled
tiveres cheirado
you will have smelled
tiver cheirado
he/she will have smelled
tivermos cheirado
we will have smelled
tiverdes cheirado
you all will have smelled
tiverem cheirado
they will have smelled
Imperative mood
let's smell!
Imperative negative mood
não cheires
do not smell!
não cheire
let him/her/it not smell!
não cheiremos
let us not smell!
não cheireis
do not smell!
não cheirem
do not smell!

Examples of cheirar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"'Tu sempre me recordarás, 'o parar para cheirar as flores. '"you always reminded me, 'Stop to smell the flowers. '
"Eu cheirei-o, vocês cheiraram-no, é suposto cheirar a quê?""I smelled it, you smelled it, what is it supposed to smell like?"
"O meu nome é Randy Hickey E adoro cheirar os meus sapatos.My name is Randy Hickey and I love to smell my shoes.
"O que é que fazes para o teu cabelo cheirar tão bem?""How do you get your hair to smell so beautiful?"
"e se não vais comprar nada", com ele, não posso ir porque ele não gosta de nada, e não lhe interessa nada gosta de ir ali aos reformados, para cheirar a velho fico na casa"and if you ' re not going to buy anything". With him I cannot go because he doesn 't like anything and he is not interested in anything he only likes the retire home and like I say "to smell of elderly I stay at home"
! O metano ajuda a disfarçar o cheiro da morte.Methane helps hide the death smell.
"A gente que passava sentiu o cheiro."As people went by they smelled the stench.
"Adoro o cheiro de combustível de jacto de manhã!"Copy that. "I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning!"
"Adoro o cheiro do cartäo, logo de manhä"."I love the smell of cardboard in the morning."
"Adoro o cheiro dos químicos pela manhã."Love the smell of chemo in the morning.
"Gosto da forma como cheiras."" l like the way you smell."
"O que isso a que cheiras?¶ What is that you're smelling?
(cheira) Tu cheiras isso?(sniffs) Do you smell that?
- Agora cheiras muito a menta fresca.-But you smell so minty fresh now.
- Ao menos, não cheiras tão mal como eles.- You didn't smell as bad.
" cabelo de rato", dizem que a minha pele cheira mal, que vimos para cá tirar-lhes o trabalho,"rat hair", they say my skin smells bad, that we come here to steal their jobs,
"...a minha alma cheira como um pombo morto três semanas depois."" soul smells like a dead pigeon after three weeks.
"A sauna" cheira a suor altamente aquecido, rapidamente levedado.The hot room smells of superheated sweat, quick fermented.
"Até o hálito cheira bem."Even your morning breath smells good,
"Cobrador"! Isto cheira mesmo bem!This smells really nice!
Como pode ser mau isso? Há certas coisas que fazemos quando vemos, tocamos, ouvimos, cheiramos e saboreamos de uma vez que lhe farão desejar estar morto.How can that be bad? smelled and tasted all at the same time that'll make you wish you were dead.
Então nós é que cheiramos?Oh, we're the ones that smell, huh?
Então para recapitular nós cheiramos como cagalhões, não temos carro, não há Jimmy Wilson e estou falido.So to recap we smell like turds, we have no car, no Jimmy Wilson and I'm broke.
Eu sei, nós cheiramos mal.I know, we smell funny.
Isto é um posto baleeiro, todos nós cheiramos um pouco.This is a whaling station; we all smell a little.
- Devias tê-la cheirado antes.- You should have smelled it before.
- E tu, não o terias cheirado?Wouldn't you have smelled him?
- Pensei ter cheirado fumo.- I thought I smelled smoke.
Alguém já teria cheirado alguma coisa a esta altura.Somebody would' ve smelled something by now.
Aposto que nunca tinha cheirado o interior de um autocarro escolar.I bet you never smelled a real school bus before
"As borboletas cheiram com os pés". "Os elefantes não conseguem saltar... por mais que tentem.""Butterflies smell with their feet"... and "Elephants can't jump no matter how hard they try"!
"As tílias cheiram delícias Nas noites de junho"How rich smell lime green on the nights of June!"
"Bolas, os teus pés cheiram a queijo.""Man, your feet smell like cheese. "
"Se o teu nariz pinga e os teus pés cheiram mal... foste feito ao contrário." Engraçado."If your nose runs and your feet smell-- You're built upside down." - Funny.
"Será que estas flores sempre cheiram tão bem?""Do these flowers always smell so good?"
"Eu cheirei-o, vocês cheiraram-no, é suposto cheirar a quê?""I smelled it, you smelled it, what is it supposed to smell like?"
- Esta casa é incrível! E assustadora, e nojenta, e tenho a certeza que cheirei um esqueleto.And scary and gross, and I'm pretty sure I smelled a skeleton.
- Também cheirei.- I smelled it too.
-Foi o que cheirei?- Is that what I smelled?
Acabei de acordar e literalmente cheirei o café e o bacon.I just woke up, and literally smelled the coffee and the bacon.
- Tu cheiraste aquele casaco!Maybe! You smelled that jacket!
A mesma coisa que cheiraste no teu irmão, naquela noite.Same thing you smelled on your brother that night.
Bill, não me importa o que cheiraste.Bill, I do not care what you smelled.
Do mesmo modo que cheiraste o que estava no nosso sangue?Same way you smelled whatever it was spiking your blood?
E o Aiden disse no parque que a Kelly cheirava a cerveja, mas tu não cheiraste nada?And Aiden said at the playground That he smelled beer on Kelly. But you didn't, right?
"A mim cheirou-me a leite.""It smelled like milk to me."
- Agente Schaefer, o odor a álcool que cheirou...Officer Schaefer, the alcohol that you smelled...
- Bem que me cheirou a toucinho.- Thought I smelled bacon.
- Foi. Pois, bem me cheirou.Yeah, I smelled that.
- Isso é uma indirecta? - Bem, cheirou-me a café quando entrei.I smelled it when I came in.
"Eu cheirei-o, vocês cheiraram-no, é suposto cheirar a quê?""I smelled it, you smelled it, what is it supposed to smell like?"
A Erva-ulmeira não é a coisa mais bem cheirosa que já cheiraram?Well, isn't that meadowsweet Just the finest-smelling thing you ever smelled?
Bem, senhores, agora que cheiraram todas as nossas colónias, qual vão querer?Well, gentlemen, now that you have smelled all of our colognes, what'll it be?
Foi o que cheiraram no meu hálito.That's what they smelled on my breath.
Já cheiraram a tanga dele?Have you smelled his loincloth?
- Vão comer o veneno, entrar nas paredes, decompor-se e toda a estalagem cheirará mal.They will eat the poison and then go into the walls and die, decompose, and the entire place will smell.
As gavetas cheirarão bem e não desperdiçámos os collants.Our drawers will smell nice, and we didn't waste these pantyhose.
Aquilo a que chamamos rosa tão doce cheiraria com qualquer outro nome.That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.
Não. Mas cheiraria muito a sândalo.But it would smell a lot like sandalwood.
O que lhe cheiraria bem a si?What would smell right to you?
Se estivesse bêbado, o meu hálito cheiraria a álcool.If I was drunk my breath would smell of booze.
Se uma rosa tivesse outro nome qualquer cheiraria bem na mesma.That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Não sei, sempre achei que cheirariam a... frango.I don't know, I always thought it would smell like... Chicken.
"Agradecemos que não cheire o pessoal.""Thank you for not smelling the help."
- Queres que eu cheire a tarte?- Do I have to smell like a tart?
- Rápido, cheire meu traseiro.Code 4. - Quick, smell my butt.
A tua mãe que não cheire a cerveja.Don't let your mother smell that beer on your breath.
Ainda que cheire um ou outro marcador.although, I do smell the occasional Magic Marker.
- Não cheires, não olhes...Don't look! Don't smell, don't look...
- Não me cheires, Turtle.- Don't smell me, turtle.
- Não me cheires.- Don't smell me.
-Então não o cheires. -Não cheires...So don't smell it, don't smell it.
-Não o cheires.- Don't smell it.
A seguir, cheiremos esse hálito.Next up, let's smell that breath.
Porque insiste em que cheiremos as suas axilas?Why do you always insist we smell your armpits?
"Façam algo parecido com os Guns'n'Roses e depois conversamos." "Mas até venderem mais um bilhão de discos, tirem a cabeça do rabo e cheirem."If you assholes could ever write anything that could come close to anything Guns N' Roses has written, maybe you could talk, but until you sell a few billion more albums, take your head out of your asses and smell the air.
A sério, cheirem-me.Just, seriously, smell me.
Ah, cheirem este ar não poluído!Ah, smell that unpolluted air!
Chorar não o trás de volta, a menos que as tuas lágrimas cheirem a comida de cão.Well, crying isn't gonna bring him back unless your tears smell like dog food.
Deixem que cheirem mulheres que são descaradas e genuínas.Let them smell women who are unabashed and un-self-conscious.
Não olhai, não cheirai, apenas bebei duma só vez.Dont look at it. Dont smell it, just down it in one.
Acha mesmo que é possível mudar de vida cheirando o cheiro certo?Do you really think people can change their lives by smelling the right smell?
Apresentaste-te perante sua Excelência... sem tomar banho, cheirando a bacalhau seco!You appeared before His Lordship unbathed, smelling like dried cod
Bem, rapazes, vou lançar a todos a proposta da linha... sem garantir a ninguém que vai sair disto rico ou cheirando rosas, ou mesmo se vai sair com vida.Well, boys, I'll lay the whole proposition on the line... with no guarantee that anybody's coming out of this rich or smelling of roses... or even that you're gonna come out of it at all.
E fazemos isso... cheirando-o.And we do that by... By smelling.
Ele tava cheirando o ralo.He was smelling the drain.
'Eles têm de estar preparados para estarem juntos o suficiente para cheirarem o seu medo e sentirem-se a vir.'Cause they gotta be able to be close enough to smell each other's fear and feel each other come.
- Quando cheirarem mal como o Lou.- When you all smell as bad as Lou.
A princípio conhecidas como Ilhas Spice, devido a cheirarem bem.Formerly known as the Spice Islands, indicating they smell very good.
Apanhei umas salsichas de tofu para ti, mas é para eles cheirarem como o sovaco de um hippie?I zapped up some tempeh-tofu dogs for you, but are they supposed to smell like a hippie's armpit?
Deixem as abominações cheirarem o seu sangue!Let the abominations smell his blood!
"Apanhei uma rosa para cheirares.I picked a rose for you to smell.
"Se tu não cheirares isto, estás despedido." Ok."If you don't smell this, you're fired."
- Depois de cheirares o meu.After he smells mine.
-Estou-te a dizer que podia ser Deus para te dizer para te acalmares, cheirares as rosas.-It could be God's way of telling you to slow down, smell the roses.
Agradecida por me teres ajudado hoje, e agradecida por todos os dias em que estás suficientemente perto para me cheirares.I'm grateful that you helped me out today, and I'm grateful for all the days that you're close enough to smell me.
Se não podemos mudar nada porjá ter acontecido, o melhor é cheirarmos as flores.If you can't change anything because it's already happened... you may as well smell the flowers.
Tenho pomada de mentol para pormos no nariz, para não cheirarmos a caca.I got some menthol rub to put under our noses, so we won't have to smell the poo.
Não era flor que se cheirasse.It was not a flower what if it was smelling.

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