Ertappa (to catch) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of ertappa

Present tense
I catch
Future tense
ska ertappa
I will catch
Conditional mood
skulle ertappa
I would catch
Past perfect tense
har ertappat
I have caught
Future perf.
ska ha ertappat
I will have caught
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha ertappat
I would have caught
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I caught
Past pluperfect tense
hade ertappat
I had caught

Examples of ertappa

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
För att ertappa Dale när han var otrogen.To catch that son of a bitch Dale cheating on me. Yeah, and I did too.
Förutom att ertappa dig.Except catch you by surprise.
Hon tyckte om att ertappa dem.'She liked to catch them out.
Polisen valde att ertappa honom... med att utöva sin rätt till religionsfrihet.Your Honor the city timed this police action to catch my client exercising his constitutionally protected right to religious freedom.
Sånt här skit, som att ertappa ett underbefäI med att ljuga...So crap like this, catching a junior officer in an obvious lie...
- De får inte ertappa oss, i alla fall inte i den smutsiga byken.- You can not catch us, at least not between the dirty laundry.
- Då ska vi ertappa dem.But they will make a mistake, and we will be there to catch them.
Du skulle inte ertappa mig när jag vandrar iväg för att stirra på nån annans döda mormor.Well you wouldn't catch me trekking off to stare at someone else's dead grandmother.
Flög du hela vägen till Moskva för att överraska honom eller ertappa honom?You flew all the way to Moscow to surprise him or to catch him, which was it?
För att ertappa Dale när han var otrogen.To catch that son of a bitch Dale cheating on me. Yeah, and I did too.
Du vet väl att längden på instrumentet inte betyder något utan hur mycket, hur länge och hur ofta din morsa ertappar dig med att spela?You blew the amp. It's not the size of the instrument that matters but how often your mother catches you playing.
För det är ju vad advokater gör, de ertappar lögnare.Because that's what lawyers do, catch people lying.
Han njuter då han ertappar migHe enjoys catching me smoking
Hon ertappar inte dig här.She can't catch you here.
Jag tycker synd om den student som jag ertappar.Any student I catch right handed, I pity them.
- Blev du ertappad? - Nej.- Did you get caught?
Bli inte ertappad med några flickor - ta det lugnt.Don't get caught with any girls. It's your first day. Take it slow.
Blir du ertappad förlorar vi allt. Jag får oss härifrån.Not yet-- if you get caught, we lose everything.
Blir du ertappad, så åker jag in.Oh, my God, no. No. Well, if you'd get caught, I go to prison.
Brottet är att bli ertappad.The crime is getting caught.
- De kanske har blivit ertappade.- Perhaps they've been caught.
- Du ertappade mig.- You caught me.
- Jag ertappade honom med en annan.Yeah, I caught him in bed with another woman.
Brads pappa ertappade dem.Brad's father caught them together.
Det skulle du ha tänkt på innan vi ertappade dig med plånboken.Should have thought of that before we caught you with this purse.
Då måste du ha ertappat mig med att stirra.Then you must have caught me staring.
Ideligen har jag ertappat kvinnor som smusslat in män till denna plats. Alla vräktes omedelbart.Time and again, I have caught women sneaking men inside this sacred space.
Om jag ertappat er i mitt land, hade jag skjutit er utan tvekan.Had I caught you in my country, I'd have had you shot without hesitation.
Om jag hade sovit bättre, om planet hade gått i tid så hade jag inte flippat ut och ertappat Grace med Simon.You know, maybe if I'd gotten more sleep that night, if the plane had been on time, then I wouldn't have freaked out. I wouldn't have quit my job, and then I wouldn't have caught Grace and Simon together.
Så hur många par har du ertappat med att komma i stämning i trädgårdarna?So how many couples have you caught getting in the mood in the gardens?

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